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Last active August 5, 2023 15:55
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A minimal boox to obsidian converter for templater

<%* function getTitleAndAuthor(l) { l = l.replace("Reading Notes | <<", "").split(">>"); return { title: l[0], authors: l[1] } }

let file = app.workspace.getActiveFile() let content = await let lines = content.split("\n"); let titleAndAuthor = getTitleAndAuthor(lines.shift());

notes = lines.join("\n").split("-------------------")

let output = # ${titleAndAuthor.title}${titleAndAuthor.authors ? "\n### " + titleAndAuthor.authors : ""}\n\n\n;

for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { if (notes[i]) { note = notes[i].split("Page No.: ").pop().split("【Note】")[0]; noteLines = note.split("\n") noteLines.shift(); if (noteLines[noteLines.length - 1].length == 0) { noteLines.pop(); } output += - ${noteLines.join("\n\t")}\n\n; } }

app.vault.modify(file, output); %>

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