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Created September 21, 2014 06:47
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## dump object to string
# XXX - ''.join([(len(`chr(x)`)==3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)])
__vis_filter = """................................ !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................."""
def hexdump(buf, length=16):
"""form dpkt: Return a hexdump output string of the given buffer."""
n = 0
res = []
print " 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F"
print " +-----------------------------------------------+"
while buf:
line, buf = buf[:length], buf[length:]
hexa = ' '.join(['%02x' % ord(x) for x in line])
line = line.translate(__vis_filter)
res.append(' %04X: %-*s %s' % (n, length * 3, hexa, line))
n += length
#return '\n'.join(res)
print '\n'.join(res)
def printDict(di, format="%-25s %s"):
for (key, val) in di.items():
print format % (str(key)+':', val)
def prettyPrintCols(strings, widths, split=' '):
"""Pretty prints text in colums, with each string breaking at
split according to prettyPrint. margins gives the corresponding
right breaking point."""
assert len(strings) == len(widths)
strings = map(nukenewlines, strings)
# pretty print each column
cols = [''] * len(strings)
for i in range(len(strings)):
cols[i] = prettyPrint(strings[i], widths[i], split)
# prepare a format line
format = ''.join(["%%-%ds" % width for width in widths[0:-1]]) + "%s"
def formatline(*cols):
return format % tuple(map(lambda s: (s or ''), cols))
# generate the formatted text
return '\n'.join(map(formatline, *cols))
def prettyPrint(string, maxlen=75, split=' '):
"""Pretty prints the given string to break at an occurrence of
split where necessary to avoid lines longer than maxlen.
This will overflow the line if no convenient occurrence of split
is found"""
# Tack on the splitting character to guarantee a final match
string += split
lines = []
oldeol = 0
eol = 0
while not (eol == -1 or eol == len(string)-1):
eol = string.rfind(split, oldeol, oldeol+maxlen+len(split))
oldeol = eol + len(split)
return lines
def nukenewlines(string):
"""Strip newlines and any trailing/following whitespace; rejoin
with a single space where the newlines were.
Bug: This routine will completely butcher any whitespace-formatted
if not string: return ''
lines = string.splitlines()
return ' '.join( [line.strip() for line in lines] )
def delchars(str, chars):
"""Returns a string for which all occurrences of characters in
chars have been removed."""
# Translate demands a mapping string of 256 characters;
# whip up a string that will leave all characters unmolested.
identity = ''.join([chr(x) for x in range(256)])
return str.translate(identity, chars)
def dump(obj, maxlen=77, lindent=24, maxspew=600):
"""Print a nicely formatted overview of an object.
The output lines will be wrapped at maxlen, with lindent of space
for names of attributes. A maximum of maxspew characters will be
printed for each attribute value.
You can hand dumpObj any data type -- a module, class, instance,
new class.
Note that in reformatting for compactness the routine trashes any
formatting in the docstrings it prints.
>>> class Foo(object):
a = 30
def bar(self, b):
"A silly method"
return a*b
... ... ... ...
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> dumpObj.dump(foo)
Instance of class 'Foo' as defined in module __main__ with id 136863308
Documentation string: None
Built-in Methods: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__
__new__, __reduce__, __repr__, __setattr__,
bar "A silly method"
__dict__ {}
__weakref__ None
a 30
import types
# Formatting parameters.
ltab = 2 # initial tab in front of level 2 text
# There seem to be a couple of other types; gather templates of them
MethodWrapperType = type(object().__hash__)
# Gather all the attributes of the object
objclass = None
objdoc = None
objmodule = '<None defined>'
methods = []
builtins = []
classes = []
attrs = []
for slot in dir(obj):
attr = getattr(obj, slot)
if slot == '__class__':
objclass = attr.__name__
elif slot == '__doc__':
objdoc = attr
elif slot == '__module__':
objmodule = attr
elif (isinstance(attr, types.BuiltinMethodType) or
isinstance(attr, MethodWrapperType)):
builtins.append( slot )
elif (isinstance(attr, types.MethodType) or
isinstance(attr, types.FunctionType)):
methods.append( (slot, attr) )
elif isinstance(attr, types.TypeType):
classes.append( (slot, attr) )
attrs.append( (slot, attr) )
# Organize them
# Print a readable summary of those attributes
normalwidths = [lindent, maxlen - lindent]
tabbedwidths = [ltab, lindent-ltab, maxlen - lindent - ltab]
def truncstring(s, maxlen):
if len(s) > maxlen:
return s[0:maxlen] + ' ...(%d more chars)...' % (len(s) - maxlen)
return s
# Summary of introspection attributes
if objclass == '':
objclass = type(obj).__name__
intro = "Instance of class '%s' as defined in module %s with id %d" % \
(objclass, objmodule, id(obj))
print '\n'.join(prettyPrint(intro, maxlen))
# Object's Docstring
if objdoc is None:
objdoc = str(objdoc)
objdoc = ('"""' + objdoc.strip() + '"""')
print prettyPrintCols( ('Documentation string:',
truncstring(objdoc, maxspew)),
normalwidths, ' ')
# Built-in methods
if builtins:
bi_str = delchars(str(builtins), "[']") or str(None)
print prettyPrintCols( ('Built-in Methods:',
truncstring(bi_str, maxspew)),
normalwidths, ', ')
# Classes
if classes:
print 'Classes:'
for (classname, classtype) in classes:
classdoc = getattr(classtype, '__doc__', None) or '<No documentation>'
print prettyPrintCols( ('',
truncstring(classdoc, maxspew)),
tabbedwidths, ' ')
# User methods
if methods:
print 'Methods:'
for (methodname, method) in methods:
methoddoc = getattr(method, '__doc__', None) or '<No documentation>'
print prettyPrintCols( ('',
truncstring(methoddoc, maxspew)),
tabbedwidths, ' ')
# Attributes
if attrs:
print 'Attributes:'
for (attr, val) in attrs:
print prettyPrintCols( ('',
truncstring(str(val), maxspew)),
tabbedwidths, ' ')
print prettyPrintCols( ('',
'<Unknow Format>'),
tabbedwidths, ' ')
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