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Last active November 27, 2019 16:38
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in interaction energy transferred from an initiator to an observer throw self-contained space and time.
an interaction is an autonomous unit meaning that not a single part of interaction exists by itself
there is no time, space, energy, initiator or observer outside the scope of interaction.
all 'things' are the sum of interactions.
all interactions summed up to agents, agents are in the same order when they can interact with each other being an initiator/observer
agents are immutable every interaction renders a slightly different new agent.
all agents have parent son relationships with agents of different orders that are part of them of sum them up.
this hierarchy is the base for the evolution of complexity.
Iteration 1:
* Reality is an evolution of complexity that arises from an inflation of randomn interactions.
Everything in Reality is a complexity (reduction of entropy | emergence of information )
that evolves from the interactions of a swarm of countless agents.
* Agent is a unit that has the ability to act and has some interface with other alike agents.
* Interaction is an action of agent that can is detectable by other agents.
Everything isnan example to these swarms of agents. :
the cells in our bodies, organic molecules , atoms and chemical compounds , the subatomic particles that are defined by there minuscule action popping in and out of existence ,
the neurons that reads this paper and cultures that are made up from swarms of agents called human beings
When a swarm of agents interacts in huge numbers an unpredictable form rises from the abyss of total randomness .
* Form is the consequence of agent interactions.
These forms emerges spontaneously in different section of a swarm or in other swarms of the same agent type .
A form that arise from the interactions of many agents gains the ability to perform an action of its own by manipulating agents actions .
This is precisely our fundamental definition of action :
* Action is a manipulation that a form does on its own agents construct .
* agents construct - the agents that are exposed to the form manipulation.
All forms at first are fluid like there existence is temporary
They all share an inherent tendency to collapse and they rise and fall in and out of existence frequently.
A form that manage to act through the manipulation of its agents actions is going through a process called “solidification”.
* Solidification - the process in which a form actions defines its existence
The consequence of these actions are constant maintenance of the current form
A form It acts therefore it is.
So when random “fluid” form is acting it's become more solid like, Its actions makes it present in reality.
All action of every form in every dimension of reality, if ill may be so bold to say, are made in order to support the solidification process.
Without an action form’s own reality fades and the form will get demolish out of existence back to the abbeys of randomness .
* Action is the way a form maintain its own existence by manipulation its own agent construct.
Emergence of a form is not an action, it is in a logical way the opposite of an action hence an anti-action for an action is a form manipulating its own agents construct and anti-action is the way the agents interactions construct the form.
* Anti-Action is the way form emerge/fades as a consequence of agent interactions.
(action is a chain of suppression and submission anti-action is freedom.)
In the process of “Solidification” the form becomes less chaotic less fluid and much more predictable though it need to perform more and more agents manipulation in order to stay stable, to exists.
This emergent stability gives it a solid like characteristic it gives it the ability to act in world as if it was real.
* Real - nothing is real. (except for those relentless strawberry fields)
When the emergence of acting forms are frequent upon the field of agents interaction some similarities between differents forms can produce a type of interaction between the form themselves
When the number of these interacting forms pass a certain threshold they are subjected to a process of “Crystallization”.
* Crystallization is the process in which solid forms aligns in a way that defines them as a form of a similar type.
A protocol of communication that defines these form type interaction emerges, when the usage of this protocol is extensive forms becomes agents, a vast swarm of these new type of interacting agents will in turn be able to produce the next stage of complexity.
This is the evolution of complexity that defines reality.
software/ hardware
The evolution of complexity can be explained in terms of hardware and software.
The agents are hardware and the forms it produce are software.
Imagen a school of Starlings fly from here to there forming a cloud of changing shapes in the evening sky.
The starlings are hardware and the shapes are software.
Thoughts :
For centuries human being tries to define “life” and are searching for the boundaries of life in order to define it but there are no such boundaries! For life is just a regular step in the evolution of complexity it is Not a Special step in any way. Is a living cell more alive then an enzyme? In what way this enzyme liveliness differ from the liveliness of some chemical compound ? and so forth , it is not more alive it is just more complex.
Both the action and the anti-action are not and never was and never will be conscience!
A force is a predictable easiness of randomness in away it is an opposite of reality and constantly act to demolish emerging forms
Interactions are real interacting agent are fiction.
Iteration 2:
All form arise from the interaction of a low level forms and by the process of solidification ensure their existence but are not by any means Real .
Even when their solidity is of quality which is (almost) undeniable all forms are just a construct arises from the interactoins of lower level forms .
Our definition of reality must change for the only real things are the interaction between fictional things and so it does.
Form : a higher level of communication that sums up all the interactions of its agents construct
Agent : a lower level Form.
Interactions : the fabric of reality
Reality : an interaction that sums all interactions
* Interaction : an agent is leaving a mark in some spatial dimension that after a certain amount of time it detected by the other agent .
It is a data flow and the medium of
By this definition interaction are bi-polar always connecting two entities.
Time and medium are properties of interaction .
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