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Forked from borkdude/scrape_tables.clj
Last active July 7, 2022 11:16
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get list of pubmed baseline files
(ns scrape
(:require [babashka.pods :as pods]
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(pods/load-pod 'retrogradeorbit/bootleg "0.1.9")
(require '[babashka.curl :as curl])
(def pubmed-html (:body (curl/get "")))
(require '[pod.retrogradeorbit.bootleg.utils :refer [convert-to]])
(def hiccup (convert-to pubmed-html :hiccup))
(def links (atom []))
(walk/postwalk (fn [node]
(when (and (vector? node)
(= :a (first node))
(string? (:href (second node)))
(str/ends-with? (:href (second node)) "xml.gz"))
(swap! links conj node))
(def pubmed-links (->> @links (map second) (map :href)))
(spit "pubmed-links.edn" (into [] pubmed-links))
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.process :refer [process check]])
(require '[clojure.string :as s])
(require '[babashka.fs :as fs])
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[ :refer [sh]])
(defn wget-file
[url output-dir]
(sh "wget" "-P" output-dir url))
(def links (map #(str "" %)
(edn/read-string (slurp "bb-get-pubmed/pubmed-links.edn"))))
(prn (str "scraped " (count links) " links"))
(doseq [l (drop 0 links)] ;; so that we can restart it later, if needed
(wget-file l "./pubmed"))
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