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Created February 8, 2017 16:44
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defmodule Roller do
@moduledoc """
Responsible for making dice roles.
@doc """
Parses the given roll string, rolls the result and returns it.
@spec roll(String.t(), function) :: integer
def roll(die_string, rand \\ :rand) do
regex = ~r/^(?<amount>\d*)d(?<die>\d+)(?<mod>\+|-*)(?<value>\d*)$/
captures = Regex.named_captures(regex, die_string)
do_roll(captures, rand)
defp do_roll(nil, _rand), do: raise ArgumentError, message: "Invalid die string"
defp do_roll(%{"amount" => "", "die" => d, "mod" => m, "value" => v}, rand) do
do_roll(%{"amount" => "1", "die" => d, "mod" => m, "value" => v}, rand)
defp do_roll(%{"amount" => a, "die" => d, "mod" => ""}, rand) do
roll_dice(a, d, rand)
defp do_roll(%{"amount" => a, "die" => d, "mod" => m, "value" => ""}, rand) do
do_roll(%{"amount" => a, "die" => d, "mod" => m, "value" => "0"}, rand)
defp do_roll(%{"amount" => a, "die" => d, "mod" => "+", "value" => v}, rand) do
value = String.to_integer(v)
roll_dice(a, d, rand) + value
defp do_roll(%{"amount" => a, "die" => d, "mod" => "-", "value" => v}, rand) do
value = String.to_integer(v)
roll_dice(a, d, rand) - value
defp roll_dice(a, d, rand) do
amount = String.to_integer(a)
die = String.to_integer(d)
roll = rand.uniform(die)
amount * roll
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