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Last active January 23, 2022 15:40
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  • Save urwrstkn8mare/e1ed1818a094b796f9d199175c875006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save urwrstkn8mare/e1ed1818a094b796f9d199175c875006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
just a temporary scoop manifest using fork while official bethesda plugin updated
"homepage": "",
"version": "custom",
"depends": "sudo",
"url": "",
"hash": "797106189879466B19095301150E3360F916209628D63538E1D6992C6FDEE639",
"extract_dir": "Galaxy_Plugin_Bethesda-master/betty",
"extract_to": "integration",
"uninstaller": {
"script": "(Get-Item \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\\\Galaxy\\plugins\\installed\\bethesda\").Delete()"
"post_install": [
"$integration = \"bethesda\"",
"$wildcard = \"*bethesda*\"",
"$gi_path = \"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\\\\Galaxy\\plugins\\installed\"",
"$path = \"$gi_path\\$integration\"",
"$source = \"$scoopdir\\apps\\$app\\current\\integration\"",
"$link = $true",
"if (Test-Path $path) {",
" $backup_path = \"$persist_dir\\backup\"",
" if ($(Get-Item $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Target) -eq $source) {",
" $link = $false",
" } else {",
" if (!(Test-Path $persist_dir)) {",
" New-Item \"$persist_dir\" -Type Directory | Out-Null",
" }",
" Move-Item $path $backup_path",
" Write-Host \"WARNING:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"Integration directory already exists, I've moved the existing files here:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host $backup_path -f Red",
" }",
"$userRole = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())",
"if (!($userRole.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))) {",
" Write-Host \"NOTE:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"This installer can also attach the newly installed integration folder to GOG Galaxy.\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"If you choose to do so, you will need to Administrator permission (you'll be asked to approve.)\" -f Yellow",
"} else {",
" $response=\"Y\"",
"$msg = 'Would you like to attach this integration folder to GOG Galaxy programmatically? [Y/N]'",
"while(\"Y\",\"N\" -notcontains $response) {",
" $response = (Read-Host -Prompt $msg).ToUpper()",
"if ($response -eq \"N\") {",
" Write-Host \"No worries! Just make sure you follow these steps:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"1) Open a Command Prompt via (Run as Administrator)\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"2) Run:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"mklink /D $([char]0x22)%localappdata%\\\\Galaxy\\plugins\\installed\\$integration$([char]0x22) $([char]0x22)$scoopdir\\apps\\$app\\current\\integration$([char]0x22)\" -f Yellow",
"} elseif ($link) {",
" sudo New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path $path -Target $source 2`>`&1 `> symlink.log",
" $installed = Get-ChildItem -Path $gi_path -Depth 0 -Filter $wildcard | % { $_.FullName }",
" If ($installed.count -gt 1) {",
" Write-Host \"WARNING:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"Installer found multiple integrations installed for $integration, this will likely cause issues with GOG Galaxy...\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"Please review the entries below and make sure they are currect:\" -f Yellow",
" $installed",
" Write-Host \"Here's what you can do:\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"1) Keep the '$path'\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"2) Backup and remove the additional folders (renaming will not work!)\" -f Yellow",
" Write-Host \"3) Restart GOG Galaxy\" -f Yellow",
" }",
" if ($(Get-Item $path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Target) -eq $source) {",
" Write-Host \"The integration was successfully attached! Make sure to restart GOG Galaxy to make it effective.\" -f Green",
" } else {",
" Write-Host \"Oops! Something's not right. The $app integration was installed, but the symlink was not possible.\" -f Red",
" }",
"checkver": {
"github": ""
"autoupdate": {
"url": "$version/"
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