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Created September 29, 2020 10:17
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// Toxi's flood fill code, updated to modern Java and Processing and to my taste... :-P
// Also generalized to work on any PImage
FloodFill1 myFloodFill ;
void setup() {
size(900, 900);
ellipse(190, 190, 90, 90);
rect (390, 390, 90, 90);
void draw () {
// background (117);
myFloodFill = new FloodFill1();
if (mousePressed) {
myFloodFill.DoFill(mouseX, mouseY, color(255, 0, 0));
// =====================================================================
// I create a class to share variables between the functions...
public class FloodFill1
protected int iw; // Image width
protected int ih; // Image height
protected color[] imagePixels;
protected color backColor; // Color found at given position
protected color fillColor; // Color to apply
// Stack is almost deprecated and slow (synchronized).
// I would use Deque but that's Java 1.6, excluding current (mid-2009) Macs...
protected ArrayList stack = new ArrayList();
public FloodFill1()
iw = width;
ih = height;
imagePixels = pixels; // Assume loadPixels have been done before
public FloodFill1(PImage imageToProcess)
iw = imageToProcess.width;
ih = imageToProcess.height;
imagePixels = imageToProcess.pixels; // Assume loadPixels have been done before if sketch image
public void DoFill(int startX, int startY, color fc)
// start filling
fillColor = fc;
backColor = imagePixels[startX + startY * iw];
// don't run if fill color is the same as background one
if (fillColor == backColor)
stack.add(new PVector(startX, startY));
while (stack.size () > 0)
PVector p = (PVector) stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
// Go left
FillScanLine((int) p.x, (int) p.y, -1);
// Go right
FillScanLine((int) p.x + 1, (int) p.y, 1);
protected void FillScanLine(int x, int y, int dir)
// compute current index in pixel buffer array
int idx = x + y * iw;
boolean inColorRunAbove = false;
boolean inColorRunBelow = false;
// fill until boundary in current scanline...
// checking neighbouring pixel rows
while (x >= 0 && x < iw && imagePixels[idx] == backColor)
imagePixels[idx] = fillColor;
if (y > 0) // Not on top line
if (imagePixels[idx - iw] == backColor)
if (!inColorRunAbove)
// The above pixel needs to be flooded too, we memorize the fact.
// Only once per run of pixels of back color (hence the inColorRunAbove test)
stack.add(new PVector(x, y-1));
inColorRunAbove = true;
else // End of color run (or none)
inColorRunAbove = false;
if (y < ih - 1) // Not on bottom line
if (imagePixels[idx + iw] == backColor)
if (!inColorRunBelow)
// Idem with pixel below, remember to process there
stack.add(new PVector(x, y + 1));
inColorRunBelow = true;
else // End of color run (or none)
inColorRunBelow = false;
// Continue in given direction
x += dir;
idx += dir;
} //
} // func
} // class
// ----------------------------------------------------------
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