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Created October 21, 2020 17:30
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import * as tf from "@tensorflow/tfjs-node";
// In my case I have 256x256 pictures
const IMG_SIZE = 256;
// Batch normalisation and ReLU always go together, let's add them to the separate function
const batchNormRelu = (input: tf.Tensor4D) => {
const batch = tf.layers.batchNormalization().apply(input);
return tf.layers.reLU().apply(batch);
// Residual block
const residualBlock = (input: tf.Tensor4D, filters: number, noDownSample: boolean = false) => {
const filter1 = tf.layers
kernelSize: 3,
activation: "relu",
padding: "same",
strides: noDownSample ? 1 : 2,
depthwiseInitializer: "glorotNormal",
pointwiseInitializer: "glorotNormal",
.apply(input) as tf.Tensor4D;
const filter1norm = batchNormRelu(filter1);
const filter2 = tf.layers
kernelSize: 3,
activation: "relu",
padding: "same",
depthwiseInitializer: "glorotNormal",
pointwiseInitializer: "glorotNormal",
.apply(filter1norm) as tf.Tensor4D;
const dropout = tf.layers.dropout({ rate: 0.3 }).apply(filter2) as tf.Tensor4D;
const batchNorm = batchNormRelu(dropout);
// Residual connection - here we sum up first matrix and the result of 2 convolutions
const residual = tf.layers.add().apply([filter1 as any, batchNorm as any]);
return residual as tf.Tensor4D;
// ResNet - put all together
const modelResNet = () => {
const input = tf.input({ shape: [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] });
const conv1_filter = tf.layers
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 16,
strides: 2,
activation: "relu",
padding: "same",
kernelInitializer: "glorotNormal",
.apply(input) as tf.Tensor4D;
const conv1 = tf.layers
poolSize: [3, 3],
strides: [2, 2],
padding: "same",
.apply(batchNormRelu(conv1_filter)) as tf.Tensor4D;
// conv 2
const residual2 = residualBlock(conv1, 16, true);
// conv3
const residual3 = residualBlock(residual2, 32);
// conv4
const residual4 = residualBlock(residual3, 64);
// conv5
const residual5 = residualBlock(residual4, 128);
const conv5 = tf.layers
poolSize: [8, 8],
strides: [1, 1],
.apply(residual5) as tf.Tensor4D;
const flatten = tf.layers.flatten().apply(conv5);
const dropout = tf.layers.dropout({ rate: 0.5 }).apply(flatten);
const dense = tf.layers
units: 2,
kernelInitializer: "glorotNormal",
activation: "softmax", // softmax for categorical / relu
return tf.model({
inputs: input as any,
outputs: dense as any,
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pang-lee commented Jan 3, 2022

@urakozz Your article I have already read, It's so great!
Maybe just I don't quite understand the output result after the resnet, I hope I can see some real case, for example, Yolo have the output picture after we run the code. But I'm not quite sure that the resent have the similar output or not.

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urakozz commented Jan 3, 2022

I see, good question. First I need to correct you that for yolo Image is an input, output is category of the image (truck, bike) and frame (x1,y1,x2,y2,width, height). Image could be an output for the generative networks.
This particular network in example consumes 256x256 image and results with 2 outputs with softmax activation, so answer is 0,1 or 1,0, meaning 2 categories or yes/no answer. I used really similar lightweight network to determine if barcode exists on the image, yes/no.
But you can use residual blocks in different areas, such as nlp, image/sound recognition.

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