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Created February 25, 2013 00:58
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Save uriel1998/5026598 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
colorize perl script for xchat. Lets you colorize nicks that are in the middle of messages. No longer online, so I snagged this copy from before it went away completely.
# This script was no no longer online, so I snagged it from at
# - Colorize messages, nicks in message text, or both.
# Usage: see the POD at the end of this file or type '/colorize ?' in Xchat.
# To customize the brackets that surround the sending nick, e.g. <nick>,
# modify any of the three variables in the section called 'BRACKET SETTINGS'
# below.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %color = (
white => '00',
black => '01',
blue => '02',
green => '03',
red => '04',
darkgred => '05',
purple => '06',
darkyellow => '07',
yellow => '08',
brightgreen => '09',
darkgreen => '10',
green => '11',
blue => '12',
brightpurple => '13',
darkgrey => '14',
lightgrey => '15',
# For surrounding the nick, e.g. <nick>
# Examples are in the following comments
# my $BRACKET_COLOR = $color{white};
my $script_name = '';
my $script_version = '0.0.3';
# Text Event to listen in on
my $print_event = 'Channel Message';
# Xchat command to set colorize option
my $config_command = 'colorize';
# functions for colorizing [ nicks | messages | all ]
my %colorize_with = (
'message and embedded nicks' => \&colorize_all,
'message only' => \&colorize_messages_only,
'embedded nicks only' => \&colorize_nicks_only,
# Default to colorizing 'enabled' and colorizing all
my $colorize_command = 'message and embedded nicks';
my $colorize_enabled = 1;
# Formatting codes
my $start_coloring_with = "\cC";
my $formatting_off = "\cO";
# Brackets
my $left_bracket
= $start_coloring_with
. $formatting_off
my $right_bracket
= $start_coloring_with
. $formatting_off
# Cache for color codes of seen nicks
my %color_code_for = ();
# Register plugin with Xchat
Xchat::register( $script_name , $script_version );
# Print a notice that the plugin was loaded
"\cB$script_name\cB version \cB$script_version\cB " . "loaded\n"
# Intercept events
Xchat::hook_print( $print_event, \&do_colorize );
Xchat::hook_command( $config_command, \&set_colorize_option );
# Get/Set options
sub set_colorize_option { # {{{
my ( $switch ) = $_[0][1];
$switch ||= '';
my $msg;
for ( $switch ) {
# No switch, report state
/^$/ and do {
$msg = report_state();
# Show usage
/^\?$|^h/i and do {
$msg = usage();
# Enable/Disable
# disable
/^d/i and do {
# off
$colorize_enabled = 0;
$msg = "$script_name: Colorizing disabled\n";
# enable
/^e/i and do {
# on
$colorize_enabled = 1;
$msg = "$script_name: Colorizing enabled\n";
# Colorizing scheme
# colorize all
/^a/i and do {
$colorize_command = 'message and embedded nicks';
= "$script_name: Setting colorize scheme to "
. "'$colorize_command'\n";
# colorize message only
/^m/i and do {
$colorize_command = 'message only';
= "$script_name: Setting colorize scheme to "
. "'$colorize_command'\n";
# colorize nicks only
/^n/i and do {
$colorize_command = 'embedded nicks only';
= "$script_name: Setting colorize scheme to "
. "'$colorize_command'\n";
# Unrecognized switch
= "$script_name: Unrecognized option '$switch', "
. "keeping current option: $colorize_command\n";
Xchat::print( $msg );
return Xchat::EAT_ALL;
} # }}}
# Calls appropriate colorizing function
sub do_colorize { # {{{
my ( $nick, $text ) = @{ $_[0] };
return Xchat::EAT_NONE unless $colorize_enabled;
# Get: message sender's nick color for future reference
# sender's nick without color coding for use as key in cache
my ( $nick_color, $nick_name_only ) = $nick =~ /^\x03(\d{2})(.*)$/;
# Stop processing if nicks aren't colored
return Xchat::EAT_NONE unless defined $nick_color;
my $channel = Xchat::get_info("channel");
my $server = Xchat::get_info("server");
# Cache the color code for the sender's nick
$color_code_for{$server}{$channel}{$nick_name_only} = $nick_color;
# Use appropriate colorize scheme
my $colorized = $colorize_with{$colorize_command}->(
channel => $channel,
server => $server,
nick => $nick,
text => $text,
nick_color => $nick_color,
# Print newly colorized [ nick | message | both ]
# Let other plugins/scripts still see this event
return Xchat::EAT_XCHAT;
} # }}}
sub colorize_messages_only { # {{{
my %arg = @_;
my $nick = $arg{nick};
my $text = $arg{text};
my $nick_color = $arg{nick_color};
# Colorize the message text
my $colorized_text
= $start_coloring_with
. $arg{nick_color}
. $arg{text};
# Join nick and colorized text
my $colorized_message
= $left_bracket . $arg{nick} . $right_bracket
. "\t"
. $colorized_text
. "\n"
return $colorized_message;
} # }}}
sub colorize_nicks_only { # {{{
my %arg = @_;
my $channel = $arg{channel};
my $server = $arg{server};
my $nick = $arg{nick};
my $text = $arg{text};
my $nick_color = $arg{nick_color};
# Colorize the mention of any cached nicks in the message text
for my $cached_nick ( keys %{ $color_code_for{$server}{$channel} } ) {
# cached nick found in message
if ( $text =~ /(\b\Q$cached_nick\E\b)/ ) {
my $cached_nick_color
= $color_code_for{$server}{$channel}{$cached_nick};
my $colorized_cached_nick
= $start_coloring_with
. $cached_nick_color
. $cached_nick
. $formatting_off;
$text =~ s/(\b)\Q$cached_nick\E(\b)/$1$colorized_cached_nick$2/g;
# Join sender's nick and colorized text
my $message_with_colored_nicks_only
= $left_bracket . $nick . $right_bracket
. "\t"
. $text
. "\n"
return $message_with_colored_nicks_only;
} # }}}
sub colorize_all { # {{{
my %arg = @_;
my $channel = $arg{channel};
my $server = $arg{server};
my $nick = $arg{nick};
my $text = $arg{text};
my $nick_color = $arg{nick_color};
# Colorize the mention of any cached nicks in the message text
for my $cached_nick ( keys %{ $color_code_for{$server}{$channel} } ) {
if ( $text =~ /(\b\Q$cached_nick\E\b)/ ) {
my $cached_nick_color
= $color_code_for{$server}{$channel}{$cached_nick};
my $colorized_cached_nick
= $start_coloring_with
. $cached_nick_color
. $cached_nick
. $start_coloring_with
. $nick_color
$text =~ s/(\b)\Q$cached_nick\E(\b)/$1$colorized_cached_nick$2/g;
# Colorize the message
= $start_coloring_with
. $nick_color
. $text;
# Join sender's nick and colorized text
my $colorized_message
= $left_bracket . $nick . $right_bracket
. "\t"
. $text
. "\n"
return $colorized_message;
} # }}}
sub report_state { # {{{
my $msg;
if ( $colorize_enabled ) {
= "$script_name: Status - Colorizing is enabled. "
. "Colorization scheme set to '$colorize_command'\n";
else {
= "$script_name: Status - Colorizing is disabled. "
. "Colorization scheme last set to '$colorize_command'\n";
return $msg;
} # }}}
sub usage { # {{{
return my $usage = <<END_USAGE;
Usage: /$config_command [OPTION]
If no option is given, the default action is to show the current settings.
?, help - Display this help message
Enable/Disabling Colorization
enable - Enable colorizing
disable - Disable colorizing
Colorizing Schemes
all - Colorize message and embedded nicks in message
message - Colorize message only
nicks - Colorize embedded nicks only
Example. To set colorization scheme to only colorize embedded nicks:
/colorize nicks
Note that you only need to type the first letter of the option. So the
following command will also set the scheme to colorize just nicks:
/colorize n
} # }}}
=head1 NAME - Colorize messages and/or embedded nicks with corresponding
=head1 VERSION
This documentation refers to version 0.0.3.
Short answer:
Put this file in your Xchat data directory (e.g. ~/.xchat2 on
linux). Make sure you've turned on colored nick names in your preferences.
Long answer:
The following is from
18. How do I auto-load scripts at startup?
You just have to place the scripts into XChat's data directory. XChat will
auto-load scripts if they have the right extension .e.g If a filename ends in
.pl, it will be loaded as a Perl script. This data directory is different on
each platform:
It depends on your version of Windows and where it stores the Application Data
folder. On Windows XP it is usually:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\X-Chat 2\
~/.xchat2/ Where "~" represents your home directory i.e.: $HOME/.xchat2/
=head1 USAGE
/colorize [OPTION]
If no option is given, the default action is to show the current settings.
?, help - Display this help message
Enable/Disabling Colorization
enable - Enable colorizing
disable - Disable colorizing
Colorizing Schemes
all - Colorize message and embedded nicks in message
message - Colorize message only
nicks - Colorize embedded nicks only
Example. To set colorization scheme to only colorize embedded nicks:
/colorize nicks
Note that you only need to type the first letter of the option. So the
following command will also set the scheme to colorize just nicks:
/colorize n
You can customize the type and color of the brackets that surround the
nick names. The default is to not have any surrounding brackets.
To change the bracket type and color, go to the section labeled
"BRACKET SETTINGS" towards the top of the script and edit the three
You can use the %color hash defined at the top of the script for defining
$BRACKET_COLOR. For example, to set the bracket color to green, set
the following:
my $BRACKET_COLOR = $color{green};
The brackets can be any characters you want, you are not limited to
the usual '<' and '>'. For example, to set the bracket type to use
parentheses, set the following:
Xchat 2.0.8 or above is required to load this plugin.
Please report any bugs you find to the author.
This version only colorizes messages sent by other users. It does not
colorize messages sent by you or for you.
Patches welcome. :-)
=head1 SEE ALSO is where this plugin is hosted. has good documentation on
writing perl plugins.
=head1 AUTHOR
jf3 at
This plugin is made available under the same license as XChat, which
is the GPL. You can read it at
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