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interface AppComponent {
val userComponentFactory: UserComponent.Factory
interface Factory {
fun create(@BindsInstance context: Context): AppComponent
class Presenter<S>(state: S) {
private val _state = BehaviorRelay.createDefault(state)
val state: Observable get() = _state
protected fun setState(reducer: S.() -> S) {
// Enforce main thread to avoid synchronization
val oldState = stateRelay.value!!
@Component(modules = [..., MessageModule::class])
interface AppComponentImpl : AppComponent, Feature1AppComponent, Feature2AppComponent, ...
@Component(modules = [..., MessageModule::class])
interface AppComponentImpl : AppComponent, Feature1AppComponent, Feature2AppComponent, ...
interface Feature1AppComponent : AppComponent { <------
val messageRepository: MessageRepository
dependencies = [Feature1AppComponent::class], <------
modules = [Feature1ControllerModule::class]
internal interface Feature1ControllerComponent {
@Component(dependencies = [???::class], modules = [Feature1Module::class])
interface Feature1ControllerComponent {
val viewModel: InviteViewModel
/ / / /
:feature1 :feature2 :feature3 ... :featureN
/ / /
:messages / /
interface Feature1AppComponent : AppComponent {
val messageRepository: MessageRepository
/ / / /
:feature1 :feature2 :feature3 ... :featureN
object MessageModule {
fun messageRepository(...): MessageRepository {
return MessageRepository(...)