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Created June 26, 2018 07:43
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function calendarioPrezzi(element,calData,year) {
var year = year ? year : new Date().getUTCFullYear();
var arrWeekdays = new Array('domenica', 'lunedì', 'martedì', 'mercoledì', 'giovedì', 'venerdì', 'sabato');
//change feb days for a leap year
var arrMonths = new Array(['gennaio', 31], ['febbraio', 28], ['marzo', 31], ['aprile', 30], ['maggio', 31], ['giugno', 30], ['luglio', 31], ['agosto', 31], ['settembre', 30], ['ottobre', 31], ['novembre', 30], ['dicembre', 31]);
//================ leap year
function isLeapYear(year) {
//test for leap year
//year: number, required
//return: boolean
endvalue = false;
if (!isNaN(year)) {
if (year % 4 === 0) {
endvalue = true;
if (year % 100 === 0) {
endvalue = false;
if (year % 400 === 0) {
endvalue = true;
return endvalue;
function makeMonthTable(year, monthIndex) {
//check arguments
if (isNaN(year) || (year.toString().length != 4)) {
return "bad year number";
if (isNaN(monthIndex) || (monthIndex < 0) || (monthIndex > 11)) {
return "bad month number";
//weekday of the first day of the month
var start_date = new Date(year, monthIndex, 1);
var start_weekday = start_date.getDay();
//determine end day of the month, possible exception feb of leap year
var endDay = arrMonths[monthIndex][1];
if ((monthIndex == 1) && (isLeapYear(year))) {
endDay = 29
//build up return value string
strMonthTable = "<table class='calendar'>\n";
//title row
strMonthTable += "<tr><th colspan='7' class=\"month\">" + arrMonths[monthIndex][0] + " ";
strMonthTable += year + "</th></tr>\n";
//day titles
strMonthTable += "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
strMonthTable += "<td class=\"days\">" + arrWeekdays[i].substr(0, 2).toUpperCase() + "</td>";
strMonthTable += "</tr>\n"
var day = 1;
var count = 0;
while (day <= endDay) {
//week row
strMonthTable += "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
//draw cells without or with days filled in
var strId = ''; //id made up of maandIndex and dagnummer
var strDayNumber = ''; // the day number
var dataMillisec = '';
//write the days
if ((count >= start_weekday) && (day <= endDay)) {
strDayNumber = day;
dataMillisec = new Date(year,monthIndex+1,day).getTime();
strId = " id='" + year + "-" + (monthIndex+1) + "-" + day + "' data-millisec='"+dataMillisec+"'";
var emptyClass = strDayNumber ? 'filled' : 'empty';
//write the cell
strMonthTable += "<td " + strId + " class="+emptyClass+">" + strDayNumber + "</td>";
strMonthTable += "</tr>\n";
strMonthTable += "</table>\n";
return strMonthTable;
//================show the day
function highlightDay(day,price, CSS_Class) {
//which year, month and day?
var dDay = new Date(day).getDate();
var dMonth = new Date(day).getMonth()+1;
var dYear = new Date(day).getFullYear();
//contruct id for cell
var strId = dYear + "-" + dMonth + "-" + dDay;
// var dCel = document.getElementById(strId);
var dCel = element.querySelector('[data-millisec="'+day+'"]');
if (dCel) {
dCel.dataset.price = price;
dCel.title = price+'€';
//=====================a whole year calendar
function makeYearCalendar(year) {
//dependency: makemonthTable()
//return: string, for innerHTML: 12 month tables
strYearCalendar = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
strYearCalendar += "<div class='monthContainer'>";
strYearCalendar += makeMonthTable(year, i);
strYearCalendar += "</div>";
return strYearCalendar;
var divCalendar = element;
//divCalendar.innerHTML = makeMonthTable(thisYear, thisMonth); //calendar for 1 month
divCalendar.innerHTML = makeYearCalendar(year); //calendar for 1 year
for (data in calData) {
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