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Last active May 8, 2024 21:41
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  • Save unrelentingfox/e36f6ab065c2a26918c6302b04d8ab7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save unrelentingfox/e36f6ab065c2a26918c6302b04d8ab7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This configuration rings an alarm bell every time you use the wrong shift key. I am experiencing pain in my left pinky, probably because I rely completely on the left shift key for everything. I created this configuration as a way to teach myself to use the right shift key.
# Keyboard event codes 0x00 found at:
# Block using left shift for left half of the keyboard
lshift - 0x32 : osascript -e "beep" # `
lshift - 1 : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - 2 : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - 3 : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - 4 : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - 5 : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - 6 : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - q : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - w : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - e : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - r : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - t : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - a : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - s : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - d : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - f : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - g : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - z : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - x : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - c : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - v : osascript -e "beep"
lshift - b : osascript -e "beep"
# Block using right shift for right half of the keyboard
rshift - 7 : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 8 : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 9 : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 0 : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 0x1B : osascript -e "beep" # -
rshift - 0x18 : osascript -e "beep" # =
rshift - y : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - u : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - i : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - o : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - p : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 0x21 : osascript -e "beep" # [
rshift - 0x1E : osascript -e "beep" # ]
rshift - 0x2A : osascript -e "beep" # \
rshift - h : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - j : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - k : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - l : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 0x29 : osascript -e "beep" # ;
rshift - 0x27 : osascript -e "beep" # '
rshift - n : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - m : osascript -e "beep"
rshift - 0x2B : osascript -e "beep" # ,
rshift - 0x2F : osascript -e "beep" # .
rshift - 0x2C : osascript -e "beep" # /
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