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Created September 24, 2019 00:40
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TextureLooper : MonoBehaviour
//An array of Objects that stores the results of the Resources.LoadAll() method
private Object[] objects;
//Each returned object is converted to a Texture and stored in this array
private Texture[] textures;
//With this Material object, a reference to the game object Material can be stored
private Material goMaterial;
//An integer to advance frames
private int frameCounter = 0;
public string texture = "Sequence000";
public void Init(string newTexture)
this.texture = newTexture;
Debug.Log("Setting Texture to: " + this.texture);
protected virtual void Awake()
//Get a reference to the Material of the game object this script is attached to
this.goMaterial = this.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
public void Start()
//Load all textures found on the Sequence folder, that is placed inside the resources folder
Debug.Log("Loading Texture: " + this.texture);
this.objects = Resources.LoadAll(this.texture, typeof(Texture));
//Initialize the array of textures with the same size as the objects array
this.textures = new Texture[objects.Length];
//Cast each Object to Texture and store the result inside the Textures array
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
this.textures[i] = (Texture)this.objects[i];
void Update()
//Call the 'PlayLoop' method as a coroutine with a 0.04 delay
StartCoroutine("PlayLoop", 0.04f);
//Set the material's texture to the current value of the frameCounter variable
goMaterial.mainTexture = textures[frameCounter];
//The following methods return a IEnumerator so they can be yielded:
//A method to play the animation in a loop
IEnumerator PlayLoop(float delay)
//Wait for the time defined at the delay parameter
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
//Advance one frame
frameCounter = (++frameCounter) % textures.Length;
//Stop this coroutine
//A method to play the animation just once
IEnumerator Play(float delay)
//Wait for the time defined at the delay parameter
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
//If the frame counter isn't at the last frame
if (frameCounter < textures.Length - 1)
//Advance one frame
//Stop this coroutine
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