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Last active December 17, 2015 17:49
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Remote control command for multiple ESX 5.1 HVs.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Remote VMware ESX 5.1 Control Commands
# Requires
# - sshpass
# - VMware-ovf-tools
import re
import sys
import commands
import subprocess
hvlist = [
{ 'name' : 'hv1',
'addr' : '',
'user' : 'upa',
'pass' : 'password'
{ 'name' : 'hv2',
'addr' : '',
'user' : 'upa',
'pass' : 'password'
# VM staructure template. it's reference for myself.
vmtemplate = {
'hv' : 'hv1',
'name' : 'VM Name',
'vmid' : 'VM id (HV internal)'
def error_exit (estr, code) :
print estr
sys.exit (code)
def usage () :
print " Remote Control multipe VMware ESX via vim-cmd and ovftool"
print ""
print " rvmx [cmd] [options]"
print ""
print " - VM related oprerations."
print " vmlist (HVname) : display VM list on HVs"
print " vmid [VMname] : display VMid"
print " getmac [VMname] : get mac address of VM"
print " getnet [VMname] : get network of VM"
print " setnet [VMname] [ethX] [Net] : set VM network (stopped VM only)"
print " power [VMname] [on/off/status] : change VM power state"
print ""
print " - Network related operations."
print " vslist (HVname) : display vSwitch list"
print " addpg [HVname] [VSname] [Name] : add new portgroup to vSwitch"
print " delpg [HVname] [VSname] [Name] : delete portgroup from vSwitch"
print " setvlan [HVname] [VSname] [Name] [VlanID] : set vlan to portgroup"
print ""
print " - VM template operations."
print " import [OVA] [VMname] [HVname] : import new ova template"
sys.exit (0)
def fill_space (string, maxnum) :
n = maxnum - len (string)
s = ""
for x in range (n) :
s = s + " "
return s
def search_hv_by_name (name) :
for hv in hvlist :
if hv['name'] == name :
return hv
return None
# Remote vim-cmd class
class rvmx () :
def __init__ (self) :
self.hvlist = []
self.commands = {}
self.hvlist = hvlist
self.install_commands ()
def install_commands (self) :
self.commands = {
"vmlist" : rvmx_vmlist,
"vmid" : rvmx_vmid,
"getmac" : rvmx_getmac,
"getnet" : rvmx_getnet,
"power" : rvmx_power,
"setnet" : rvmx_setnet,
"vslist" : rvmx_vslist,
"addpg" : rvmx_addpg,
"delpg" : rvmx_delpg,
"setvlan" : rvmx_setvlan,
"import" : rvmx_import,
def exec_rvmx (self, args) :
if len (args) == 0 :
usage ()
if not self.commands.has_key (args[0]) :
error_exit ("invalid command \"%s\"" % args[0], -1)
cmd = args.pop (0)
self.commands[cmd] (args)
sys.exit (0)
def search_vm_by_name (vmname) :
# [VMname]
for hv in hvlist :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms" %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
vmlist = rvmx_vmlist_parse_getallvms (hv, output)
for vm in vmlist :
if vm['name'] == vmname :
return vm
return None
def rvmx_vmlist_parse_getallvms (hv, output) :
vmlist = []
o = re.sub (r' +', ' ', output)
s = o.split ('\n')
s.pop (0)
for line in s :
ls = line.split (' ')
vmid = int (ls.pop (0))
name = ls.pop (0)
ls.pop (0) # [datastore1]
vmx = ls.pop (0)
vmx = "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/" + vmx
vmlist.append ({'hv' : hv, 'name' : name,
'vmid' : vmid, 'vmx' : vmx })
return vmlist
def rvmx_vmlist (args) :
# (HVname)
h_flag = False
hvname = ""
if len (args) > 0 :
hvname = args[0]
h_flag = True
print "HyperVisor",
print fill_space ("HyperVisor", 12),
print "Address",
print fill_space ("Address", 16),
print "VMname",
print fill_space ("VMname", 32),
print "VMid"
for hv in hvlist :
if h_flag :
if hvname != hv['name'] :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms" %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
vmlist = rvmx_vmlist_parse_getallvms (hv, output)
for vm in vmlist :
print vm['hv']['name'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['name'], 12),
print vm['hv']['addr'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['addr'], 16),
print vm['name'],
print fill_space (vm['name'], 32),
print vm['vmid']
def rvmx_vmid (args) :
# [VMname]
if len (args) != 1 :
error_exit ("invalid commands \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
print "HyperVisor",
print fill_space ("HyperVisor", 12),
print "Address",
print fill_space ("Address", 16),
print "VMname",
print fill_space ("VMname", 12),
print "VMid"
for hv in hvlist :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms" %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
vmlist = rvmx_vmlist_parse_getallvms (hv, output)
for vm in vmlist :
if vm['name'] != args[0] :
print vm['hv']['name'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['name'], 12),
print vm['hv']['addr'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['addr'], 16),
print vm['name'],
print fill_space (vm['name'], 12),
print vm['vmid']
def rvmx_getmac (args) :
# [VMname]
if len (args) < 1 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
vmname = args.pop (0)
e_flag = False
try :
aeth = args.pop (0)
e_flag = True
except :
matched_vmlist = []
for hv in hvlist :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms" %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
vmlist = rvmx_vmlist_parse_getallvms (hv, output)
for vm in vmlist :
if vm['name'] == vmname :
matched_vmlist.append (vm)
if not e_flag :
print "HyperVisor",
print fill_space ("HyperVisor", 10),
print "Address",
print fill_space ("Address", 16),
print "VMname",
print fill_space ("VMname", 12),
print "Interface",
print fill_space ("Interface", 12),
print "MAC"
for vm in matched_vmlist :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p %s ssh -l %s %s " %
(vm['hv']['pass'], vm['hv']['user'], vm['hv']['addr'])+
"cat %s | grep ethernet | grep generatedAddress | grep :"
% (vm['vmx']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
lines = output.split ('\n')
for line in lines :
try :
(ethaddr, strmac) = line.split (' = ')
except :
(eth, gaddr) = ethaddr.split ('.')
mac = strmac[1:18]
if e_flag :
if eth == aeth :
print mac
else :
print vm['hv']['name'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['name'], 10),
print vm['hv']['addr'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['addr'], 16),
print vm['name'],
print fill_space (vm['name'], 12),
print eth,
print fill_space (eth, 12),
print mac
def rvmx_getnet (args) :
# [VMname]
if len (args) != 1 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
vmname = args.pop (0)
matched_vmlist = []
for hv in hvlist :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms" %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
vmlist = rvmx_vmlist_parse_getallvms (hv, output)
for vm in vmlist :
if vm['name'] == vmname :
matched_vmlist.append (vm)
print "HyperVisor",
print fill_space ("HyperVisor", 12),
print "Address",
print fill_space ("Address", 16),
print "VMname",
print fill_space ("VMname", 12),
print "Interface",
print fill_space ("Interface", 12),
print "Network"
for vm in matched_vmlist :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p %s ssh -l %s %s " %
(vm['hv']['pass'], vm['hv']['user'], vm['hv']['addr']) +
"cat %s | grep ethernet | grep networkName"
% (vm['vmx']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
lines = output.split ('\n')
for line in lines :
(ethnet, strnet) = line.split (' = ')
(eth, net) = ethnet.split ('.')
net = re.sub (r'"', '', strnet)
print vm['hv']['name'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['name'], 12),
print vm['hv']['addr'],
print fill_space (vm['hv']['addr'], 16),
print vm['name'],
print fill_space (vm['name'], 12),
print eth,
print fill_space (eth, 12),
print net
def rvmx_power (args) :
# [VMname] [on/off/status]
if len (args) != 2 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
(vmname, state) = args
if state == "status" :
state = "getstate"
vm = search_vm_by_name (vmname)
if vm == None :
error_exit ("VMname \"%s\" does not exist" % vmname, -1)
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p %s ssh -l %s %s " %
(vm['hv']['pass'], vm['hv']['user'], vm['hv']['addr']) +
"vim-cmd vmsvc/power.%s %d" % (state, vm['vmid'])
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
print output
def rvmx_setnet (args) :
# [VMname] [ethX] [Net]
if len (args) != 3 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
(vmname, eth, netname) = args
vm = search_vm_by_name (vmname)
if vm == None :
error_exit ("VMname \"%s\" does not exist" % vmname, -1)
sedcmdstr = \
("\"sed -i 's/%s\.networkName = .*/%s\.networkName = \\\"%s\\\"/'\""
% (eth, eth, netname))
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p %s ssh -l %s %s " %
(vm['hv']['pass'], vm['hv']['user'], vm['hv']['addr']) +
"%s %s" % (sedcmdstr, vm['vmx'])
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
def rvmx_vslist (args) :
# (hvname)
hv_f = False
if len (args) > 0 :
hvname = args.pop (0)
hv_f = True
for hv in hvlist :
if hv_f :
if hvname != hv['name'] :
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s esxcfg-vswitch -l" %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
print "HyperVisor : %s (%s)" % (hv['name'], hv['addr'])
print output
def rvmx_addpg (args) :
# HVname VSname PGname
if len (args) != 3 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
(hvname, vsname, pgname) = args
hv = search_hv_by_name (hvname)
if hv == None :
error_exit ("HV \"%s\" does not exist" % hvname, -1)
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s esxcfg-vswitch " %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']) +
"-A %s %s" % (pgname, vsname))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
print output,
def rvmx_delpg (args) :
# HVname VSname PGname
if len (args) != 3 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
(hvname, vsname, pgname) = args
hv = search_hv_by_name (hvname)
if hv == None :
error_exit ("HV \"%s\" does not exist" % hvname, -1)
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s esxcfg-vswitch " %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']) +
"-D %s %s" % (pgname, vsname))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
print output,
def rvmx_setvlan (args) :
# HVname VSname PGname VlanID
if len (args) != 4 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
(hvname, vsname, pgname, vlan) = args
hv = search_hv_by_name (hvname)
if hv == None :
error_exit ("HV \"%s\" does not exist" % hvname, -1)
cmdstr = ("sshpass -p '%s' ssh -l %s %s esxcfg-vswitch " %
(hv['pass'], hv['user'], hv['addr']) +
"-p %s -v %s %s" % (pgname, vlan, vsname))
output = commands.getoutput (cmdstr)
print output,
def rvmx_import (args) :
# OVA VMname HVname
if len (args) != 3 :
error_exit ("invalid command syntax \"%s\"" % ' '.join (args), -1)
(ovafile, vmname, hvname) = args
hv = search_hv_by_name (hvname)
if hv == None :
error_exit ("HV \"%s\" does not exist" % hvname, -1)
cmdstr = ("ovftool --name=%s %s vi://%s:%s@%s/" %
(vmname, ovafile, hv['user'], hv['pass'], hv['addr']))
cmdarg = cmdstr.split (' ') (cmdarg)
def main () :
args = sys.argv
args.pop (0) # remove "rvmx"
rv = rvmx ()
rv.exec_rvmx (args)
sys.exit (0)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
main ()
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