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Created January 3, 2019 21:30
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  • Save unr/aee89762820ae317b3331995b954cc50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save unr/aee89762820ae317b3331995b954cc50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of unr's vetur-focused vim-setup in vscode.
// editor settings
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
"editor.fontSize": 14,
"editor.fontWeight": "500",
"editor.lineHeight": 28,
"editor.letterSpacing": 0,
"editor.fontFamily": "Hack",
"editor.insertSpaces": false,
"editor.tabCompletion": "on",
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.wordWrap": "off",
"editor.suggestFontSize": 16,
"editor.suggestLineHeight": 28,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"editor.codeLens": false, // codelens is the click to expand within a file links... very weird
"editor.emptySelectionClipboard": false, // When I accidentally hit copy without selecting anything and it overrides my clipboard - ugh.
"editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 0,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
// I removed the hyphen "-" from this list for better multi-cursor navigation.
// @freekmurze suggested I remove "$" too for php variables - brilliant!
"editor.wordSeparators": "`~!@#%^&*()=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?",
// workbench adjustments
"workbench.fontAliasing": "antialiased",
"workbench.startupEditor": "none",
"workbench.activityBar.visible": true, // turn this to false, to hide the icons on right side
"workbench.colorTheme": "One Dark Pro",
"workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-icons",
"workbench.sideBar.location": "right",
"window.newWindowDimensions": "maximized",
"window.openFoldersInNewWindow": "off",
// lets not fullscreen, when we want to be zen
"zenMode.fullScreen": false,
// trying out smooth cursor? maybe I like in vim.
"editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": true,
// dont show me files I opened, when looking at explorer
"explorer.openEditors.visible": 0,
// don't find these guys
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/vendor": true,
"storage/framework/views": true
// Show me whitespace in diffs, just in case some slips through, shows up in the GitHub PR, and I look like a dummy.
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
"telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
"window.zoomLevel": 0,
"terminal.integrated.fontSize": 14,
// HTML specific settings
"html.format.indentInnerHtml": true,
"html.format.preserveNewLines": true,
"html.format.unformatted": "code",
"html.format.wrapLineLength": 0,
// Trying to get Vetur working properly
"vetur.format.defaultFormatter": {
// "html": "prettier",
"html": "prettyhtml",
"css": "prettier",
"postcss": "prettier",
"scss": "prettier",
"less": "prettier",
"js": "prettier",
"ts": "prettier",
"stylus": "stylus-supremacy"
"vetur.completion.useScaffoldSnippets": false,
"vetur.format.defaultFormatterOptions": {
"prettyhtml": {
"useTabs": true,
"printWidth": 100, // No line exceeds 100 characters
"singleQuote": true // Prefer single quotes over double quotes
// Emmet is here by default, lets utilize it everywhere
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"javascript": "javascriptreact",
"vue-html": "html",
"razor": "html",
"plaintext": "jade"
// Configuring how to treat PHP files, for backend
"[php]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.autoIndent": false
// VIM!
// VIM!
// VIM!
// VIM!
// vim mode settings
"vim.easymotion": true,
"vim.sneak": true,
"vim.incsearch": true,
"vim.useSystemClipboard": true,
"vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
"vim.hlsearch": true,
"vim.leader": "<space>",
"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
// piano mode exits
"before": ["j", "k"],
"after": ["<Esc>"]
"before": ["k", "j"],
"after": ["<Esc>"]
"vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
// these.... don't let me vim repeat.
// {
// "before": [">"],
// "commands": ["editor.action.indentLines"]
// },
// {
// "before": ["<"],
// "commands": ["editor.action.outdentLines"]
// },
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
// old vim save hotkey
"before": ["<leader>", "w"],
"commands": [""]
// clear search highlight
"before": ["<leader>", "<enter>"],
"commands": [":nohl"]
"before": ["<leader>", "f"],
"commands": ["workbench.action.quickOpen"]
"vim.handleKeys": {
"<C-a>": false,
"<C-f>": false
"": false
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