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Created September 9, 2023 19:44
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polyfit equivalent in PHP
function polyfit($dependentValues, $independentValues, $countOfElements, $order, &$coefficients)
// Declarations...
// ----------------------------------
$maxOrder = 5;
$B = array_fill(0, $maxOrder + 1, 0.0);
$P = array_fill(0, (2 * ($maxOrder + 1)) + 1, 0.0);
$A = array_fill(0, (2 * ($maxOrder + 1)) * ($maxOrder + 1), 0.0);
$x = 0.0;
$y = 0.0;
$powx = 0.0;
// Verify initial conditions....
// ----------------------------------
// This method requires that the countOfElements >
// (order+1)
if ($countOfElements <= $order)
return -1;
// This method has imposed an arbitrary bound of
// order <= maxOrder. Increase maxOrder if necessary.
if ($order > $maxOrder)
return -1;
// Begin Code...
// ----------------------------------
// Identify the column vector
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $countOfElements; $ii++)
$x = $dependentValues[$ii];
$y = $independentValues[$ii];
$powx = 1;
for ($jj = 0; $jj < ($order + 1); $jj++)
$B[$jj] = $B[$jj] + ($y * $powx);
$powx = $powx * $x;
// Initialize the PowX array
$P[0] = $countOfElements;
// Compute the sum of the Powers of X
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $countOfElements; $ii++)
$x = $dependentValues[$ii];
$powx = $dependentValues[$ii];
for ($jj = 1; $jj < ((2 * ($order + 1)) + 1); $jj++)
$P[$jj] = $P[$jj] + $powx;
$powx = $powx * $x;
// Initialize the reduction matrix
for ($ii = 0; $ii < ($order + 1); $ii++)
for ($jj = 0; $jj < ($order + 1); $jj++)
$A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $jj] = $P[$ii + $jj];
$A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + ($ii + ($order + 1))] = 1;
// Move the Identity matrix portion of the redux matrix
// to the left side (find the inverse of the left side
// of the redux matrix
for ($ii = 0; $ii < ($order + 1); $ii++)
$x = $A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $ii];
if ($x != 0)
for ($kk = 0; $kk < (2 * ($order + 1)); $kk++)
$A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $kk] =
$A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $kk] / $x;
for ($jj = 0; $jj < ($order + 1); $jj++)
if (($jj - $ii) != 0)
$y = $A[($jj * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $ii];
for ($kk = 0; $kk < (2 * ($order + 1)); $kk++)
$A[($jj * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $kk] =
$A[($jj * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $kk] -
$y * $A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + $kk];
// Cannot work with singular matrices
return -1;
// Calculate and Identify the coefficients
for ($ii = 0; $ii < ($order + 1); $ii++)
for ($jj = 0; $jj < ($order + 1); $jj++)
$x = 0;
for ($kk = 0; $kk < ($order + 1); $kk++)
$x = $x + ($A[($ii * (2 * ($order + 1))) + ($kk + ($order + 1))] *
$coefficients[$ii] = $x;
return 0;
$r = polyfit($x,$y, 5,2, $coefficients);
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