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Last active January 21, 2024 01:41
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type transfer =
{ [@annot:from] address_from : address;
[@annot:to] address_to : address;
value : nat }
type approve =
{ spender : address;
value : nat }
type allowance_key =
{ owner : address;
spender : address }
type getAllowance =
{ request : allowance_key;
callback : nat contract }
type getBalance =
{ owner : address;
callback : nat contract }
type getTotalSupply =
{ request : unit ;
callback : nat contract }
type tokens = (address, nat) big_map
type allowances = (allowance_key, nat) big_map
type token_metadata =
token_id : nat;
token_info : (string, bytes) map;
(*additional entry points*)
(*stake entry-point*)
type stakeEntryParam = {amount: nat; duration: nat;} (*amount in $UP and duration in days*)
(*unstake entry-point*)
type unstakeEntryParam = {id: timestamp} (*id (timestamp) of the stake*)
(* additional types for storage*)
type stakeEntry = {normalizedStarted:timestamp; duration:nat; amount:nat;}
type userStakes = (timestamp,stakeEntry) map
type stakes = (address,userStakes) big_map
type timepoint = {uptimeStaked:nat; upStaked:nat;}
type timeline = (timestamp,timepoint) big_map
type transformParam = {ref: address}
type withdrawParam = {amount:tez}
type setPriceParam = {amount:nat}
e.g. start with 30 min days , 1001 max days, doubling: 2 years
0-2: 30 days
2-4: 60 days
4-6: 120 days
6-8: 240 days
8-10: 480 days
10-12: 960 days
=> 12 years of inflation
type storage = {
tokens : tokens;
allowances : allowances;
total_supply : nat;
token_metadata : (nat, token_metadata) big_map;
(*additional storage variables*)
minDays: nat;
maxDays: nat;
doubling: nat;
startDate: timestamp;
lastDoubledDate: timestamp; (*needs to be equal to start date at launch*)
stakes: stakes;
timeline: timeline;
stakeTooLate: nat;
(*transform phase*)
withdraw: address;
transformDurationDays: nat;
currentUPPerTez: nat;
type parameter =
| Transfer of transfer
| Approve of approve
| GetAllowance of getAllowance
| GetBalance of getBalance
| GetTotalSupply of getTotalSupply
| Stake of stakeEntryParam
| Unstake of unstakeEntryParam
| Transform of transformParam
| Withdraw of withdrawParam
| SetTransformPrice of setPriceParam
type result = operation list * storage
let positive (n : nat) : nat option =
if n = 0n
then (None : nat option)
else Some n
let transfer (param, storage : transfer * storage) : result =
let allowances = storage.allowances in
let tokens = storage.tokens in
let allowances =
if Tezos.get_sender() = param.address_from
then allowances
let allowance_key = { owner = param.address_from ; spender = Tezos.get_sender() } in
let authorized_value =
match Big_map.find_opt allowance_key allowances with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
let authorized_value =
match is_nat (authorized_value - param.value) with
| None -> (failwith "NotEnoughAllowance" : nat)
| Some authorized_value -> authorized_value in
Big_map.update allowance_key (positive authorized_value) allowances in
let tokens =
let from_balance =
match Big_map.find_opt param.address_from tokens with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
let from_balance =
match is_nat (from_balance - param.value) with
| None -> (failwith "NotEnoughBalance" : nat)
| Some from_balance -> from_balance in
Big_map.update param.address_from (positive from_balance) tokens in
let tokens =
let to_balance =
match Big_map.find_opt param.address_to tokens with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
let to_balance = to_balance + param.value in
Big_map.update param.address_to (positive to_balance) tokens in
(([] : operation list), { storage with tokens = tokens; allowances = allowances })
let approve (param, storage : approve * storage) : result =
let allowances = storage.allowances in
let allowance_key = { owner = Tezos.get_sender() ; spender = param.spender } in
let previous_value =
match Big_map.find_opt allowance_key allowances with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
if previous_value > 0n && param.value > 0n
then (failwith "UnsafeAllowanceChange")
else ();
let allowances = Big_map.update allowance_key (positive param.value) allowances in
(([] : operation list), { storage with allowances = allowances })
let getAllowance (param, storage : getAllowance * storage) : operation list =
let value =
match Big_map.find_opt param.request storage.allowances with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
[Tezos.transaction value 0mutez param.callback]
let getBalance (param, storage : getBalance * storage) : operation list =
let value =
match Big_map.find_opt param.owner storage.tokens with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
[Tezos.transaction value 0mutez param.callback]
let getTotalSupply (param, storage : getTotalSupply * storage) : operation list =
let total = storage.total_supply in
[Tezos.transaction total 0mutez param.callback]
(*FA1.2 modifications*)
let sender : address = Tezos.get_sender ()
let checkUserUPBalance (amountUP,storage : (nat * storage)) : nat =
let balanceUP =
match Big_map.find_opt sender storage.tokens with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
match is_nat (balanceUP - amountUP) with
| None -> (failwith "Not enough UP" : nat)
| Some from_balance -> from_balance
let getNormalizedToday (storage : storage) : timestamp =
storage.startDate + (((Tezos.get_now() - storage.startDate)/86400)*86400)
let updateMinDay (storage : storage) : nat =
let today : timestamp = getNormalizedToday(storage) in
if today-storage.lastDoubledDate > storage.doubling*86400 then storage.minDays*2n else storage.minDays
let getUserStake (stakeId, storage : (timestamp * storage)) : stakeEntry =
let stakes : userStakes = match Big_map.find_opt sender storage.stakes with
| Some k -> k
| None -> Map.empty
match Map.find_opt stakeId stakes with
| Some k -> k
| None -> {normalizedStarted=("1970-01-01t00:00:00Z" : timestamp); duration=0n; amount=0n;} (*equivalent of "not found"*)
let getUserStakes (storage : storage) : userStakes =
match Big_map.find_opt sender storage.stakes with
| Some k -> k
| None -> Map.empty
let addUserStake (id , stake , storage: (timestamp * stakeEntry * storage)) : stakes =
let userStakes : userStakes = getUserStakes(storage) in
let newUserStakes : userStakes = Map.update id (Some stake) userStakes in
Big_map.update sender (Some newUserStakes) storage.stakes
let removeUserStake (id, storage : (timestamp * storage)) : stakes =
let userStakes : userStakes = getUserStakes(storage) in
let newUserStakes = Map.remove id userStakes in
Big_map.update sender (Some newUserStakes) storage.stakes
let updateUserUP (amountUP, storage : (nat * storage)) : tokens =
Big_map.update sender (Some amountUP) storage.tokens
let increaseUserUP (address,amountUP, storage : (address * nat * storage)) : tokens =
let oldUserUp : nat =
match Big_map.find_opt address storage.tokens with
| Some value -> value
| None -> 0n in
let newUserUp : nat = oldUserUp + amountUP in
Big_map.update address (Some newUserUp) storage.tokens
let getTimeRewardX (amountUP, days : (nat * nat) ) : nat = (*change to calculate UPTIME, cause otherwise no rounding like 1.5 etc*)
(amountUP + ((amountUP*days) / 100n))
let rec updateTimeline (stakeStart, duration, amountUP, newTimeline, recIteration : (timestamp * nat * nat * timeline * nat)) : timeline =
if (recIteration > duration) then newTimeline else
let timeEntry : timepoint = match Big_map.find_opt stakeStart newTimeline with
| Some k -> k
| None -> {uptimeStaked=0n;upStaked=0n} in
let uptime : nat = getTimeRewardX(amountUP,recIteration) in (*dont forget: recIteration must start at 1*) (*AND MAKE SEPERATE REWARD FUNCTION*)
let newTimeEntry : timepoint = {uptimeStaked=timeEntry.uptimeStaked+uptime; upStaked=timeEntry.upStaked+amountUP} in
let newTimeline : timeline = Big_map.update stakeStart (Some newTimeEntry) newTimeline in
let stakeStartIncrease : timestamp = stakeStart + 86400 in
let recIterationIncrease : nat = recIteration + 1n in
let checkStakeFinish (stakeEntry : stakeEntry) : bool =
let finishDate: timestamp = stakeEntry.normalizedStarted + 86400*stakeEntry.duration in
if Tezos.get_now() - finishDate > 0 then true else false
let getStakeEndTime (stakeEntry : stakeEntry) : timestamp =
stakeEntry.normalizedStarted + abs(stakeEntry.duration - 1)*86400
let getDailyInflation(storage : storage) : nat =
let checkStakeTooLate(stakeEndTime,storage : (timestamp * storage)) : bool =
let unstakeAble : timestamp = stakeEndTime + storage.stakeTooLate*86400 in
let today : timestamp = getNormalizedToday(storage) in
if unstakeAble-today < 0 then true else false
let stake (param,storage : stakeEntryParam * storage) : result =
let newUserBalance : nat = checkUserUPBalance(param.amount,storage) in
let () = if param.duration < storage.minDays then (failwith "Too short time period") in
let () = if param.duration > storage.maxDays then (failwith "Too long time period") in
let normalizedToday : timestamp = getNormalizedToday(storage) in
let nowToday : timestamp = Tezos.get_now() in
let userStake : stakeEntry = getUserStake(nowToday, storage) in
let () = if userStake.duration <> 0n then (failwith "Please wait a few seconds") in
(*checks end*)
let newTokens : tokens = updateUserUP(newUserBalance, storage) in
let stakeStart = normalizedToday + 86400 in
let newStakes : stakes = addUserStake(nowToday,{normalizedStarted=stakeStart; duration=param.duration; amount=param.amount;}, storage) in
let newTimeline : timeline = updateTimeline(stakeStart,param.duration,param.amount,storage.timeline,1n) in
let newMinDays : nat = updateMinDay(storage) in
let newlastDoubledDate : timestamp = if newMinDays > storage.minDays then normalizedToday else storage.lastDoubledDate in
(([] : operation list), {storage with timeline=newTimeline; stakes=newStakes; tokens=newTokens; minDays = newMinDays; lastDoubledDate = newlastDoubledDate})
let rec calculateStakeReward (userStake,timeline, rewardAcc,recIteration, stakeEndTime, dailyInflationPool : (stakeEntry * timeline * nat * nat * timestamp * nat )) : nat =
let daysInStake : nat = abs (userStake.duration - recIteration ) in
let currentUserUptime : nat = getTimeRewardX(userStake.amount,daysInStake) in (*dont forget: daysInStake starts at max *)
let timeEntry : timepoint = match Big_map.find_opt stakeEndTime timeline with
| Some k -> k
| None -> {uptimeStaked=0n;upStaked=0n} in
let () = if timeEntry.uptimeStaked = 0n then (failwith recIteration) in
let reward : nat = (currentUserUptime*dailyInflationPool/timeEntry.uptimeStaked) in
let newReward : nat = rewardAcc + reward in
let newRecIteration : nat = recIteration + 1n in
let newStakeEndTime : timestamp = stakeEndTime - 86400 in
if stakeEndTime = userStake.normalizedStarted then newReward else
calculateStakeReward (userStake, timeline, newReward, newRecIteration, newStakeEndTime,dailyInflationPool)
let unstake (param,storage : unstakeEntryParam * storage) : result =
let userStake : stakeEntry = getUserStake(, storage) in
let () = if userStake.duration = 0n then (failwith "No stake at this ID") in
let () = if checkStakeFinish (userStake) = false then (failwith "Stake not finished yet") in
let stakeEndTime : timestamp = getStakeEndTime(userStake) in
let dailyInflationPool : nat = getDailyInflation(storage) in
let reward : nat = if checkStakeTooLate (stakeEndTime,storage) = true then 0n else
calculateStakeReward(userStake,storage.timeline,0n,0n,stakeEndTime,dailyInflationPool) in
let currentUserBalance : nat = checkUserUPBalance(0n,storage) in
let payout : nat = currentUserBalance + reward + userStake.amount in
let newTokens : tokens = updateUserUP(payout, storage) in (*still not finished, update total supply etc*)
let newStakes : stakes = removeUserStake(, storage) in
let newTotalSupply : nat = storage.total_supply + reward in
(([] : operation list), {storage with stakes=newStakes; tokens=newTokens; total_supply=newTotalSupply;})
let transform (param , storage : transformParam * storage) : result =
let tezAmount = Tezos.get_amount()/1tez in
let today = getNormalizedToday(storage) in
let () = if today-storage.startDate >= storage.transformDurationDays*86400 then (failwith "Transformation phase over") in
let () = if tezAmount <= 0n then (failwith "Must send some tez") in
let () = if sender = param.ref then (failwith "Sender cant be ref") in
let reward : nat = tezAmount*storage.currentUPPerTez in (*100_000_000n*)
let newTokens1 : tokens = increaseUserUP(sender,reward,storage) in
let newStorage : storage = {storage with tokens = newTokens1} in
(*now for ref*)
let refReward : nat = reward/10n (*10% reward*) in
let newTokens2 : tokens = increaseUserUP(param.ref,refReward,newStorage) in
let newTotalSupply : nat = storage.total_supply + reward + refReward in
(([] : operation list), {storage with tokens=newTokens2; total_supply=newTotalSupply;})
let withdraw (param, storage : withdrawParam * storage) : result =
if storage.withdraw <> sender then (failwith "You cant withdraw" : result)
let receiver : unit contract =
match (Tezos.get_contract_opt(storage.withdraw) : unit contract option) with
Some (contract) -> contract
| None -> (failwith ("Contract not found") : unit contract) in
let tx : operation = Tezos.transaction unit param.amount receiver in
([tx]: operation list), storage
let setTransformPrice (param , storage : setPriceParam * storage) : result =
let () = if storage.withdraw <> sender then (failwith "You cant set price") in
(([] : operation list), {storage with currentUPPerTez=param.amount;})
(*views *)
[@view] let getUserStakesView ((),storage: unit * storage) : userStakes =
[@view] let getEstTotalUserReward (stakeId,storage: timestamp * storage) : nat =
let userStake : stakeEntry = getUserStake(stakeId, storage) in
let () = if userStake.duration = 0n then (failwith "No stake at this ID") in
let stakeEndTime : timestamp = getStakeEndTime(userStake) in
let dailyInflationPool : nat = getDailyInflation(storage) in
if checkStakeTooLate(stakeEndTime,storage) = true then 0n else
[@view] let getEstUserRewardUntilNow(stakeId,storage: timestamp * storage) : nat =
let userStake : stakeEntry = getUserStake(stakeId, storage) in
let () = if userStake.duration = 0n then (failwith "No stake at this ID") in
let yesterday : timestamp = getNormalizedToday(storage)-86400 in
let realStakeEndTime : timestamp = getStakeEndTime(userStake) in
let dailyInflationPool : nat = getDailyInflation(storage) in
if yesterday >= realStakeEndTime then
if checkStakeTooLate(realStakeEndTime,storage) = true then 0n else
let daysLeft : nat = abs(realStakeEndTime - yesterday)/86400n in
if yesterday - userStake.normalizedStarted < 0 then 0n else
let stakeEndTime : timestamp = yesterday in
[@view] let getEstRewardsNewStake (stakeEntry,storage: stakeEntryParam * storage) : nat =
let nowToday : timestamp = Tezos.get_now() in
let simulateStake : result = stake (stakeEntry,storage) in
let newStorage : storage = simulateStake.1 in
let dailyInflationPool : nat = getDailyInflation(newStorage) in
let userStake : stakeEntry = getUserStake(nowToday, newStorage) in
let stakeEndTime : timestamp = getStakeEndTime(userStake) in
[@view] let getTotalSupplyView ((),storage: unit * storage) : nat =
[@view] let getMinDays ((),storage: unit * storage) : nat =
[@view] let getMaxDays ((),storage: unit * storage) : nat =
[@view] let getStartDate ((),storage: unit * storage) : timestamp =
[@view] let getTimelineForDay (day,storage: timestamp * storage) : timepoint =
match Big_map.find_opt day storage.timeline with
| Some k -> k
| None -> {uptimeStaked=0n;upStaked=0n}
[@view] let getLockedUp ((),storage: unit * storage) : nat =
let today : timestamp = getNormalizedToday(storage) in
match Big_map.find_opt today storage.timeline with
| Some k -> k.uptimeStaked
| None -> 0n
[@view] let getLastDoubledDate ((),storage: unit * storage) : timestamp =
[@view] let getUpForOneTez ((),storage: unit * storage) : nat =
let main (param, storage : parameter * storage) : result =
match param with
| Transfer param -> transfer (param, storage)
| Approve param -> approve (param, storage)
| GetAllowance param -> (getAllowance (param, storage), storage)
| GetBalance param -> (getBalance (param, storage), storage)
| GetTotalSupply param -> (getTotalSupply (param, storage), storage)
(*additional entries*)
| Stake param -> stake (param, storage)
| Unstake param -> unstake (param, storage)
| Transform param -> transform (param, storage)
| Withdraw param -> withdraw (param, storage)
| SetTransformPrice param -> setTransformPrice(param,storage)
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