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Last active August 6, 2016 04:14
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Some scripts
var uTools = {};
Compatible solution for native methods
! function () {
'use strict';
if (typeof Object.create != 'function') {
Object.create = function () {
var Temp = function () {};
return function (proto) {
if (proto !== Object(proto) && proto !== null) {
throw new TypeError('Argument must be an object, or null');
Temp.prototype = proto || {};
var result = new Temp();
Temp.prototype = null;
// simulate Object.create(null)
proto === null && (result.__proto__ = null);
return result;
! function () {
'use strict';
if (typeof Function.prototype.bind != 'function') {
Function.prototype.bind = function (content) {
if (typeof this != 'function') {
throw new TypeError('what is trying to be bound is not callable.')
var args =, 1),
toBind = this;
return function () {
toBind.apply(content, args.concat(;
// source:
// deal with that slice can not be call with DOM elements in IE < 9
! function () {
'use strict';
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
try {
// slice can not be used with DOM elements in IE < 9;
} catch (e) {
Array.prototype.slice = function (begin, end) {
end = typeof end != 'undefined' ? end : this.length;
// if the caller is an native Array
if (, -1) == 'Array') {
return, begin, end);
var i, size, start, last,
obj = Object(this),
copy = [],
len = obj.length;
// format arguments
start = typeof begin != 'number' ? 0 :
begin >= 0 ? begin :
Math.max(0, len + begin);
last = typeof end != 'number' ? len :
end >= 0 ? Math.min(end, len) :
len + end;
size = last - start;
if (size > 0) {
copy = new Array(size);
// process when slice bound to a string
if (obj.charAt) {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
copy[i] = obj.charAt(start + i);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
copy[i] = obj[start + i];
return copy;
! function () {
'use strict';
if (typeof Array.prototype.forEach != 'function') {
Array.prototype.forEach = function (fn) {
var arr = Object(this),
i = 0,
len = 0;
if (, -1) != 'Array') {
throw new TypeError('Argument must be an array!');
if (!(len = arr.length)) return;
do {
fn(arr[i], i, arr);
} while (++i < len);
fn = null;
arr = null;
! function () {
'use strict';
if (typeof Array.prototype.reduce != 'function') {
Array.prototype.reduce = function (fn, orig) {
var arr = Object(this),
i = 0,
len = 0,
pre = 0;
if (, -1) != 'Array') {
throw new TypeError('Argument must be an array!');
if (!(len = arr.length)) return;
if (typeof orig != 'undefined') {
pre = orig;
} else {
pre = arr[0];
if (len === 1) {
return pre;
do {
pre = fn(pre, arr[i], i, arr);
} while (++i < len);
fn = null;
org = null;
arr = null;
return pre;
! function () {
'use strict';
if (typeof Array.prototype.join != 'function') {
Array.prototype.join = function (rep) {
rep = String(rep);
this.reduce(function (pre, crt, idx, arr) {
return '' + pre + rep + crt;
! function () {
'use strict';
if (typeof Object.defineProperty != 'function') {
Object.defineProperty = function (o, p, d) {
o.__defineGetter__(p, d.get);
o.__defineSetter__(p, d.set);
Common tool set
! function ($, global) {
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
getOwns = Object.getOwnPropertyNames,
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
function getTypeOf(obj) {
var type =, -1).toLowerCase();
if (type != 'object') return type;
if (obj.constructor &&
!, 'constructor') &&
!, 'isPrototypeOf')) {
return obj.constructor.toString().match(/function\s*([^\(\s]*)/)[1].toLowerCase();
// return true if it is a array
function isArray(obj) {
return getTypeOf(obj) == 'array';
// return true if it is a DOM node
function isNode(obj) {
return typeof Node == 'object' ? obj instanceof Node :
obj && typeof obj == 'object' && typeof obj.nodeType == 'number' && typeof obj.nodeName == 'string'
// return true if it is a DOM element
function isElement(obj) {
return typeof HTMLElement == 'object' ? obj instanceof HTMLElement :
obj && typeof obj == 'object' && obj != null && obj.nodeType === 1 && typeof obj.nodeName == 'string';
// detect IE or IE version
function isIE(ver) {
var b = document.createElement('b');
b.innerHTML = '<!--[if IE ' + ver + ']><i></i><![endif]-->';
return b.getElementsByTagName('i').length === 1;
// function lazy load
function lazyLoad(expr, fn1, fn2) {
if (typeof fn1 != 'function') {
throw new ReferenceError('The second parameter must be a function to be returned.');
if (typeof fn2 != 'function') {
throw new ReferenceError('The third parameter must be a function to be returned.');
if (typeof expr == 'boolean') {
return expr ? fn1 : fn2;
} else if (typeof expr == 'function') {
return expr() ? fn1 : fn2;
} else {
throw new new TypeError('The first parameter should be a boolean or function to be called.');
var getWinWidth = function () {
return lazyLoad(typeof global.innerWidth == 'number', function () {
return global.innerWidth;
function () {
return document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth
var getElms = function (parent, selector) {
var hasPrototypeProperty = function (obj, name) {
return ! && (name in obj);
function each(obj, fn) {
var p, v;
// convert NodeList into array if the first element is node
if (isNode(obj[0])) {
obj =, 0);
if (isArray(obj)) {
} else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
for (p in obj) {
if (, p)) {
v = obj[p];
fn(v, p, obj);
} else {
throw new TypeError('This method only accept array or object.');
return obj;
var clone = function f(obj) {
var newObj,
i = 0,
if (obj == undefined) {
throw new TypeError('undefined can not be cloned.');
if (obj.nodeType) {
throw new TypeError('not support DOM clone.');
if (!(constructor = obj.constructor)) console.log('Can not get prototype.');
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'boolean':
case 'number':
case 'string':
return obj;
if (typeof constructor == 'function') {
switch (getTypeOf(obj)) {
case 'math':
return obj;
case 'object':
newObj = {};
case 'array':
newObj = [];
case 'function':
fnArr = obj.match(/^function[^\(]*\(([^\(\)]*)\)\s*\{([\s\S]*)\}$/);
newObj = Function.apply(null, arr);
case 'regexp':
newObj = new RegExp(obj.source, obj.flags);
case 'date':
newObj = new Date(obj.toString());
newObj = new constructor(obj);
props = getOwns(obj);
if ((len = props.length) === 0) return newObj;
do {
prop = props[i];
newObj[prop] = f(obj[prop]);
} while (++i < len);
return newObj;
// get computed style in a DOM element
var getStyle = function () {
return lazyLoad(function () {
return typeof global.getComputedStyle == 'function';
}, function (domElm) {
return global.getComputedStyle(domElm);
}, function (domElm) {
return domElm.currentStyle;
var getRules = function (sheet) {
return sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
$.fn = Object.create({
name: 'generic tools',
getTypeOf: getTypeOf,
isArray: isArray,
isNode: isNode,
isElement: isElement,
isIE: isIE,
hasPrototypeProperty: hasPrototypeProperty,
lazyLoad: lazyLoad,
each: each,
getWinWidth: getWinWidth,
getStyle: getStyle,
getRules: getRules,
getElms: getElms
global._uTools = global.$ = global._$ = $;
}(uTools, window || self);
The event wrapper for compatibility
! function ($) {
function EventWrapper(obj) {
this.handlers = {};
this.source = obj;
function preventDefault() {
this.preventDefault ?
this.preventDefault() :
this.returnValue = false;
EventWrapper.prototype = {
constructor: EventWrapper,
fire: function () {},
on: function (type, handler) {
if (!(this instanceof EventWrapper)) {
throw TypeError('This object is not EventWrapper instance.');
if (typeof this.handlers[type] == 'undefined') {
this.handlers[type] = []; = this.trigger.bind(this);
this.source.addEventListener ?
this.source.addEventListener(type, :
this.source.attachEvent('on' + type,;
return this;
off: function (type, handler) {
var idx = -1;
if (!(this instanceof EventWrapper)) {
throw TypeError('This object is not EventWrapper instance.');
if (typeof this.handlers[type] == 'undefined') {
console.log('This handler had not been added.');
} else {
idx = this.handlers[type].indexOf(handler);
this.handlers[type].splice(idx, 1);
if (!this.handlers[type].length) {
return this;
removeAll: function (type) {
this.source.removeEventListener ?
this.source.removeEventListener(type, :
this.source.detachEvent('on' + type,;
return this;
// can be extended to accept second argument,
// can only trigger handlers, while not trigger event
trigger: function (event) {
event = event || window.event; || ( = event.srcElement);
event.preventDefault = preventDefault;
.forEach(function (item) {
return this;
$.EventWrapper = EventWrapper;
The DOM wrapper for compatibility
! function ($, global) {
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function DOMWrapper(domElm) {
this.source = domElm;
var proto = new $.EventWrapper();
// add class on the DOM element
proto.addClass = function (val) {
if (typeof val == 'undefined') return;
var domElm = this.source,
classList = domElm.className.split(' ');
classList.indexOf(val) > -1 ||
(domElm.className += ' ' + String(val));
return this;
// remove class on the DOM element
proto.removeClass = function (val) {
if (typeof val == 'undefined') return;
var domElm = this.source,
classList = domElm.className.split(' '),
idx = classList.indexOf(val),
idx > -1 &&
(removed = classList.splice(idx, 1),
domElm.className = classList.join(''));
return this;
// argument [val] will not contain leading or heading white space,
// and <script> or <style> element do not use this method!
proto.text = function () {
return $.fn.lazyLoad(function () {
var b = document.createElement('b'),
t = typeof b.textContent == 'undefined';
b = null;
return t;
}, function (val) {
var domElm = this.source,
value = val == null ?
domElm.innerText :
(domElm.innerText = String(val));
return value;
function (val) {
var domElm = this.source,
value = val == null ?
domElm.textContent :
(domElm.textContent = String(val));
return value;
// get or set data in a DOM element's data attribute,
// can choose get string or parsed object = function () {
return $.fn.lazyLoad(function () {
var b = document.createElement('b'),
t = typeof b.dataset == 'undefined';
b = null;
return t;
}, function (name, val, dontParse) {
var domElm = this.source,
// detect null and undefined
if (name == null) return;
name = String(name);
// eliminate the '-*' or '*-' data name
if (/^-.+|.+-$/g.test(name)) {
throw SyntaxError('The leading or trailing dash not allowed!');
// process the data name except for 'data-*'
/^data-.+/.test(name) ||
/[^-]-[^-]/.test() ?
(name = 'data-' + name) : // prepend 'data-' into the '*-*' data name
(name = 'data-' + name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (m) {
return '-' + m.toLowerCase();
// detect null and undefined
if (val == null) {
value = domElm.getAttribute(name);
dontParse || (value = JSON.parse(value));
} else {
value = dontParse ? val : JSON.stringify(val);
domElm.setAttribute(name, value);
return value;
}, function (name, val, dontParse) {
var domElm = this.source,
// detect null and undefined
if (name == null) return;
name = String(name);
if (/^-.+|.+-$/g.test(name)) {
throw SyntaxError('The leading or trailing dash not allowed!');
// process the wrong format of name, like data-at-of-by into atOfBy
/^data-.+/.test(name) &&
(name = name.replace(/^data-/, ''));
name = name.replace(/-([^-])/g, function (m, p) {
return p.toUpperCase();
// detect null and undefined
if (val == null) {
value = domElm.dataset[name];
dontParse || (value = JSON.parse(value));
} else {
value = dontParse ? val : JSON.stringify(val);
domElm.dataset[name] = value;
return value;
// get or set the attribute of a DOM element
proto.attr = function (name, val) {
var value,
domElm = this.source;
if (typeof name == 'undefined') return;
name = String(name);
// detect null and undefined
val == null ?
(value = domElm.getAttribute(String(name))) :
(value = String(val),
domElm.setAttribute(name, value));
return value;
// get or set the property of a DOM element
proto.prop = function (name, val) {
var value,
domElm = this.source;
if (typeof name == 'undefined') return;
name = String(name);
// detect null and undefined
val == null ?
(value = domElm[name]) :
(value = String(val),
domElm[name] = value);
return value;
// get or set the style sheets in a DOM element
// support simple arithmetic about size(px/em/%)
proto.css = function (obj) {
var p, v, s, f, mv, ms,
domElm = this.source,
reg1 = /([\+\-\*\/])([\d\.]*)(px|em|%)?/,
reg2 = /([\d\.]*)px/;
// detect null and undefined
if (obj == null)
return $.fn.getStyle(domElm);
if (typeof obj == 'object') {
for (p in obj) {
if (, p)) {
v = obj[p];
if (typeof v != 'string') continue;
mv = v.match(reg1);
// need for arithmetic computation
if (mv && mv[0].length == v.length && mv[1]) {
s = $.fn.getStyle(domElm);
// base value used to evaluate the relative value setting
// em can not work in IE 8,
// because of IE8's computed font-size is measured in em.
f = parseFloat(s.fontSize);
// the computed styles contain the prop
if (ms = s[p].match(reg2)) {
switch (mv[3]) {
case 'em':
v = eval((+mv[2] * f) + mv[1] + ms[1]);
case '%':
v = eval((+mv[2] / 100 * ms[1]) + mv[1] + ms[1]);
default: // deal with px and pure numbr in the indentical
v = eval(mv[2] + mv[1] + ms[1]);
} else {
v += 'px';
}[p] = v;
return this;
proto.append = function (wrpObj) {
var parent = this.source,
newChild = wrpObj.source;
return this;
proto.prepend = function (wrpObj) {
var parent = this.source,
newChild = wrpObj.source,
firstChild = parent.firstChild;
parent.insertBefore(newChild, firstChild);
return this;
proto.before = function (wrpObj) {
var newChild = wrpObj.source,
refChild = this.source,
parent = refChild.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
return this;
proto.after = function (wrpObj) {
var newChild = wrpObj.source,
refChild = this.source,
parent = refChild.parentNode,
if (refChild == parent.lastChild) {
} else {
nextChild = refChild.nextSibling;
parent.insertBefore(newChild, nextChild);
return this;
proto.appendTo = function (wrpObj) {
return this;
proto.prependTo = function (wrpObj) {
return this;
proto.insertBefore = function (wrpObj) {
return this;
proto.insertAfter = function (wrpObj) {
return this;
DOMWrapper.prototype = proto;
proto = null;
$.DOMWrapper = DOMWrapper;
}(uTools, window || self);
! function ($) {
$.wrp = function (obj) {
// detect whether create a DOM element
var reg1 = /^\s*\<([\d\w]+)[\s\S]*\>[\s\S]*\<\/\1\>\s*$/, // complete tag
reg2 = /^\s*\<([\d\w]+)[^\<\>]*\/\>\s*$/, // self-closed tag
if ($.fn.isNode(obj)) {
return new $.DOMWrapper(obj);
} else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
return new $.EventWrapper(obj);
} else if (typeof obj == 'string') {
m = obj.match(reg1) || obj.match(reg2) || obj.match(reg3);
console.log('To creat a ' + m[1] + ' element');
docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
tmpDiv = document.createElement('div');
tmpDiv.innerHTML = obj;
$.fn.each(tmpDiv.childNodes, function (child) {
if (child.nodeType === 1) {
tmpDiv = null;
return $.wrp(docFrag);
throw new TypeError('The parameter should be an object or DOM element.');
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