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Created July 21, 2023 16:09
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# See
import sys
import asyncio
import openai
from ogbujipt.async_helper import schedule_callable # , openai_api_surrogate
from ogbujipt import config
from ogbujipt.prompting.basic import format
from ogbujipt.prompting.model_style import ALPACA_DELIMITERS
model_params = {}
async def indicate_progress(pause=0.5):
Simple progress indicator for the console. Just prints dots.
while True:
print('.', end='', flush=True)
await asyncio.sleep(pause)
openai_globals = ['api_base', 'api_key', 'api_key_path']
def cache_openai_api_params():
params = {}
for k in openai_globals:
if hasattr(openai, k):
params[k] = getattr(openai, k)
return params
def openai_api_surrogate(prompt, api_func=openai.Completion.create, **kwargs):
# Reset API details, relevant when emulating OpenAI
trimmed_kwargs = {}
for k in kwargs:
if k in openai_globals:
setattr(openai, k, kwargs[k])
trimmed_kwargs[k] = kwargs[k]
# Send other, provided args to the generation function
return api_func(prompt=prompt, **trimmed_kwargs)
class llm_request:
tasks = {}
def __init__(self, topic):
self.topic = topic
def wrap(self):
prompt = format(f'Tell me a funny joke about {self.topic}', delimiters=ALPACA_DELIMITERS)
self.task = asyncio.create_task(
schedule_callable(openai_api_surrogate, prompt, model='text-ada-001', **cache_openai_api_params()))
llm_request.tasks[self.task] = self
return self.task
async def async_main():
topics = ['wild animals', 'vehicles', 'space aliens']
# model_params = dict(
# max_tokens=60, # Limit number of generated tokens
# top_p=1, # AKA nucleus sampling; can increase generated text diversity
# frequency_penalty=0, # Favor more or less frequent tokens
# presence_penalty=1, # Prefer new, previously unused tokens
# )
indicator_task = asyncio.create_task(indicate_progress())
# Notice the pattern of passing in the callable iself, then the params
# You can't just do, say llm(prompt) because that will actually
# call the function & block on the LLM request
llm_requests = [llm_request(t) for t in topics]
llm_tasks = [req.wrap() for req in llm_requests]
# Need to gather to make sure all LLm tasks are completed
gathered_llm_tasks = asyncio.gather(*llm_tasks)
done, _ = await asyncio.wait((indicator_task, gathered_llm_tasks), return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
# Only completed task will be from the gather() of llm_tasks, and it has results in original order
results = zip(llm_requests, next(iter(done)).result())
for req, resp in results:
print(f'Result re {req.topic}')
def main():
openai.model = 'text-ada-001'
# Just hardcode these params
model_params['llmtemp'], model_params['model'] = 1, 'text-ada-001'
openai.api_key_path = sys.argv[1]
# openai_api = config.openai_live(model=model, debug=True)
# model_params['api_key_path'] = openai.api_key_path
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Re-entry control. Don't want main() executed on re-import
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