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Last active July 19, 2022 07:06
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How to find offsets for v0rtex (by Siguza)

Our targets (on iPod 6G on 10.3.3):

From v0rtex.m lines 41~53

#define OFFSET_ZONE_MAP                             0xfffffff007558478 /* "zone_init: kmem_suballoc failed" */
#define OFFSET_KERNEL_MAP                           0xfffffff0075b4050
#define OFFSET_KERNEL_TASK                          0xfffffff0075b4048
#define OFFSET_REALHOST                             0xfffffff00753aba0 /* host_priv_self */
#define OFFSET_BZERO                                0xfffffff00708df80
#define OFFSET_BCOPY                                0xfffffff00708ddc0
#define OFFSET_COPYIN                               0xfffffff00718d028
#define OFFSET_COPYOUT                              0xfffffff00718d21c
#define OFFSET_IPC_PORT_ALLOC_SPECIAL               0xfffffff0070a60b4 /* convert_task_suspension_token_to_port */
#define OFFSET_IPC_KOBJECT_SET                      0xfffffff0070b938c /* convert_task_suspension_token_to_port */
#define OFFSET_IPC_PORT_MAKE_SEND                   0xfffffff0070a5bd8 /* "ipc_host_init" */
#define OFFSET_IOSURFACEROOTUSERCLIENT_VTAB         0xfffffff006ef2d78
#define OFFSET_ROP_ADD_X0_X0_0x10                   0xfffffff00651a174

Use this script or follow the instructions below.

Get an ipsw of your target device and iOS version. Unzip it and copy the file to your working copy. Delete ipsw and unzipped folder if you want).

Alternatively, use partialzip to speed things up

partialzip ipsw_url kernel_name output_name

To decompress the kernel cache, get joker run

joker -dec

Will create a decompressed file at /tmp/kernel. Move it to your working directory as

If that coesn't work, follow these instead:

  1. Compile lzssdec.cpp from here:
  2. Open the kernel cache file with a Hex editor and find the magical 0xFEEDFACE. Note the offset.
  3. Run: ./lzssdec -o OFFSET_YOUVE_NOTED_IN_STEP_2 < kernelcache.release.***** > kernelcache.decrypted

To extract the kext from the kernel cache:

joker -K

kext is now at /tmp/ Copy it to your working directory.


nm | grep -E " ___bzero$| _bcopy$| _copyin$| _copyout$| _kernel_map$| _kernel_task$"

Finding OFFSET_ZONE_MAP (credit cryptic)

  1. Drop in Hopper
  2. Go to the string tab and search for zone_init: kmem_suballoc failed
  3. Click the result that came up. Double click on the DATA XREF=sub_fffffff
  4. Double click on the DATA XREF to the very far right of the location you landed on
  5. The offset will be the first qword above the location you jumped to

Finding OFFSET_REALHOST (credit cryptic)

  1. Drop in Hopper
  2. Search for host_priv_self under the Labels tab
  3. Select the result.
  4. The offset is the right of the add x0, x0 line


  1. Drop in Hopper
  2. Search for the string "ipc_host_init", it should be referenced from one location like so:
0xfffffff0070d5198      008dab50       adr x0, str._ipc_host_init_
0xfffffff0070d519c      1f2003d5       nop
0xfffffff0070d51a0      0c86ff97       bl sym._panic
  1. Find a reference to that address (i.e. 0xfffffff0070d5198), of which there should be three. Doesn't matter which one you pick, around it there should be three function calls like so:
0xfffffff0070d38f8      ef49ff97       bl sym.func.fffffff0070a60b4
0xfffffff0070d38fc      f40300aa       mov x20, x0
;-- hit2_0:
0xfffffff0070d3900      d4c400b4       cbz x20, 0xfffffff0070d5198
0xfffffff0070d3904      22028052       movz w2, 0x11
0xfffffff0070d3908      e00314aa       mov x0, x20
0xfffffff0070d390c      e10315aa       mov x1, x21
0xfffffff0070d3910      9f96ff97       bl sym.func.fffffff0070b938c
0xfffffff0070d3914      e00314aa       mov x0, x20
0xfffffff0070d3918      b048ff97       bl sym.func.fffffff0070a5bd8
  1. Those are OFFSET_IPC_PORT_ALLOC_SPECIAL, OFFSET_IPC_KOBJECT_SET and OFFSET_IPC_PORT_MAKE_SEND (0xfffffff0070a60b4, oxfffffff0070b938c, 0xfffffff0070a5bd8).



(See this gist for explanation/context)

  1. Run r2 in terminal
  2. Type S to list the sections
  3. Copy the address to the __DATA_CONST.__const section (example 0xfffffff006e7b818)
  4. Type s 0xfffffff006e7b818 to seek to that address
  5. The length is the value of sz=0x2330. type pxq 0x2330
  6. The first red address is the start of the vtable. The offset we are looking for is circled in green. the 8th pointer is used to check the validity
  7. Check for validity like so

Instructions to check validity:

  1. Take 8th pointer (must be red!) (example 0xfffffff0064960d4
  2. Type s 0xfffffff0064960d4 to seek to that address
  3. Type pd 3 to show 3 instructions at that address
  4. Take note of the address on the adrp instruction and the offset at the add instruction (example 0xfffffff00760d000 and 0x218)
  5. Type "/c pointer; offset" to search other instances of the same pair of similar instructions (example "/c 0xfffffff00760d000; 0x218")
  6. From the resulting list, try using the second to last result (example 0xfffffff00649ae20)
  7. Type pd 10 @ 0xfffffff00649ae20 to show 10 instructions at that address
  8. Take note of the address on the first adrp instruction and the offset at the following add instruction (example 0xfffffff0073000 and 0x202)
  9. Type ps @0xfffffff0073000 + 0x202
  10. If you get IOSurfaceRootUserClient you found a valid OFFSET_IOSURFACEROOTUSERCLIENT_VTAB (0xfffffff006e7b9c8)!

Finding OFFSET_ROP_ADD_X0_X0_10 (credit cryptic)

  1. Run r2 in terminal
  2. Type "/c add x0, x0, 0x10; ret" to search for the ROP gadget. You should get an output like this:
  3. Take note of the second address (example it's 0xfffffff00651a178)
  4. Seek to an address 4 bytes before. We do that by subtracting 0x4 to it. Type s 0xfffffff00651a178 - 0x4 (which is also 0xfffffff00651a174)
  5. Type pd 2 to show 2 instructions at that address
  6. If your output looks similar to this, you found a valid OFFSET_ROP_ADD_X0_X0_10 (0xfffffff00651a174)!

You found everything! Yay!

Now go an try putting it into practice. Clone and replace the offsets for your target device!

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which options should I choose in IDA to decompile kernelcache file?

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arx8x commented Dec 11, 2017

@GreenSeed, it's not FEEDFACE for 6s. It's FEEDFACF. Also, consider little endianness. It'll look jumbled

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ginsudev commented Dec 14, 2017

root@HUANG:/home/huang/Desktop/offset1031/1# nm kernelcache.decrypted | grep -E " ___bzero$| _bcopy$| _copyin$| _copyout$| _kernel_map$| _kernel_task$"

nm: kernelcache.decrypted: File format not recognised

How do I fix this error? nm: kernelcache.decrypted: File format not recognised

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Siguza commented Dec 14, 2017

The second image for OFFSET_IOSURFACEROOTUSERCLIENT_VTAB is wrong, as it shows IOSurface rather than IOSurfaceRootUserClient.

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Xoloth commented Dec 17, 2017

When i type r2 command its says r2 command not found. I use Sierra 10.12.6.

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Xoloth - search for and install radare2

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w3kwang commented Dec 17, 2017

For my iPad Air WiFi (iPad4,1) iOS 10.3.2, there are two files. which file should I use?

  • kernelcache.release.ipad4
  • kernelcache.release.ipad4b

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XianThi commented Dec 19, 2017

siguza updated his source code and change offsets. how you find new offsets?

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