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Last active August 25, 2019 19:57
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This script transforms Spring's .properties file into different formats: Docker Compose environment variables/env-file or Asciidoctor Table
if (args.size < 2) {
println("This script transforms a .properties file in different formats.")
println("Please provide arguments: <file> <mode>")
println(" - environment: Print out properties in a Docker Compose environment attribute format")
println(" - env-file: Print out properties in a Docker Compose environment file attribute format")
println(" - configmap: Print out properties in a Kubernetes Configmap (YAML) format")
println(" - adoc-table: Print out an ASCII Doctor table")
println(" - adoc-table-small-example: Print out an ASCII Doctor table with small example")
} else {
val filePath = args[0]
val mode = args[1]
var previousLine = ""
File(filePath).forEachLine {
// println("Prev: " + previousLine)
if (it.isEmpty()) {
if (!mode.startsWith("adoc-table")) println()
else if (it.startsWith("#")) {
if (!mode.startsWith("adoc-table")) println(it)
else {
val regex = """([a-zA-Z_\.-]*)=([^#]*)\w*(# (.*))?""".toRegex()
val matchResult = regex.find(it)
if (matchResult != null) {
val name = matchResult.groupValues?.get(1)
val value = matchResult.groupValues?.get(2)
val _comment = matchResult.groupValues?.get(4) // Comments are not allowed in .properties file in the same line as key-value definition!
val comment = if (_comment == null || _comment == "") { if (previousLine.startsWith("# ")) previousLine.substring(2) else "" } else _comment
val env_name = name.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
val env_value = if (mode.startsWith("adoc-table") && env_name == "infrastructure_keycloak_realmKey") "/" else value
when(mode) {
"environment" -> println("- " + env_name + "=" + env_value) // + (if (!comment.isEmpty()) " # " + comment else comment))
"env-file" -> println(env_name + "=" + env_value) // + (if (!comment.isEmpty()) " # " + comment else comment))
"configmap" -> println(env_name + ": \"" + env_value + "\"") // + (if (!comment.isEmpty()) " # " + comment else comment))
"adoc-table" -> println("|" + env_name + "\n|" + comment + "\n\n" + "Example value: " + env_value?.trimEnd() + "\n\n")
"adoc-table-small-example" -> println("|" + env_name + "\n|" + (if (!comment.isEmpty()) comment + " +\n" else "") + "[.small]#Example value: " + env_value?.trimEnd() + "#\n")
else { println("?") }
previousLine = it
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