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My resumé written in english and on markdown format

Uilque Messias Oliveira da Cruz


I'm a self-taught and highly motivated professional developer who work on the technology industry since 2010. I have advanced knowledge with Microsoft technologies and Android stack. I consider myself a fast learner with a great computer programming and logic skills.

I've been working in mobile stack since 2012 when I gained several prizes for developing some apps for Windows Phone and since then, I started to study more about Android and its technologies.

Professional experience


Java, Kotlin, XML, JavaScript, Groovy, Git, React, React Native, Redux, Gradle, Android Studio and Visual Studio Code

Equinox App (Android Developer)

Feb 2018 - Apr 2018

Equinox is a high standard and high-performance gym around the world. This app was designed to be the best gym app in the store, with an amazing design and several features that allow the user to manage his entire gym subscription within the app. The app was developed with React Native and built for iOS and Android and counts with more than 10 thousand downloads in the Google Play store.

Source: and

Meu Vivo App (Associate Android Developer)

Jan 2017 - Feb 2018

Meu Vivo App is an app designed to improve the user experience, by making it easier for the user to recharge the credits for a mobile number, seeing the user bills and allowing the user to switch between all available mobile plans. The app increased the conversion percentile on login, rating stars on Google Play from 2.5 to 3.9 and decreased the phone calls to the client's call center, saving hundred of thousands of Reais each month.



C#, Java, XML, Ruby, Groovy, Git, GitLab, Windows Phone, Visual Studio 2013 and 2015, Jacoco, Jenkins, Espresso, JUnit, Gradle, Android Studio, FCM and GCM

Itaú Central Notification (Associate Android Developer)

Aug 2016 – Oct 2016

Itaú Central Notification is a library designed for one of the greatest banks of Brazil (Itaú Bank). The purpose of this library was to decrease the amount of SMSs sent every month to its users and saving hundred of thousands for Reais each month. It serves as a notification hub that uses Push Notification to send information about its clients account, centralizing all information in one place. The Itaú Bank's main app for individual person counts with more than 10 millions of downloads in the Google Play store.

Source: and

Youse Seguradora (Associate Android Developer)

Feb 2016 – Aug 2016

Youse app is an app designed to sell a home, life, and car insurance. It was the first app in Brazil to sell and manage insurances without the interference of a human being. Youse is a startup created by Caixa Econômica Federal, one of the biggest bank of Brazil. Now it counts with more than 1 million downloads in the Google Play store.


CS Billing (Associate Android Developer)

Nov 2015 – Feb 2016

CS Billing was designed to be used as an internal timesheet. It was the first in house app used by ourselves every day. Its main function is to allow the user, Concrete Solutions employees, to add the time spent in each activity of the current project and see how many hours he worked in the current month.


Itaú SDK and Itaú PF App (Senior Windows Phone Developer)

Aug 2015 – Nov 2015

Itaú SDK is a library designed for one of the biggest banks of Brazil (Itaú Bank). The purpose of this library is to serve as an encrypted communication layer between all Itau's apps and the server. It has some components that allow the user to type its password safely without using the default system keyboard.

Itaú PF App is one of the apps that integrate with the SDK. It's the main app for the individual person (instead of a business person) that allows the user to check his balance, credit card limit and pay bills.


UNIVERSO 91 - APR 2014 - Aug 2016 (CO-FOUNDER)

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XAML, Windows 8 API, ASP.NET MVC 5, ASP.NET Web API, Windows Phone

FRASES e CITAÇÕES (Windows Phone Developer)

Apr 2014 - Aug 2016

FRASES e CITAÇÕES is Windows Phone app for those who wanted to read, reflect on and share messages quoted from famous public figures with notable quotes and advice. It had almost 400 thousand downloads and an average of 4.5 stars on its review with more than 13 thousands reviews.


Ajinomoto Virtual Showcase (Windows Developer)

Nov 2015 - Jan 2016

Ajinomoto Virtual Showcase is an app that shows in details a range of Ajinomoto's products and helps its sellers to better present the benefits of choosing Ajinomoto instead of competitors. It was released for almost 2 thousand employees around Brazil.


Objective-C, C#, XCode and Shell

PagSeguro Carteira de pagamento (Associate iOS Developer)

May 2014 - Jun 2014

PagSeguro is a finance company part of UOL group, one of the largest internet company in Brazil. This digital wallet was designed to be an electronic order card for restaurants. It was built with Objective-C for iOS, but I just entered the team almost at the end of the project and made some contributions by working in the payment flow.



HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, ASP.NET MVC 4, Oracle, Google Maps API and Microsoft Team Foundation System

FlyTour Viagens (.NET Developer)

Feb 2014 - Mar 2014

FlyTour is a tourism company that, besides other things, sell flight tickets online. This project was the frontend of the core online shop for selling flight tickets. This was a quick project and, since it was just the frontend, I joined the team as a contractor for a short period of time.



HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, SharePoint 2010 and 2012, SQL Serve and jQuery

JSL's expenses refund request system (Associate .NET Developer)

Jun 2012 - Aug 2013

JSL is a big logistics company in Brazil and this was the central system used for requesting the refund of employees expenses during their workdays, business travels, and events. It had a critical and complex approval flow that used the A.D. (Active Directory) users to define who had to approve each request. It was built on top of SharePoint 2012, was integrated with Microsoft Active Directory and developed by me.

SSPAULISTA - NOV 2011 - MAY 2012

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, MySQL, Bootstrap, jQuery, .NET and ASP.NET MVC

Building supply store online shopping (Associate .NET Developer)

Jan 2012 - May 2012

There wasn't any official name for this system and as its name already make it clear, it was designed to be a central place for any construction worker to buy his materials. The main idea was to create once and sell to everyone and it was designed and developed by me.

That said, it was built for one client's need and after some time expanded for several clients, by making some minor adaptions in the core system and creating a whole new brand user interface. (Associate .NET Developer)

Nov 2011 - May 2012 was customization of the core SSPaulista's system to manage, sell and rent houses around the state of São Paulo. My main role was to fix general bugs and evolve the system features.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, VBScript, ASP 3.0 (Classic), .NET Framework, ASP.NET Web Forms, Ajax, SQL Server, SharePoint 2010 and 2012, Visual Studio 2010

Projects hub (Associate .NET Developer)

Dec 2010 - Aug 2011

Projects hub was an internal project designed to be the central place to manage all running projects in the company. It was used to hold all important information about any project and to keep its status.

Camargo Corrêa Intranet (ASP 3.0 (Classic) Developer)

Jul 2010 - Dec 2010

Camargo Corrês is one of the biggest construction company in Brazil and this was the main internal system used for keeping track of each vehicle used in each of its constructions. My main role here was to fix bugs and implement new functionalities in the system.

Qualifications and Professional activities

  • The Complete React Native and Redux Course (2017)
  • English course on Feel Like English Scrool, W English School and private teacher (2010 – 2018)
  • BEPiD – Brazil Education Program for iOS Development – Centro Universitário SENAC and Apple (2013 – 2014)
  • Git & course – Tornando-se um desenvolvedor social by Fernando Oliveira (Lambda3) (2013)

Contacts and further references

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