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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am urras on github.
  • I am urras ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 76D5 7CB6 C5ED D220 BE02 D43D 9DD9 AB20 E512 27D2

To claim this, I am signing this object:

urras /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16 — forked from sevcsik/

Proposal for using Tox on multiple devices

Aladar has 3 devices. A phone (p), a deskop (d), a tablet (t). All of these devices have a unique Tox ID.

There is a fourth Tox ID (A), which is the ID of Aladar, regardless which device is he using. All of his contacts know only this ID.

p, d, t and A have each other on their contact list.

beep -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 370 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 587.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 415.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 784 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 659.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 784 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 659.3 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 784 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 493.9 -l 122 -d 0 -n -f 659.3 -l 122 -d 0
urras /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --show-signature"
'''For Opers:'''
When someone request information, unless it has anything to do with our personal matters/identities, we need to be able to give it to them.
This includes questions such as "What's in #tox-secret", or "Where is the donation money going?".
People need to know EXACTLY where their money is going, and they need to know what is going on in #tox-secret.
If it has anything to do with user data, passwords, or identities, you may not disclose it without consent of the owner. So if someone asks "What's Proplex's real name?", you don't have to disclose it.
In fact, unless Proplex gives you specific permission to do so (which he won't), DO NOT disclose information like this.
'''For Users:'''
urras /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #Central Intelligence Agency Networks
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #National Counterintelligence Executive
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #National Computer Security Center aka NAVY/NSA/.mil
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture aka IRS/Treasury
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #Executive Office Of The President USA aka Whitehouse/EOP
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #Defense Information Systems Agency aka DOD
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #Defense Technical Information Cntr
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP #Single Agency Manager aka Pentagon
require 'swftly'
swf_path = '/home/user01/flash/'
the_swf = '/home/user01/flash/lolcats.swf'
swftly =, false) #don't auto process
swftly.swiff #send the_swf off to Google's hosted service for conversion
if swftly.converter_response_code == 200 #success!
urras /
Last active July 6, 2022 23:14
No longer maintained. Please go to
This script is no longer maintained, please use instead.