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Created December 23, 2015 04:10
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import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
taskLengths = range(1,6)
def runTrial():
minutesSinceOpening = 0
# Get length for the first task
amIStillBusy = numpy.random.choice(taskLengths)
#print 'my first task is ' + str(amIStillBusy) + ' minutes long'
isSheStillBusy = numpy.random.choice(taskLengths)
#print 'her first task is ' + str(isSheStillBusy) + ' minutes long'
# This is the result of a trial run, -1 until we line up
minutesUntilWeEat = -1
while (minutesUntilWeEat == -1):
minutesSinceOpening += 1
#print str(minutesSinceOpening) + ' minutes have passed'
amIStillBusy -= 1
#print 'I\'ll still be busy for ' + str(amIStillBusy) + ' mins'
isSheStillBusy -= 1
#print 'She\'ll still be busy for ' + str(isSheStillBusy) + ' mins'
if (amIStillBusy == 0 and isSheStillBusy == 0):
#print 'Let\'s go eat! ' + str(minutesSinceOpening) + ' total mins until we were ready'
minutesUntilWeEat = minutesSinceOpening
if (amIStillBusy == 0):
amIStillBusy = numpy.random.choice(taskLengths)
#print 'I\'m done but she isn\'t. New task for me! ' + str(amIStillBusy) + ' minutes long'
if (isSheStillBusy == 0):
isSheStillBusy = numpy.random.choice(taskLengths)
#print 'She\'s done but I\'m not. New task for her! ' + str(isSheStillBusy) + ' minutes long'
return minutesUntilWeEat
i = 0
results = []
while (i < 1000000):
trialResult = runTrial()
print 'trial ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(trialResult)
i += 1
meanResult = numpy.mean(results)
minResult = numpy.min(results)
maxResult = numpy.max(results)
print 'Average is ' + str(meanResult) + ', max time is ' + str(maxResult) + ', min time is ' + str(minResult)
plt.hist(results, bins=maxResult)
plt.xlabel('Minutes until dinner')
plt.ylabel('# of trials')
plt.title('How long until we look up from our phones and eat?')
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