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Created December 18, 2012 06:25
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Save unscripted/4325562 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fixes issue in Simplex theme where shortcoder media button disappears after upgrading WordPress to 3.5. Former method was using media_buttons_context. That method was deprecated in 3.5. ( This file is located @Simplex/core/shortcoder/init.php
add_action('media_buttons' , 'ts_shortcoder_button', 11);
function ts_shortcoder_button(){
$shortcoder_button_image = THEME_CORE_URL . '/images/shortcoder_icon.png';
$shortcoder_button = ' %s';
echo '<a title = "' . __('Insert a Shortcode' , TS_DOMAIN) . '" href="' . THEME_CORE_URL . '/shortcoder/shortcoder.php?init=true&TB_iframe=true&width=500" class="thickbox"><img src = "' . $shortcoder_button_image . '" /></a>';
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