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Last active November 14, 2022 15:02
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from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from import Sequence
from django.db.models import F, Q, TextField, Value
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class InvalidCursor(Exception):
def reverse_ordering(ordering_tuple):
Given an order_by tuple such as `('-created', 'uuid')` reverse the
ordering and return a new tuple, eg. `('created', '-uuid')`.
def invert(x):
return x[1:] if (x.startswith('-')) else '-' + x
return tuple([invert(item) for item in ordering_tuple])
class CursorPage(Sequence):
def __init__(self, items, paginator, has_next=False, has_previous=False):
self.items = items
self.paginator = paginator
self.has_next = has_next
self.has_previous = has_previous
def __len__(self):
return len(self.items)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.items.__getitem__(key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Page: [%s%s]>' % (', '.join(repr(i) for i in self.items[:21]), ' (remaining truncated)' if len(self.items) > 21 else '')
class CursorPaginator(object):
delimiter = '|'
none_string = '::None'
invalid_cursor_message = _('Invalid cursor')
def __init__(self, queryset, ordering):
self.queryset = queryset.order_by(*self._nulls_ordering(ordering))
self.ordering = ordering
def _nulls_ordering(self, ordering, last=False):
nulls_ordering = []
for o in ordering:
is_reversed = o.startswith('-')
o = o.lstrip('-')
if is_reversed:
if last:
if last:
return nulls_ordering
def page(self, first=None, last=None, after=None, before=None):
qs = self.queryset
page_size = first or last
if page_size is None:
return CursorPage(qs, self)
if after is not None:
qs = self.apply_cursor(after, qs)
if before is not None:
qs = self.apply_cursor(before, qs, reverse=True)
if first is not None:
qs = qs[:first + 1]
if last is not None:
if first is not None:
raise ValueError('Cannot process first and last')
qs = qs.order_by(*self._nulls_ordering(reverse_ordering(self.ordering), last=True))[:last + 1]
qs = list(qs)
items = qs[:page_size]
if last is not None:
has_additional = len(qs) > len(items)
additional_kwargs = {}
if first is not None:
additional_kwargs['has_next'] = has_additional
additional_kwargs['has_previous'] = bool(after)
elif last is not None:
additional_kwargs['has_previous'] = has_additional
additional_kwargs['has_next'] = bool(before)
return CursorPage(items, self, **additional_kwargs)
def apply_cursor(self, cursor, queryset, reverse=False):
position = self.decode_cursor(cursor)
# this was previously implemented as tuple comparison done on postgres side
# Assume comparing 3-tuples a and b,
# the comparison a < b is equivalent to:
# (a.0 < b.0) || (a.0 == b.0 && (a.1 < b.1)) || (a.0 == b.0 && a.1 == b.1 && (a.2 < b.2))
# The expression above does not depend on short-circuit evalution support,
# which is usually unavailable on backend RDB
# In order to reflect that in DB query,
# we need to generate a corresponding WHERE-clause.
# Suppose we have ordering ("field1", "-field2", "field3")
# (note negation 2nd item),
# and corresponding cursor values are ("value1", "value2", "value3"),
# `reverse` is False.
# In order to apply cursor, we need to generate a following WHERE-clause:
# WHERE ((field1 < value1) OR
# (field1 = value1 AND field2 > value2) OR
# (field1 = value1 AND field2 = value2 AND field3 < value3).
# We will use `__lt` lookup for `<`,
# `__gt` for `>` and `__exact` for `=`.
# (Using case-sensitive comparison as long as
# cursor values come from the DB against which it is going to be compared).
# The corresponding django ORM construct would look like:
# filter(
# Q(field1__lt=Value(value1)) |
# Q(field1__exact=Value(value1), field2__gt=Value(value2)) |
# Q(field1__exact=Value(value1), field2__exact=Value(value2), field3__lt=Value(value3))
# )
# In order to remember which keys we need to compare for equality on the next iteration,
# we need an accumulator in which we store all the previous keys.
# When we are generating a Q object for j-th position/ordering pair,
# our q_equality would contain equality lookups
# for previous pairs of 0-th to (j-1)-th pairs.
# That would allow us to generate a Q object like the following:
# Q(f1__exact=Value(v1), f2__exact=Value(v2), ..., fj_1__exact=Value(vj_1), fj__lt=Value(vj)),
# where the last item would depend on both "reverse" option and ordering key sign.
filtering = Q()
q_equality = {}
position_values = [Value(pos, output_field=TextField()) if pos is not None else None for pos in position]
for ordering, value in zip(self.ordering, position_values):
is_reversed = ordering.startswith('-')
o = ordering.lstrip('-')
if value is None:
key = "{}__isnull".format(o)
if reverse is True:
q = {key : False}
filtering |= Q(**q)
q = {} # DROP THIS
q_equality.update({key: True})
if reverse != is_reversed:
comparison_key = "{}__lt".format(o)
comparison_key = "{}__gt".format(o)
q = {comparison_key: value}
filtering |= Q(**q)
equality_key = "{}__exact".format(o)
q_equality.update({equality_key: value})
return queryset.filter(filtering)
def decode_cursor(self, cursor):
orderings = b64decode(cursor.encode('ascii')).decode('utf8')
return [ordering if ordering != self.none_string else None for ordering in orderings.split(self.delimiter)]
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise InvalidCursor(self.invalid_cursor_message)
def encode_cursor(self, position):
encoded = b64encode(self.delimiter.join(position).encode('utf8')).decode('ascii')
return encoded
def position_from_instance(self, instance):
position = []
for order in self.ordering:
parts = order.lstrip('-').split('__')
attr = instance
while parts:
attr = getattr(attr, parts[0])
if attr is None:
return position
def cursor(self, instance):
return self.encode_cursor(self.position_from_instance(instance))
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