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Created September 29, 2016 09:29
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from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Merge, Recurrent
from keras.layers.recurrent import SimpleRNN, GRU,LSTM
from keras.layers.embeddings import Embedding
from keras.layers.wrappers import TimeDistributed
import random
import numpy as np
spreadlength = 4 * maxStringLength
def SpreadWithZeros(x, length):
out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0],length), dtype='uint16')
mask = np.zeros((x.shape[0], length), dtype='uint16')
for i in range( x.shape[0] ):
co = 0
ind = 0
while ind < x.shape[1] and co < length:
out[i,co] = x[i,ind]
ind = ind + 1
if( ind < x.shape[1]):
co += random.randint(1,3)
for j in range(co+1):
return out,mask
def BuildSpreadModel(Nclass,loss):
text = Input(batch_shape=(None, spreadlength),dtype='uint16')
emb = Embedding(Nclass, 5, input_length=spreadlength)(text)
#SimpleRNN shouldn't be even needed to solve this toy problem
enc = SimpleRNN( 100, return_sequences=True,activation='tanh' )(emb)
dectext = TimeDistributed(Dense(Nclass+1, activation="softmax"))(enc)
spreadModel = Model(text, dectext)
spreadModel.compile(loss=loss, optimizer='adam', sample_weight_mode='temporal')
return spreadModel
def TrainSpreadModel(model,nbepoch,batch_size):
for i in range(nbepoch):
X = np.random.randint(1, 30, (batch_size, maxStringLength))
xcat, mask = SpreadWithZeros(X, spreadlength)
res = model.train_on_batch(x=xcat, y=X, sm_mask=mask, return_sm=True)
#resultseqs = CTC.best_path_decode_batch(res[1], np.ones((X.shape[0], X.shape[1])))
# for j in range(len(resultseqs)):
# print(resultseqs[j])
#lengths = np.array([len(item) for item in resultseqs])
#print("length " + str(np.mean(lengths)))
modelTrain = BuildSpreadModel(33,"ctc_cost_for_train")
modelPrecise = BuildSpreadModel(33,"ctc_cost_precise")
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