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Created March 18, 2015 15:26
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  • Save upbit/77c227ee896a495c196e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save upbit/77c227ee896a495c196e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitHub config for China
[url ""]
# Always use GitHub SSH protocol to push.
# Allows use of git:// for public repositories with push access
#pushInsteadOf = git://
pushInsteadOf =
[url ""]
# Use HTTP for GitHub instead of git:// or git@
# Enable this in networks where git:// or git@ are blocked.
#insteadOf = git://
#insteadOf =
[url "git://"]
# Use SSH for GitHub instead of https://
# Enable this in networks where https:// has issues.
insteadOf =
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