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Last active April 9, 2017 02:47
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function g:RubyBlockOneline(strs, cnt, def) abort
s/\v\s*do\s*(\|.*\|)?\_s*(.*)\_s*end/{\1 \2}
function g:RubyBlockMultiline(strs, cnt, def) abort
let save_pos = getpos('.')
s/\v\s*\{(\|.*\|)?\_s*(.*)\_s*\}$/ do \1\r\2\rend
call feedkeys('3==')
call setpos('.', save_pos)
let g:clurin = {
\ '-': {'use_default': 0, 'def': [
\ ['true', 'false'], ['on', 'off'], ['enable', 'disable'],
\ ['&&', '||'], ['yes', 'no'], ['Left', 'Right'], ['Up', 'Down'],
\ [' < ', ' > '], [' <= ', ' >= '], [' == ', ' != '],
\ ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
\ ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
\ ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
\ [{'pattern': '\v''([^'']+)''', 'replace': '''\1'''},
\ {'pattern': '\v"([^"]+)"', 'replace': '"\1"'},],
\ ]},
\ 'markdown': {'def': [
\ ['[ ]', '[x]'],
\ ['#', '##', '###', '####', '#####', ],
\ ["-", "\t-", "\t\t-", "\t\t\t-", ],
\ ["+", "\t+", "\t\t+", "\t\t\t+", ],
\ ]},
\ 'gitrebase': {'def': [
\ [ 'pick', 'reword', 'edit', 'squash', 'fixup', 'exec'],
\ ]},
\ 'toml': {'def': [
\ ['hook_add', 'hook_source', 'hook_post_source'],
\ [{'pattern': '\v''(.+)''$', 'replace': "'''\\1'''" },],
\ ]},
\ 'vim': {'def': [
\ ['echo ', 'echomsg '],
\ ['nnoremap ', 'nmap '],
\ ['inoremap ', 'imap '],
\ ['cnoremap ', 'cmap '],
\ ['xnoremap ', 'xmap '],
\ ['BufWritePre', 'BufWritePost', 'BufWriteCmd'],
\ ['BufReadPre', 'BufReadPost', 'BufReadCmd'],
\ ['==#', '!=#' ],
\ ['==?', '!=?' ],
\ ['=~#', '!~#' ],
\ ['=~?', '!~?' ],
\ ['if', 'elseif', 'else'],
\ [{'pattern': '\[''\(\k\+\)''\]', 'replace': '[''\1'']'},
\ {'pattern': '\["\(\k\+\)"\]', 'replace': '["\1"]'},
\ {'pattern': '\.\(\k\+\)', 'replace': '.\1'}],
\ ]},
\ 'c': {'use_default': 0, 'def': [
\ ]},
\ 'c cpp': {'def': [
\ [{'pattern': '\(\k\+\)\.', 'replace': '\1.'},
\ {'pattern': '\(\k\+\)->', 'replace': '\1->'}],
\ ]},
\ 'ruby': {'def': [
\ [{'pattern': '\v:(\k+)\s*\=\>\s*', 'replace': ':\1 => '},
\ {'pattern': '\v(\k+)\:\s*', 'replace': '\1: '},
\ ],
\ [{'pattern': '\v"(\w+)"', 'replace': '"\1"'},
\ {'pattern': '\v''(\w+)''', 'replace': '''\1'''},
\ {'pattern': '\v:(\w+)@>(\s+\=\>)@!', 'replace': ':\1'}],
\ {'quit': 1, 'group': [
\ {'pattern': '\v\s*do\s*(\|.*\|)?', 'replace': function('g:RubyBlockMultiline')},
\ {'pattern': '\v\s*\{(\|.*\|)?\_s*.*\_s*\}$', 'replace': function('g:RubyBlockOneline')},
\ ]},
\ [{'pattern': '\vlambda\s*\{%(\|(.*)\|)?\s*(.*)\s*\}', 'replace': 'lambda{|\1| \2}'},
\ {'pattern': '\v-\>\s*\((.*)\)\s*\{\s*(.*)\s*\}', 'replace': '->(\1){ \2}'},
\ {'pattern': '\vproc\s*\{%(\|(.*)\|)?\s*(.*)\s*\}', 'replace': 'proc{|\1| \2}'},
\ ],
\ ['if', 'unless' ],
\ ['while', 'until' ],
\ ['.blank?', '.present?' ],
\ ['include', 'extend' ],
\ ['class', 'module' ],
\ ['.inject', '.reject' ],
\ ['.map', '.map!' ],
\ ['.sub', '.sub!', '.gub', '.gub!' ],
\ ['.clone', '.dup' ],
\ ['.any?', '.none?' ],
\ ['.all?', '.one?' ],
\ ['p ', 'puts ', 'print '],
\ ['attr_accessor', 'attr_reader', 'attr_writer' ],
\ ['File.exist?', 'File.file?', '' ],
\ ['should ', 'should_not '],
\ ['be_truthy', 'be_falsey'],
\ ['.to ', '.not_to '],
\ [{'pattern': '\.to_not ', 'replace': '.to '}]
\ ]},
\ 'zsh': {'def': [
\ ['chpwd', 'periodic', 'precmd', 'preexec', 'zshaddhistory', 'zshexit', 'zsh_directory_name'],
\ ]},
\ 'zsh sh': {'def':[
\ ['if', 'elif', 'else'],
\ [' -a ', ' -o '],
\ [' -z ', ' -n '],
\ [' -eq ', ' -ne '],
\ [' -lt ', ' -le ', ' -gt ', ' -ge '],
\ [' -e ', ' -f ', ' -d '],
\ [' -r ', ' -w ', ' -x '],
\ [{'pattern': '\v\$(\w+)', 'replace': '$\1'},
\ {'pattern': '\V"\@<!${\(\w\+\)}"\@!', 'replace': '${\1}'},
\ {'pattern': '\V"${\(\w\+\)}"', 'replace': '"${\1}"'},],
\ ]},
\ }
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