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Last active April 20, 2024 10:29
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  • Save upgradeQ/974305d558975fcc4a681e2c74cfc5e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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obs = obslua
S = obs
ffi = require "ffi"
function try_load_library(alias, name)
if ffi.os == "OSX" then name = name .. ".0.dylib" end
ok, _G[alias] = pcall(ffi.load, name)
if not ok then
print(("WARNING:%s:Has failed to load, %s is nil"):format(name, alias))
try_load_library("obsffi", "obs")
void *gs_get_device_obj(void);
struct d3ddeviceVTBL {
void *QueryInterface;
void *AddRef;
void *Release;
void *CreateBuffer;
void *CreateTexture1D;
void *CreateTexture2D;
void *CreateTexture3D;
void *CreateShaderResourceView;
void *CreateUnorderedAccessView;
void *CreateRenderTargetView;
void *CreateDepthStencilView;
void *CreateInputLayout;
void *CreateVertexShader;
void *CreateGeometryShader;
void *CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput;
void *CreatePixelShader;
void *CreateHullShader;
void *CreateDomainShader;
void *CreateComputeShader;
void *CreateClassLinkage;
void *CreateBlendState;
void *CreateDepthStencilState;
void *CreateRasterizerState;
void *CreateSamplerState;
void *CreateQuery;
void *CreatePredicate;
void *CreateCounter;
void *CreateDeferredContext;
void *OpenSharedResource;
void *CheckFormatSupport;
void *CheckMultisampleQualityLevels;
void *CheckCounterInfo;
void *CheckCounter;
void *CheckFeatureSupport;
void *GetPrivateData;
void *SetPrivateData;
void *SetPrivateDataInterface;
void *GetFeatureLevel;
void *GetCreationFlags;
void *GetDeviceRemovedReason;
void *GetImmediateContext;
void *SetExceptionMode;
void *GetExceptionMode;
struct d3ddevice {
struct d3ddeviceVTBL** lpVtbl;
struct d3ddevicecontextVTBL {
void *QueryInterface;
void *Addref;
void *Release;
void *GetDevice;
void *GetPrivateData;
void *SetPrivateData;
void *SetPrivateDataInterface;
void *VSSetConstantBuffers;
void *PSSetShaderResources;
void *PSSetShader;
void *SetSamplers;
void *SetShader;
void *DrawIndexed;
void *Draw;
void *Map;
void *Unmap;
void *PSSetConstantBuffer;
void *IASetInputLayout;
void *IASetVertexBuffers;
void *IASetIndexBuffer;
void *DrawIndexedInstanced;
void *DrawInstanced;
void *GSSetConstantBuffers;
void *GSSetShader;
void *IASetPrimitiveTopology;
void *VSSetShaderResources;
void *VSSetSamplers;
void *Begin;
void *End;
void *GetData;
void *GSSetPredication;
void *GSSetShaderResources;
void *GSSetSamplers;
void *OMSetRenderTargets;
void *OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews;
void *OMSetBlendState;
void *OMSetDepthStencilState;
void *SOSetTargets;
void *DrawAuto;
void *DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect;
void *DrawInstancedIndirect;
void *Dispatch;
void *DispatchIndirect;
void *RSSetState;
void *RSSetViewports;
void *RSSetScissorRects;
void *CopySubresourceRegion;
void *CopyResource;
void *UpdateSubresource;
void *CopyStructureCount;
void *ClearRenderTargetView;
void *ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint;
void *ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat;
void *ClearDepthStencilView;
void *GenerateMips;
void *SetResourceMinLOD;
void *GetResourceMinLOD;
void *ResolveSubresource;
void *ExecuteCommandList;
void *HSSetShaderResources;
void *HSSetShader;
void *HSSetSamplers;
void *HSSetConstantBuffers;
void *DSSetShaderResources;
void *DSSetShader;
void *DSSetSamplers;
void *DSSetConstantBuffers;
void *DSSetShaderResources;
void *CSSetUnorderedAccessViews;
void *CSSetShader;
void *CSSetSamplers;
void *CSSetConstantBuffers;
void *VSGetConstantBuffers;
void *PSGetShaderResources;
void *PSGetShader;
void *PSGetSamplers;
void *VSGetShader;
void *PSGetConstantBuffers;
void *IAGetInputLayout;
void *IAGetVertexBuffers;
void *IAGetIndexBuffer;
void *GSGetConstantBuffers;
void *GSGetShader;
void *IAGetPrimitiveTopology;
void *VSGetShaderResources;
void *VSGetSamplers;
void *GetPredication;
void *GSGetShaderResources;
void *GSGetSamplers;
void *OMGetRenderTargets;
void *OMGetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews;
void *OMGetBlendState;
void *OMGetDepthStencilState;
void *SOGetTargets;
void *RSGetState;
void *RSGetViewports;
void *RSGetScissorRects;
void *HSGetShaderResources;
void *HSGetShader;
void *HSGetSamplers;
void *HSGetConstantBuffers;
void *DSGetShaderResources;
void *DSGetShader;
void *DSGetSamplers;
void *DSGetConstantBuffers;
void *CSGetShaderResources;
void *CSGetUnorderedAccessViews;
void *CSGetShader;
void *CSGetSamplers;
void *CSGetConstantBuffers;
void *ClearState;
void *Flush;
void *GetType;
void *GetContextFlags;
void *FinishCommandList;
struct d3ddevicecontext {
struct d3ddevicecontextVTBL** lpVtbl;
time = 0.0
function script_tick(seconds)
time = time + seconds
local source_def = {} = "lua_vertex_check"
source_def.output_flags = bit.bor(S.OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO, S.OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW)
source_def.get_name = function()
return "vertex texture fetch check"
source_def.create = function(source, settings)
local data = {}
data.effect = S.gs_effect_create(EFFECT, "my_effect_test_check", nil)
data.params = {}
data.texture_a = S.gs_texrender_create(S.GS_RGBA, S.GS_ZS_NONE) -- random texture
local color = S.vec4()
local color1 = S.vec4()
local color2 = S.vec4()
local color3 = S.vec4()
local effect_solid = S.obs_get_base_effect(S.OBS_EFFECT_SOLID)
local color_param = S.gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect_solid, "color");
local color_param1 = S.gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect_solid, "randomvals1");
local color_param2 = S.gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect_solid, "randomvals2");
local color_param3 = S.gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect_solid, "randomvals3");
if S.gs_texrender_begin(data.texture_a, 2560, 1440) then
S.vec4_from_rgba(color, 0xff0f008a);
S.vec4_from_rgba(color1, 0xff00ff8a);
S.vec4_from_rgba(color2, 0xffff0909);
S.vec4_from_rgba(color3, 0xff0f002a);
S.gs_effect_set_vec4(color_param, color);
S.gs_effect_set_vec4(color_param1, color1);
S.gs_effect_set_vec4(color_param2, color2);
S.gs_effect_set_vec4(color_param3, color3);
while S.gs_effect_loop(effect_solid, "Random") do
S.gs_draw_sprite(nil, 0, 2560, 1440)
data.params.tar_tex = S.gs_effect_get_param_by_name(data.effect, "target_tex")
data.params.itime = S.gs_effect_get_param_by_name(data.effect, "itime")
data.tex1 = S.gs_texrender_get_texture(data.texture_a)
data.device = obsffi.gs_get_device_obj()
data.pDevice = ffi.cast("struct d3ddevice*", data.device)
data.GetImmediateContext = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, void**)", data.pDevice.lpVtbl[40])
data._arg1 ="unsigned long[1]")
data.pContext = ffi.cast("void**", data._arg1)
data.GetImmediateContext(data.pDevice, data.pContext)
data.pContext2 = ffi.cast("struct d3ddevicecontext*", data.pContext[0])
data.Release_pContext = ffi.cast("unsigned long(__stdcall*)(void*)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[2])
data.Release_pDevice = ffi.cast("unsigned long(__stdcall*)(void*)", data.pDevice.lpVtbl[2])
data.VSSetShaderResources = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[25])
data.PSGetShaderResources = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[73])
data.VSSetSamplers = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[26])
data._arg2 ="unsigned long[1]")
data.pRes = ffi.cast("void**", data._arg2)
-- Calls the destroy function if the effect was not compiled properly
if data.effect == nil then, "Effect compilation failed")
return nil
return data
source_def.destroy = function(data)
source_def.video_render = function(data, effect)
S.gs_effect_set_float(data.params.itime, time+0.0)
S.gs_effect_set_texture(data.params.tar_tex, data.tex1)
while S.gs_effect_loop(data.effect, "Custom1") do
S.gs_load_texture(data.tex1, 0) -- sets pixel shader resource view
data.PSGetShaderResources(data.pContext2, 0, 1, data.pRes)
data.VSSetShaderResources(data.pContext2, 0, 1, data.pRes)
S.gs_draw_sprite(nil, 0, 2560, 1440)
source_def.get_width = function(data)
return 2560
source_def.get_height = function(data)
return 1440
uniform float4x4 ViewProj;
uniform texture2d target_tex;
uniform float itime;
sampler_state def_sampler {
Filter = Linear;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
MinLOD = 0;
MaxLOD = 0;
struct VertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct VertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color: COLOR0;
float test1 : TEXCOORD1;
float3 test2 : TEXCOORD2;
VertOut VSShader(VertIn vert_in)
VertOut vert_out;
float coord = abs(50*sin(itime*0.2));
float4 c1 = target_tex.Load(int3(coord, coord*2, 0));
//float4 c2 = target_tex.SampleLevel(def_sampler, float4(coord, coord*2, 0, 0), 0);
vert_out.test1 = c1.b;
vert_out.test2 = c1.rgb;
vert_out.pos = mul(float4(, 1.0), ViewProj);
vert_out.uv = vert_in.uv;
return vert_out;
float4 PSShader(VertOut vert_in) : TARGET
float4 not_used = target_tex.Sample(def_sampler, vert_in.uv);
float4 debug_col = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // full black
//debug_col.r = vert_in.test1;
debug_col.rgb = vert_in.test2;
return debug_col;
//return target_tex.Sample(def_sampler, vert_in.uv); // random pattern no zeros
technique Custom1 {
pass {
vertex_shader = VSShader(vert_in);
pixel_shader = PSShader(vert_in);
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