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Created January 10, 2012 11:30
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Script för att maila titel + länk från RSS-feeds från de x senaste dagarna
import feedparser
import time
import sys
days_back = 7
feed_urls = ['', '']
mail_to = ''
mail_from = ''
mail_subject = 'Senaste %d dagarna' % days_back
from smtplib import SMTP
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.Header import Header
from email.Utils import parseaddr, formataddr
def send_email(sender, recipient, subject, body, server='localhost'):
"""Send an email.
All arguments should be Unicode strings (plain ASCII works as well).
Only the real name part of sender and recipient addresses may contain
non-ASCII characters.
The email will be properly MIME encoded and delivered though SMTP to
localhost port 25. This is easy to change if you want something different.
The charset of the email will be the first one out of US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1
and UTF-8 that can represent all the characters occurring in the email.
# Header class is smart enough to try US-ASCII, then the charset we
# provide, then fall back to UTF-8.
header_charset = 'ISO-8859-1'
# We must choose the body charset manually
for body_charset in 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8':
except UnicodeError:
# Split real name (which is optional) and email address parts
sender_name, sender_addr = parseaddr(sender)
recipient_name, recipient_addr = parseaddr(recipient)
# We must always pass Unicode strings to Header, otherwise it will
# use RFC 2047 encoding even on plain ASCII strings.
sender_name = str(Header(unicode(sender_name), header_charset))
recipient_name = str(Header(unicode(recipient_name), header_charset))
# Make sure email addresses do not contain non-ASCII characters
sender_addr = sender_addr.encode('ascii')
recipient_addr = recipient_addr.encode('ascii')
# Create the message ('plain' stands for Content-Type: text/plain)
msg = MIMEText(body.encode(body_charset), 'plain', body_charset)
msg['From'] = formataddr((sender_name, sender_addr))
msg['To'] = formataddr((recipient_name, recipient_addr))
msg['Subject'] = Header(unicode(subject), header_charset)
# Send the message via SMTP to localhost:25
smtp = SMTP(server)
smtp.sendmail(sender, recipient, msg.as_string())
breakpoint = time.time() - days_back * 60 * 60 * 24
feeds = [feedparser.parse(url) for url in feed_urls]
posts = {}
for feed in feeds:
entries = [e for e in feed.entries if time.mktime(e.updated_parsed) > breakpoint]
if entries:
posts[feed.feed.title] = entries
if not posts:
message = u''
for feed_name, entries in posts.iteritems():
message += u"%s\n" % feed_name
for e in entries:
message += u" * %s, %s\n" % (e.title,
message += u"\n"
send_email(sender=mail_from, recipient=[mail_to], subject=mail_subject, body=message, server='')
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