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Last active June 16, 2021 07:44
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  • Save uranaka/749c9e3d1c8f5d23ee03e7901c11a65f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uranaka/749c9e3d1c8f5d23ee03e7901c11a65f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.  CSSで作るスライドショーのCSS
position: relative;
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height: 100%;
-moz-animation: fadeinout 30s 0s infinite both;
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animation: fadeinout 30s 0s infinite both;
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animation: fadeinout 30s 5s infinite both;
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animation: fadeinout 30s 10s infinite both;
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-webkit-animation: fadeinout 30s 15s infinite both;
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animation: fadeinout 30s 15s infinite both;
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-webkit-animation: fadeinout 30s 20s infinite both;
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animation: fadeinout 30s 20s infinite both;
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-webkit-animation: fadeinout 30s 25s infinite both;
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animation: fadeinout 30s 25s infinite both;
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99.99% { opacity:0;left:100%; }
100% { opacity:0;left:0%; }
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