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Last active December 14, 2015 01:19
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Save usefulthink/5005314 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @id ingress-intel-total-conversion@breunigs
// @name intel map total conversion
// @version 0.6-2013-02-21-171155
// @namespace
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @description total conversion for the ingress intel map.
// @include*
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==
// REPLACE ORIG SITE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].getAttribute('itemscope') != null)
throw('Ingress Intel Website is down, not a userscript issue.');
// disable vanilla JS
window.onload = function() {};
// rescue user data from original page
var scr = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for(var x in scr) {
var s = scr[x];
if(s.src) continue;
if(s.type !== 'text/javascript') continue;
var d = s.innerHTML.split('\n');
if(!d) {
// page doesn’t have a script tag with player information.
if(document.getElementById('header_email')) {
// however, we are logged in.
setTimeout('location.reload();', 10*1000);
throw('Page doesn’t have player data, but you are logged in. Reloading in 10s.');
// FIXME: handle nia takedown in progress
throw('Couldn’t retrieve player data. Are you logged in?');
for(var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
if(!d[i].match('var PLAYER = ')) continue;
eval(d[i].match(/^var /, 'window.'));
// player information is now available in a hash like this:
// window.PLAYER = {"ap": "123", "energy": 123, "available_invites": 123, "nickname": "somenick", "team": "ALIENS||RESISTANCE"};
var ir = window.internalResources || [];
var mainstyle = '';
var smartphone = '';
var leaflet = '';
var coda = '';
// remove complete page. We only wanted the user-data and the page’s
// security context so we can access the API easily. Setup as much as
// possible without requiring scripts.
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML = ''
//~ + '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>'
+ '<title>Ingress Intel Map</title>'
+ (ir.indexOf('mainstyle') === -1
? '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+mainstyle+'"/>'
: '')
+ (ir.indexOf('leafletcss') === -1
? '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+leaflet+'"/>'
: '')
// this navigator check is also used in code/smartphone.js
+ (ir.indexOf('smartphonecss') === -1 && navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*Mobile/)
? '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+smartphone+'"/>'
: '')
+ (ir.indexOf('codafont') === -1
? '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+coda+'"/>'
: '');
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = ''
+ '<div id="map">Loading, please wait</div>'
+ '<div id="chatcontrols" style="display:none">'
+ ' <a><span class="toggle expand"></span></a>'
+ '<a>full</a><a>compact</a><a>public</a><a class="active">faction</a>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div id="chat" style="display:none">'
+ ' <div id="chatfaction"></div>'
+ ' <div id="chatpublic"></div>'
+ ' <div id="chatcompact"></div>'
+ ' <div id="chatfull"></div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<form id="chatinput" style="display:none"><table><tr>'
+ ' <td><time></time></td>'
+ ' <td><mark>tell faction:</mark></td>'
+ ' <td><input type="text"/></td>'
+ '</tr></table></form>'
+ '<a id="sidebartoggle"><span class="toggle close"></span></a>'
+ '<div id="scrollwrapper">' // enable scrolling for small screens
+ ' <div id="sidebar" style="display: none">'
+ ' <div id="playerstat">t</div>'
+ ' <div id="gamestat">&nbsp;loading global control stats</div>'
+ ' <input id="geosearch" placeholder="Search location…" type="text"/>'
+ ' <div id="portaldetails"></div>'
+ ' <input id="redeem" placeholder="Redeem code… (currently down from web)" type="text"/>'
+ ' <div id="toolbox">'
+ ' <a onmouseover="setPermaLink(this)">permalink</a>'
+ ' <a href="" title="IITC = Ingress Intel Total Conversion.\n\nOn the script’s homepage you can:\n– find updates\n– get plugins\n– report bugs\n– and contribute." style="cursor: help">IITC’s page</a></div>'
+ ' </div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div id="updatestatus"></div>';
// putting everything in a wrapper function that in turn is placed in a
// script tag on the website allows us to execute in the site’s context
// instead of in the Greasemonkey/Extension/etc. context.
function wrapper() {
// LEAFLET PREFER CANVAS ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// Set to true if Leaflet should draw things using Canvas instead of SVG
// Disabled for now because it has several bugs: flickering, constant
// CPU usage and it continuously fires the moveend event.
// CONFIG OPTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.REFRESH = 30; // refresh view every 30s (base time)
window.ZOOM_LEVEL_ADJ = 5; // add 5 seconds per zoom level
window.REFRESH_GAME_SCORE = 5*60; // refresh game score every 5 minutes
window.MAX_IDLE_TIME = 4; // stop updating map after 4min idling
window.PRECACHE_PLAYER_NAMES_ZOOM = 17; // zoom level to start pre-resolving player names
window.SIDEBAR_WIDTH = 300;
// chat messages are requested for the visible viewport. On high zoom
// levels this gets pretty pointless, so request messages in at least a
// X km radius.
window.CHAT_MIN_RANGE = 6;
// this controls how far data is being drawn outside the viewport. Set
// it 0 to only draw entities that intersect the current view. A value
// of one will render an area twice the size of the viewport (or some-
// thing like that, Leaflet doc isn’t too specific). Setting it too low
// makes the missing data on move/zoom out more obvious. Setting it too
// high causes too many items to be drawn, making drag&drop sluggish.
window.VIEWPORT_PAD_RATIO = 0.3;
// how many items to request each query
window.CHAT_PUBLIC_ITEMS = 200;
// how many pixels to the top before requesting new data
window.CHAT_SHRINKED = 60;
// Leaflet will get very slow for MANY items. It’s better to display
// only some instead of crashing the browser.
window.MAX_DRAWN_PORTALS = 1000;
window.MAX_DRAWN_LINKS = 400;
window.MAX_DRAWN_FIELDS = 200;
// Minimum zoom level resonator will display
window.COLOR_SELECTED_PORTAL = '#f00';
window.COLORS = ['#FFCE00', '#0088FF', '#03FE03']; // none, res, enl
window.COLORS_LVL = ['#000', '#FECE5A', '#FFA630', '#FF7315', '#E40000', '#FD2992', '#EB26CD', '#C124E0', '#9627F4'];
window.COLORS_MOD = {VERY_RARE: '#F78AF6', RARE: '#AD8AFF', COMMON: '#84FBBD'};
window.OPTIONS_RESONATOR_SELECTED = { color: '#fff', weight: 2, radius: 4};
window.OPTIONS_RESONATOR_NON_SELECTED = { color: '#aaa', weight: 1, radius: 3};
window.OPTIONS_RESONATOR_LINE_SELECTED = {opacity: 0.7, weight: 3};
window.OPTIONS_RESONATOR_LINE_NON_SELECTED = {opacity: 0.25, weight: 2};
// circles around a selected portal that show from where you can hack
// it and how far the portal reaches (i.e. how far links may be made
// from this portal)
window.ACCESS_INDICATOR_COLOR = 'orange';
// by how much pixels should the portal range be expanded on mobile
// devices. This should make clicking them easier.
window.NOMINATIM = '';
// INGRESS CONSTANTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.RESO_NRG = [0, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000];
window.MAX_XM_PER_LEVEL = [0, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000];
window.MIN_AP_FOR_LEVEL = [0, 10000, 30000, 70000, 150000, 300000, 600000, 1200000];
window.HACK_RANGE = 40; // in meters, max. distance from portal to be able to access it
window.OCTANTS = ['E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W', 'SW', 'S', 'SE'];
window.DESTROY_RESONATOR = 75; //AP for destroying portal
window.DESTROY_LINK = 187; //AP for destroying link
window.DESTROY_FIELD = 750; //AP for destroying field
window.CAPTURE_PORTAL = 500; //AP for capturing a portal
window.DEPLOY_RESONATOR = 125; //AP for deploying a resonator
window.COMPLETION_BONUS = 250; //AP for deploying all resonators on portal
// OTHER MORE-OR-LESS CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////
window.TEAM_NONE = 0;
window.TEAM_RES = 1;
window.TEAM_ENL = 2;
window.TEAM_TO_CSS = ['none', 'res', 'enl'];
window.TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
window.TYPE_PORTAL = 1;
window.TYPE_LINK = 2;
window.TYPE_FIELD = 3;
window.TYPE_PLAYER = 4;
window.TYPE_CHAT = 5;
window.TYPE_RESONATOR = 6;
window.SLOT_TO_LAT = [0, Math.sqrt(2)/2, 1, Math.sqrt(2)/2, 0, -Math.sqrt(2)/2, -1, -Math.sqrt(2)/2];
window.SLOT_TO_LNG = [1, Math.sqrt(2)/2, 0, -Math.sqrt(2)/2, -1, -Math.sqrt(2)/2, 0, Math.sqrt(2)/2];
window.DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180;
// STORAGE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// global variables used for storage. Most likely READ ONLY. Proper
// way would be to encapsulate them in an anonymous function and write
// getters/setters, but if you are careful enough, this works.
var refreshTimeout;
var urlPortal = null;
window.playersToResolve = [];
window.playersInResolving = [];
window.selectedPortal = null;
window.portalRangeIndicator = null;
window.portalAccessIndicator = null;
window.mapRunsUserAction = false;
var portalsLayers, linksLayer, fieldsLayer;
// contain references to all entities shown on the map. These are
// automatically kept in sync with the items on *sLayer, so never ever
// write to them.
window.portals = {};
window.links = {};
window.fields = {};
window.resonators = {};
// plugin framework. Plugins may load earlier than iitc, so don’t
// overwrite data
if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {};
// SETUP /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// these functions set up specific areas after the boot function
// created a basic framework. All of these functions should only ever
// be run once.
window.setupLargeImagePreview = function() {
$('#portaldetails').on('click', '.imgpreview', function() {
var ex = $('#largepreview');
if(ex.length > 0) {
var img = $(this).find('img')[0];
var w = img.naturalWidth/2;
var h = img.naturalHeight/2;
var c = $('#portaldetails').attr('class');
'<div id="largepreview" class="'+c+'" style="margin-left: '+(-SIDEBAR_WIDTH/2-w-2)+'px; margin-top: '+(-h-2)+'px">' + img.outerHTML + '</div>'
$('#largepreview').click(function() { $(this).remove() });
window.setupStyles = function() {
$('head').append('<style>' +
[ '#largepreview.enl img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_ENL]+'; } ',
'#largepreview.res img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_RES]+'; } ',
'#largepreview.none img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_NONE]+'; } ',
'#chatcontrols { bottom: '+(CHAT_SHRINKED+22)+'px; }',
'#chat { height: '+CHAT_SHRINKED+'px; } ',
'.leaflet-right { margin-right: '+(SIDEBAR_WIDTH+1)+'px } ',
'#updatestatus { width:'+(SIDEBAR_WIDTH+2)+'px; } ',
'#sidebar { width:'+(SIDEBAR_WIDTH + HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_ASSUMED_WIDTH + 1 /*border*/)+'px; } ',
'#sidebartoggle { right:'+(SIDEBAR_WIDTH+1)+'px; } ',
'#scrollwrapper { width:'+(SIDEBAR_WIDTH + 2*HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_ASSUMED_WIDTH)+'px; right:-'+(2*HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_ASSUMED_WIDTH-2)+'px } ',
'#sidebar > * { width:'+(SIDEBAR_WIDTH+1)+'px; }'].join("\n")
+ '</style>');
window.setupMap = function() {
var osmOpt = {attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors', maxZoom: 18};
var osm = new L.TileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', osmOpt);
var cmOpt = {attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery © CloudMade', maxZoom: 18};
var cmMin = new L.TileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', cmOpt);
var cmMid = new L.TileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', cmOpt);
var views = [cmMid, cmMin, osm, new L.Google('INGRESS'), new L.Google('ROADMAP'),
new L.Google('SATELLITE'), new L.Google('HYBRID')]; = new L.Map('map', $.extend(getPosition(),
{zoomControl: !(localStorage['iitc.zoom.buttons'] === 'false')}
try {
} catch(e) { map.addLayer(views[0]); }
var addLayers = {};
portalsLayers = [];
for(var i = 0; i <= 8; i++) {
portalsLayers[i] = L.layerGroup([]);
var t = (i === 0 ? 'Unclaimed' : 'Level ' + i) + ' Portals';
addLayers[t] = portalsLayers[i];
fieldsLayer = L.layerGroup([]);
map.addLayer(fieldsLayer, true);
addLayers['Fields'] = fieldsLayer;
linksLayer = L.layerGroup([]);
map.addLayer(linksLayer, true);
addLayers['Links'] = linksLayer;
window.layerChooser = new L.Control.Layers({
'OSM Cloudmade Midnight': views[0],
'OSM Cloudmade Minimal': views[1],
'OSM Mapnik': views[2],
'Google Roads Ingress Style': views[3],
'Google Roads': views[4],
'Google Satellite': views[5],
'Google Hybrid': views[6]
}, addLayers);
// listen for changes and store them in cookies
map.on('moveend', window.storeMapPosition);
map.on('zoomend', function() {
// remove all resonators if zoom out to < RESONATOR_DISPLAY_ZOOM_LEVEL
if(isResonatorsShow()) return;
for(var i = 1; i < portalsLayers.length; i++) {
portalsLayers[i].eachLayer(function(item) {
var itemGuid = item.options.guid;
// check if 'item' is a resonator
if(getTypeByGuid(itemGuid) != TYPE_RESONATOR) return true;
console.log('Remove all resonators');
map.on('baselayerchange', function () {
var selInd = $('[name=leaflet-base-layers]:checked').parent().index();
writeCookie('ingress.intelmap.type', selInd);
// map update status handling
map.on('movestart zoomstart', function() { window.mapRunsUserAction = true });
map.on('moveend zoomend', function() { window.mapRunsUserAction = false });
// update map hooks
map.on('movestart zoomstart', window.requests.abort);
map.on('moveend zoomend', function() { window.startRefreshTimeout(500) });
// run once on init
// renders player details into the website. Since the player info is
// included as inline script in the original site, the data is static
// and cannot be updated.
window.setupPlayerStat = function() {
var level;
var ap = parseInt(PLAYER.ap);
for(level = 0; level < MIN_AP_FOR_LEVEL.length; level++) {
if(ap < MIN_AP_FOR_LEVEL[level]) break;
var thisLvlAp = MIN_AP_FOR_LEVEL[level-1];
var nextLvlAp = MIN_AP_FOR_LEVEL[level] || ap;
var lvlUpAp = digits(nextLvlAp-ap);
var lvlApProg = Math.round((ap-thisLvlAp)/(nextLvlAp-thisLvlAp)*100);
var xmMax = MAX_XM_PER_LEVEL[level];
var xmRatio = Math.round(*100);
var cls = === 'ALIENS' ? 'enl' : 'res';
var t = 'Level:\t' + level + '\n'
+ 'XM:\t' + + ' / ' + xmMax + '\n'
+ 'AP:\t' + digits(ap) + '\n'
+ (level < 8 ? 'level up in:\t' + lvlUpAp + ' AP' : 'Congrats! (neeeeerd)')
+ '\n\Invites:\t'+PLAYER.available_invites;
+ '\n\nNote: your player stats can only be updated by a full reload (F5)';
+ '<h2 title="'+t+'">'+level+'&nbsp;'
+ '<span class="'+cls+'">'+PLAYER.nickname+'</span>'
+ '<div>'
+ '<sup>XM: '+xmRatio+'%</sup>'
+ '<sub>' + (level < 8 ? 'level: '+lvlApProg+'%' : 'max level') + '</sub>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</h2>'
window.setupSidebarToggle = function() {
$('#sidebartoggle').on('click', function() {
var toggle = $('#sidebartoggle');
var sidebar = $('#scrollwrapper');
if(':visible')) {
sidebar.hide().css('z-index', 1);
toggle.html('<span class="toggle open"></span>');
toggle.css('right', '0');
} else {
sidebar.css('z-index', 1001).show();
$('.leaflet-right').css('margin-right', SIDEBAR_WIDTH+1+'px');
toggle.html('<span class="toggle close"></span>');
toggle.css('right', SIDEBAR_WIDTH+1+'px');
window.setupTooltips = function(element) {
element = element || $(document);
// disable show/hide animation
show: { effect: "hide", duration: 0 } ,
hide: false,
open: function(event, ui) {
content: function() {
var title = $(this).attr('title');
// check if it should be converted to a table
if(!title.match(/\t/)) {
return title.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
var data = [];
var columnCount = 0;
// parse data
var rows = title.split('\n');
$.each(rows, function(i, row) {
data[i] = row.split('\t');
if(data[i].length > columnCount) columnCount = data[i].length;
// build the table
var tooltip = '<table>';
$.each(data, function(i, row) {
tooltip += '<tr>';
$.each(data[i], function(k, cell) {
var attributes = '';
if(k === 0 && data[i].length < columnCount) {
attributes = ' colspan="'+(columnCount - data[i].length + 1)+'"';
tooltip += '<td'+attributes+'>'+cell+'</td>';
tooltip += '</tr>';
tooltip += '</table>';
return tooltip;
if(!window.tooltipClearerHasBeenSetup) {
window.tooltipClearerHasBeenSetup = true;
$(document).on('click', '.ui-tooltip', function() { $(this).remove(); });
// BOOTING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function boot() {
console.log('loading done, booting');
// overwrite default Leaflet Marker icon to be a neutral color
var base = '';
L.Icon.Default.imagePath = base;
window.iconEnl = L.Icon.Default.extend({options: { iconUrl: base + 'marker-green.png' } });
window.iconRes = L.Icon.Default.extend({options: { iconUrl: base + 'marker-blue.png' } });
// read here ONCE, so the URL is only evaluated one time after the
// necessary data has been loaded.
urlPortal = getURLParam('pguid');
// load only once
var n = window.PLAYER['nickname'];
window.PLAYER['nickMatcher'] = new RegExp('\\b('+n+')\\b', 'ig');
$.each(window.bootPlugins, function(ind, ref) { ref(); });
// sidebar is now at final height. Adjust scrollwrapper so scrolling
// is possible for small screens and it doesn’t block the area below
// it.
$('#scrollwrapper').css('max-height', ($('#sidebar').get(0).scrollHeight+3) + 'px');
// workaround for #129. Not sure why this is required.
setTimeout(';', 500);
window.iitcLoaded = true;
// this is the minified load.js script that allows us to easily load
// further javascript files async as well as in order.
// Copyright (c) 2010 Chris O'Hara <>. MIT Licensed
function asyncLoadScript(a){return function(b,c){var d=document.createElement("script");d.type="text/javascript",d.src=a,d.onload=b,d.onerror=c,d.onreadystatechange=function(){var a=this.readyState;if(a==="loaded"||a==="complete")d.onreadystatechange=null,b()},head.insertBefore(d,head.firstChild)}}(function(a){a=a||{};var b={},c,d;c=function(a,d,e){var f=a.halt=!1;a.error=function(a){throw a},{c&&(f=!1);if(!a.halt&&d&&d.length){var e=d.shift(),g=e.shift();f=!0;try{b[g].apply(a,[e,e.length,g])}catch(h){a.error(h)}}return a};for(var g in b){if(typeof a[g]=="function")continue;(function(e){a[e]=function(){var;if(e==="onError"){if(d)return b.onError.apply(a,[g,g.length]),a;var h={};return b.onError.apply(h,[g,g.length]),c(h,null,"onError")}return g.unshift(e),d?(a.then=a[e],d.push(g),f?{},[g],e)}})(g)}return e&&(a.then=a[e]),,c){c.unshift(b),d.unshift(c),!0)},},d=a.addMethod=function(d){var,f=e.pop();for(var g=0,h=e.length;g<h;g++)typeof e[g]=="string"&&(b[e[g]]=f);--h||(b["then"+d.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+d.substr(1)]=f),c(a)},d("chain",function(a){var b=this,c=function(){if(!b.halt){if(!a.length)return!0);try{null!=a.shift().call(b,c,b.error)&&c()}catch(d){b.error(d)}}};c()}),d("run",function(a,b){var c=this,d=function(){c.halt||--b||!0)},e=function(a){c.error(a)};for(var f=0,g=b;!c.halt&&f<g;f++)null!=a[f].call(c,d,e)&&d()}),d("defer",function(a){var b=this;setTimeout(function(){!0)},a.shift())}),d("onError",function(a,b){var c=this;this.error=function(d){c.halt=!0;for(var e=0;e<b;e++)a[e].call(c,d)}})})(this);var head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.documentElement;addMethod("load",function(a,b){for(var c=[],d=0;d<b;d++)(function(b){c.push(asyncLoadScript(a[b]))})(d);"run",c)})
// modified version of Also
// contains the default Ingress map style.
var JQUERY = '';
var JQUERYUI = '';
var LEAFLET = '';
var AUTOLINK = '';
var EMPTY = 'data:text/javascript;base64,';
// don’t download resources which have been injected already
var ir = window && window.internalResources ? window.internalResources : [];
if(ir.indexOf('jquery') !== -1) JQUERY = EMPTY;
if(ir.indexOf('jqueryui') !== -1) JQUERYUI = EMPTY;
if(ir.indexOf('leaflet') !== -1) LEAFLET = EMPTY;
if(ir.indexOf('autolink') !== -1) AUTOLINK = EMPTY;
if(ir.indexOf('leafletgoogle') !== -1) LEAFLETGOOGLE = EMPTY;
// after all scripts have loaded, boot the actual app
load(JQUERY, LEAFLET, AUTOLINK).then(LEAFLETGOOGLE, JQUERYUI).onError(function (err) {
alert('Could not all resources, the script likely won’t work.\n\nIf this happend the first time for you, it’s probably a temporary issue. Just wait a bit and try again.\n\nIf you installed the script for the first time and this happens:\n– try disabling NoScript if you have it installed\n– press CTRL+SHIFT+K in Firefox or CTRL+SHIFT+I in Chrome/Opera and reload the page. Additional info may be available in the console.\n– Open an issue at');
}).thenRun(boot); = function() {}; = function() {
var el = $('#chatinput input');
var curPos = el.get(0).selectionStart;
var text = el.val();
var word = text.slice(0, curPos).replace(/.*\b([a-z0-9-_])/, '$1').toLowerCase();
var list = $('#chat > div:visible mark');
list =, mark) { return $(mark).text(); } );
list = uniqueArray(list);
var nick = null;
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if(!list[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(word)) continue;
if(nick && nick !== list[i]) {
console.log('More than one nick matches, aborting. ('+list[i]+' vs '+nick+')');
nick = list[i];
if(!nick) {
console.log('No matches for ' + word);
var posStart = curPos - word.length;
var newText = text.substring(0, posStart);
newText += nick + (posStart === 0 ? ': ' : ' ');
newText += text.substring(curPos);
// timestamp and clear management
// = function(isFaction) {
var storage = isFaction ? chat._factionData : chat._publicData;
return $.map(storage, function(v, k) { return [v[0]]; });
} = function(isFaction) {
var t = Math.min.apply(null, chat.getTimestamps(isFaction));
return t === Infinity ? -1 : t;
} = function(isFaction) {
var t = Math.max.apply(null, chat.getTimestamps(isFaction));
return t === -1*Infinity ? -1 : t;
} = null; = function(isFaction, getOlderMsgs) {
if(typeof isFaction !== 'boolean') throw('Need to know if public or faction chat.');
var b = map.getBounds().extend(chat._localRangeCircle.getBounds());
var ne = b.getNorthEast();
var sw = b.getSouthWest();
// round bounds in order to ignore rounding errors
var bbs = $.map([, ne.lng,, sw.lng], function(x) { return Math.round(x*1E4) }).join();
if(chat._oldBBox && chat._oldBBox !== bbs) {
$('#chat > div').data('needsClearing', true);
console.log('Bounding Box changed, chat will be cleared (old: '+chat._oldBBox+' ; new: '+bbs+' )');
// need to reset these flags now because clearing will only occur
// after the request is finished – i.e. there would be one almost
// useless request.
chat._factionData = {};
chat._publicData = {};
chat._oldBBox = bbs;
var ne = b.getNorthEast();
var sw = b.getSouthWest();
var data = {
desiredNumItems: isFaction ? CHAT_FACTION_ITEMS : CHAT_PUBLIC_ITEMS ,
minLatE6: Math.round(*1E6),
minLngE6: Math.round(sw.lng*1E6),
maxLatE6: Math.round(*1E6),
maxLngE6: Math.round(ne.lng*1E6),
minTimestampMs: -1,
maxTimestampMs: -1,
factionOnly: isFaction
if(getOlderMsgs) {
// ask for older chat when scrolling up
data = $.extend(data, {maxTimestampMs: chat.getOldestTimestamp(isFaction)});
} else {
// ask for newer chat
var min = chat.getNewestTimestamp(isFaction);
// the inital request will have both timestamp values set to -1,
// thus we receive the newest desiredNumItems. After that, we will
// only receive messages with a timestamp greater or equal to min
// above.
// After resuming from idle, there might be more new messages than
// desiredNumItems. So on the first request, we are not really up to
// date. We will eventually catch up, as long as there are less new
// messages than desiredNumItems per each refresh cycle.
// A proper solution would be to query until no more new results are
// returned. Another way would be to set desiredNumItems to a very
// large number so we really get all new messages since the last
// request. Setting desiredNumItems to -1 does unfortunately not
// work.
// Currently this edge case is not handled. Let’s see if this is a
// problem in crowded areas.
$.extend(data, {minTimestampMs: min});
return data;
// faction
// = false; = function(getOlderMsgs, isRetry) {
if(chat._requestFactionRunning && !isRetry) return;
if(isIdle()) return renderUpdateStatus();
chat._requestFactionRunning = true;
var d = chat.genPostData(true, getOlderMsgs);
var r = window.postAjax(
? function() { = false; }
: function() {, true) }
} = {}; = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
chat._requestFactionRunning = false;
if(!data || !data.result) {
return console.warn('faction chat error. Waiting for next auto-refresh.');
if(data.result.length === 0) return;
var old = chat.getOldestTimestamp(true);
chat.writeDataToHash(data, chat._factionData, false);
var oldMsgsWereAdded = old !== chat.getOldestTimestamp(true);;
if(data.result.length >= CHAT_FACTION_ITEMS) chat.needMoreMessages();
} = function(oldMsgsWereAdded) {
chat.renderData(chat._factionData, 'chatfaction', oldMsgsWereAdded);
// public
// = false; = function(getOlderMsgs, isRetry) {
if(chat._requestPublicRunning && !isRetry) return;
if(isIdle()) return renderUpdateStatus();
chat._requestPublicRunning = true;
var d = chat.genPostData(false, getOlderMsgs);
var r = window.postAjax(
? function() { = false; }
: function() {, true) }
} = {}; = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
chat._requestPublicRunning = false;
if(!data || !data.result) {
return console.warn('public chat error. Waiting for next auto-refresh.');
if(data.result.length === 0) return;
var old = chat.getOldestTimestamp(false);
chat.writeDataToHash(data, chat._publicData, true);
var oldMsgsWereAdded = old !== chat.getOldestTimestamp(false);
runHooks('publicChatDataAvailable', {raw: data, processed: chat._publicData});
switch(chat.getActive()) {
case 'public':; break;
case 'compact':; break;
case 'full':; break;
if(data.result.length >= CHAT_PUBLIC_ITEMS) chat.needMoreMessages();
} = function(oldMsgsWereAdded) {
// only keep player data
var data = $.map(chat._publicData, function(entry) {
if(!entry[1]) return [entry];
chat.renderData(data, 'chatpublic', oldMsgsWereAdded);
} = function(oldMsgsWereAdded) {
var data = {};
$.each(chat._publicData, function(guid, entry) {
// skip player msgs
if(!entry[1]) return true;
var pguid = entry[3];
// ignore if player has newer data
if(data[pguid] && data[pguid][0] > entry[0]) return true;
data[pguid] = entry;
// data keys are now player guids instead of message guids. However,
// it is all the same to renderData.
chat.renderData(data, 'chatcompact', oldMsgsWereAdded);
} = function(oldMsgsWereAdded) {
// only keep automatically generated data
var data = $.map(chat._publicData, function(entry) {
if(entry[1]) return [entry];
chat.renderData(data, 'chatfull', oldMsgsWereAdded);
// common
// = function(newData, storageHash, skipSecureMsgs) {
$.each(newData.result, function(ind, json) {
// avoid duplicates
if(json[0] in storageHash) return true;
var skipThisEntry = false;
var time = json[1];
var team = json[2] === 'ALIENS' ? TEAM_ENL : TEAM_RES;
var auto = json[2].plext.plextType !== 'PLAYER_GENERATED';
var msg = '', nick = '', pguid;
$.each(json[2].plext.markup, function(ind, markup) {
switch(markup[0]) {
case 'SENDER': // user generated messages
nick = markup[1].plain.slice(0, -2); // cut “: ” at end
pguid = markup[1].guid;
case 'PLAYER': // automatically generated messages
pguid = markup[1].guid;
nick = markup[1].plain;
team = markup[1].team === 'ALIENS' ? TEAM_ENL : TEAM_RES;
if(ind > 0) msg += nick; // don’t repeat nick directly
case 'TEXT':
var tmp = $('<div/>').text(markup[1].plain).html().autoLink();
msg += tmp.replace(window.PLAYER['nickMatcher'], '<em>$1</em>');
case 'PORTAL':
var latlng = [markup[1].latE6/1E6, markup[1].lngE6/1E6];
var js = 'window.zoomToAndShowPortal(\''+markup[1].guid+'\', ['+latlng[0]+', '+latlng[1]+'])';
msg += '<a onclick="'+js+'" title="'+markup[1].address+'" class="help">'+markup[1].name+'</a>';
case 'SECURE':
if(skipSecureMsgs) {
skipThisEntry = true;
return false; // breaks $.each
if(skipThisEntry) return true;
// format: timestamp, autogenerated, HTML message, player guid
storageHash[json[0]] = [json[1], auto, chat.renderMsg(msg, nick, time, team), pguid];
window.setPlayerName(pguid, nick); // free nick name resolves
// renders data from the data-hash to the element defined by the given
// ID. Set 3rd argument to true if it is likely that old data has been
// added. Latter is only required for scrolling. = function(data, element, likelyWereOldMsgs) {
var elm = $('#'+element);
if(':hidden')) return;
// discard guids and sort old to new
var vals = $.map(data, function(v, k) { return [v]; });
vals = vals.sort(function(a, b) { return a[0]-b[0]; });
// render to string with date separators inserted
var msgs = '';
var prevTime = null;
$.each(vals, function(ind, msg) {
var nextTime = new Date(msg[0]).toLocaleDateString();
if(prevTime && prevTime !== nextTime)
msgs += chat.renderDivider(nextTime);
msgs += msg[2];
prevTime = nextTime;
var scrollBefore = scrollBottom(elm);
elm.html('<table>' + msgs + '</table>');
chat.keepScrollPosition(elm, scrollBefore, likelyWereOldMsgs);
} = function(text) {
var d = ' ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────';
return '<tr><td colspan="3" style="padding-top:3px"><summary>─ ' + text + d + '</summary></td></tr>';
} = function(msg, nick, time, team) {
var ta = unixTimeToHHmm(time);
var tb = unixTimeToString(time, true);
// help cursor via “#chat time”
var t = '<time title="'+tb+'" data-timestamp="'+time+'">'+ta+'</time>';
var s = 'style="color:'+COLORS[team]+'"';
var title = nick.length >= 8 ? 'title="'+nick+'" class="help"' : '';
var i = ['<span class="invisep">&lt;</span>', '<span class="invisep">&gt;</span>'];
return '<tr><td>'+t+'</td><td>'+i[0]+'<mark '+s+'>'+nick+'</mark>'+i[1]+'</td><td>'+msg+'</td></tr>';
} = function() {
return $('#chatcontrols .active').text();
} = function() {
var c = $('#chat, #chatcontrols');
if(c.hasClass('expand')) {
$('#chatcontrols a:first').html('<span class="toggle expand"></span>');
var div = $('#chat > div:visible');'ignoreNextScroll', true);
div.scrollTop(99999999); // scroll to bottom
$('.leaflet-control').css('margin-left', '13px');
} else {
$('#chatcontrols a:first').html('<span class="toggle shrink"></span>');
$('.leaflet-control').css('margin-left', '720px');
} = function() {
console.log('refreshing chat');
// checks if there are enough messages in the selected chat tab and
// loads more if not. = function() {
var activeTab = chat.getActive();
if(activeTab === 'debug') return;
var activeChat = $('#chat > :visible');
var hasScrollbar = scrollBottom(activeChat) !== 0 || activeChat.scrollTop() !== 0;
var nearTop = activeChat.scrollTop() <= CHAT_REQUEST_SCROLL_TOP;
if(hasScrollbar && !nearTop) return;
console.log('No scrollbar or near top in active chat. Requesting more data.');
if(activeTab === 'faction')
} = function(event) {
var t = $(;
var tt = t.text();
var mark = $('#chatinput mark');
$('#chatcontrols .active').removeClass('active');
$('#chat > div').hide();
var elm;
switch(tt) {
case 'faction':
mark.css('color', '');
mark.text('tell faction:');
case 'public':
mark.css('cssText', 'color: red !important');
case 'compact':
case 'full':
mark.css('cssText', 'color: #bbb !important');
mark.text('tell Jarvis:');
throw('chat.chooser was asked to handle unknown button: ' + tt);
var elm = $('#chat' + tt);;
eval('chat.render' + tt.capitalize() + '(false);');
if('needsScrollTop')) {'ignoreNextScroll', true);
elm.scrollTop('needsScrollTop'));'needsScrollTop', null);
// contains the logic to keep the correct scroll position. = function(box, scrollBefore, isOldMsgs) {
// If scrolled down completely, keep it that way so new messages can
// be seen easily. If scrolled up, only need to fix scroll position
// when old messages are added. New messages added at the bottom don’t
// change the view and enabling this would make the chat scroll down
// for every added message, even if the user wants to read old stuff.
if(':hidden') && !isOldMsgs) {'needsScrollTop', 99999999);
if(scrollBefore === 0 || isOldMsgs) {'ignoreNextScroll', true);
box.scrollTop(box.scrollTop() + (scrollBottom(box)-scrollBefore));
// setup
// = function() { =, CHAT_MIN_RANGE*1000);
$('#chatcontrols, #chat, #chatinput').show();
$('#chatcontrols a:first').click(;
$('#chatcontrols a').each(function(ind, elm) {
if($.inArray($(elm).text(), ['full', 'compact', 'public', 'faction']) !== -1)
$('#chatinput').click(function() {
$('#chatinput input').focus();
$('#chatfaction').scroll(function() {
var t = $(this);
if('ignoreNextScroll')) return'ignoreNextScroll', false);
if(t.scrollTop() < CHAT_REQUEST_SCROLL_TOP) chat.requestFaction(true);
if(scrollBottom(t) === 0) chat.requestFaction(false);
$('#chatpublic, #chatfull, #chatcompact').scroll(function() {
var t = $(this);
if('ignoreNextScroll')) return'ignoreNextScroll', false);
if(t.scrollTop() < CHAT_REQUEST_SCROLL_TOP) chat.requestPublic(true);
if(scrollBottom(t) === 0) chat.requestPublic(false);
var cls = === 'ALIENS' ? 'enl' : 'res';
$('#chatinput mark').addClass(cls)
} = function() {
var inputTime = $('#chatinput time');
var updateTime = function() {
if(window.isIdle()) return;
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours() + ''; if(h.length === 1) h = '0' + h;
var m = d.getMinutes() + ''; if(m.length === 1) m = '0' + m;
// update ON the minute (1ms after)
setTimeout(updateTime, (60 - d.getSeconds()) * 1000 + 1);
// posting
// = function() {
$('#chatinput input').keydown(function(event) {
try {
var kc = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
if(kc === 13) { // enter
} else if (kc === 9) { // tab
} catch(error) {
$('#chatinput').submit(function(event) {
} = function() {
var c = chat.getActive();
if(c === 'full' || c === 'compact')
return alert('Jarvis: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?');
var msg = $.trim($('#chatinput input').val());
if(!msg || msg === '') return;
if(c === 'debug') return new Function (msg)();
var public = c === 'public';
var latlng = map.getCenter();
var data = {message: msg,
latE6: Math.round(*1E6),
lngE6: Math.round(latlng.lng*1E6),
factionOnly: !public};
var errMsg = 'Your message could not be delivered. You can copy&' +
'paste it here and try again if you want:\n\n' + msg;
window.postAjax('sendPlext', data,
function(response) {
if(response.error) alert(errMsg);
if(public) chat.requestPublic(false); else chat.requestFaction(false); },
function() {
$('#chatinput input').val('');
// DEBUGGING TOOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// meant to be used from browser debugger tools and the like.
window.debug = function() {}
window.debug.renderDetails = function() {
console.log('portals: ' + Object.keys(portals).length);
console.log('links: ' + Object.keys(links).length);
console.log('fields: ' + Object.keys(fields).length);
window.debug.printStackTrace = function() {
var e = new Error('dummy');
return e.stack;
window.debug.clearPortals = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < portalsLayers.length; i++)
window.debug.clearLinks = function() {
window.debug.clearFields = function() {
window.debug.getFields = function() {
return fields;
window.debug.forceSync = function() {
window.playersToResolve = [];
window.playersInResolving = [];
window.debug.console = function() {
window.debug.console.create = function() {
if($('#debugconsole').length) return;
$('#chatcontrols a:last').click(function() {
$('#chatinput mark').css('cssText', 'color: #bbb !important').text('debug:');
$('#chat > div').hide();
$('#chatcontrols .active').removeClass('active');
$('#chat').append('<div style="display: none" id="debugconsole"><table></table></div>');
window.debug.console.renderLine = function(text, errorType) {
switch(errorType) {
case 'error': var color = '#FF424D'; break;
case 'warning': var color = '#FFDE42'; break;
case 'alert': var color = '#42FF90'; break;
default: var color = '#eee';
if(typeof text !== 'string' && typeof text !== 'number') text = JSON.stringify(text);
var d = new Date();
var ta = d.toLocaleTimeString(); // print line instead maybe?
var tb = d.toLocaleString();
var t = '<time title="'+tb+'" data-timestamp="'+d.getTime()+'">'+ta+'</time>';
var s = 'style="color:'+color+'"';
var l = '<tr><td>'+t+'</td><td><mark '+s+'>'+errorType+'</mark></td><td>'+text+'</td></tr>';
$('#debugconsole table').prepend(l);
window.debug.console.log = function(text) {
debug.console.renderLine(text, 'notice');
window.debug.console.warn = function(text) {
debug.console.renderLine(text, 'warning');
window.debug.console.error = function(text) {
debug.console.renderLine(text, 'error');
window.debug.console.alert = function(text) {
debug.console.renderLine(text, 'alert');
window.debug.console.overwriteNative = function() {
window.console = function() {}
window.console.log = window.debug.console.log;
window.console.warn = window.debug.console.warn;
window.console.error = window.debug.console.error;
window.alert = window.debug.console.alert;
window.debug.console.overwriteNativeIfRequired = function() {
if(!window.console ||
// ENTITY DETAILS TOOLS //////////////////////////////////////////////
// hand any of these functions the details-hash of an entity (i.e.
// portal, link, field) and they will return useful data.
// given the entity detail data, returns the team the entity belongs
// to. Uses TEAM_* enum values.
window.getTeam = function(details) {
var team = TEAM_NONE;
if( === 'ALIENS') team = TEAM_ENL;
if( === 'RESISTANCE') team = TEAM_RES;
return team;
// GAME STATUS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// MindUnit display
window.updateGameScore = function(data) {
if(!data) {
window.postAjax('getGameScore', {}, window.updateGameScore);
var r = parseInt(data.result.resistanceScore), e = parseInt(data.result.alienScore);
var s = r+e;
var rp = r/s*100, ep = e/s*100;
r = digits(r), e = digits(e);
var rs = '<span class="res" style="width:'+rp+'%;">'+Math.round(rp)+'%&nbsp;</span>';
var es = '<span class="enl" style="width:'+ep+'%;">&nbsp;'+Math.round(ep)+'%</span>';
$('#gamestat').html(rs+es).one('click', function() { window.updateGameScore() });
// help cursor via “#gamestat span”
$('#gamestat').attr('title', 'Resistance:\t'+r+' MindUnits\nEnlightenment:\t'+e+' MindUnits');
window.setTimeout('window.updateGameScore', REFRESH_GAME_SCORE*1000);
// GEOSEARCH /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.setupGeosearch = function() {
$('#geosearch').keypress(function(e) {
if((e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) != 13) return;
$.getJSON(NOMINATIM + encodeURIComponent($(this).val()), function(data) {
if(!data || !data[0]) return;
var b = data[0].boundingbox;
if(!b) return;
var southWest = new L.LatLng(b[0], b[2]),
northEast = new L.LatLng(b[1], b[3]),
bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast);;
// PLUGIN HOOKS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Plugins may listen to any number of events by specifying the name of
// the event to listen to and handing a function that should be exe-
// cuted when an event occurs. Callbacks will receive additional data
// the event created as their first parameter. The value is always a
// hash that contains more details.
// For example, this line will listen for portals to be added and print
// the data generated by the event to the console:
// window.addHook('portalAdded', function(data) { console.log(data) });
// Boot hook: booting is handled differently because IITC may not yet
// be available. Have a look at the plugins in plugins/. All
// code before “// PLUGIN START” and after “// PLUGIN END” os
// required to successfully boot the plugin.
// Here’s more specific information about each event:
// portalAdded: called when a portal has been received and is about to
// be added to its layer group. Note that this does NOT
// mean it is already visible or will be, shortly after.
// If a portal is added to a hidden layer it may never be
// shown at all. Injection point is in
// code/map_data.js#renderPortal near the end. Will hand
// the Leaflet CircleMarker for the portal in "portal" var.
// portalDetailsUpdated: fired after the details in the sidebar have
// been (re-)rendered Provides data about the portal that
// has been selected.
// publicChatDataAvailable: this hook runs after data for any of the
// public chats has been received and processed, but not
// yet been displayed. The data hash contains both the un-
// processed raw ajax response as well as the processed
// chat data that is going to be used for display.
// portalDataLoaded: callback is passed the argument of
// {portals : [portal, portal, ...]} where "portal" is the
// data element and not the leaflet object. "portal" is an
// array [GUID, time, details]. Plugin can manipulate the
// array to change order or add additional values to the
// details of a portal.
window._hooks = {}
window.VALID_HOOKS = ['portalAdded', 'portalDetailsUpdated',
'publicChatDataAvailable', 'portalDataLoaded'];
window.runHooks = function(event, data) {
if(VALID_HOOKS.indexOf(event) === -1) throw('Unknown event type: ' + event);
if(!_hooks[event]) return;
$.each(_hooks[event], function(ind, callback) {
window.addHook = function(event, callback) {
if(VALID_HOOKS.indexOf(event) === -1) throw('Unknown event type: ' + event);
if(typeof callback !== 'function') throw('Callback must be a function.');
_hooks[event] = [callback];
// IDLE HANDLING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.idleTime = 0; // in minutes
setInterval('window.idleTime += 1', 60*1000);
var idleReset = function () {
// update immediately when the user comes back
if(isIdle()) {
window.idleTime = 0;
$.each(window._onResumeFunctions, function(ind, f) {
window.idleTime = 0;
window.isIdle = function() {
return window.idleTime >= MAX_IDLE_TIME;
window._onResumeFunctions = [];
// add your function here if you want to be notified when the user
// resumes from being idle
window.addResumeFunction = function(f) {
// LOCATION HANDLING /////////////////////////////////////////////////
// i.e. setting initial position and storing new position after moving
// retrieves current position from map and stores it cookies
window.storeMapPosition = function() {
var m =;
if(m['lat'] >= -90 && m['lat'] <= 90)
writeCookie('', m['lat']);
if(m['lng'] >= -180 && m['lng'] <= 180)
writeCookie('ingress.intelmap.lng', m['lng']);
// either retrieves the last shown position from a cookie, from the
// URL or if neither is present, via Geolocation. If that fails, it
// returns a map that shows the whole world.
window.getPosition = function() {
if(getURLParam('latE6') && getURLParam('lngE6')) {
console.log("mappos: reading URL params");
var lat = parseInt(getURLParam('latE6'))/1E6 || 0.0;
var lng = parseInt(getURLParam('lngE6'))/1E6 || 0.0;
// google seems to zoom in far more than leaflet
var z = parseInt(getURLParam('z'))+1 || 17;
return {center: new L.LatLng(lat, lng), zoom: z > 18 ? 18 : z};
if(readCookie('') && readCookie('ingress.intelmap.lng')) {
console.log("mappos: reading cookies");
var lat = parseFloat(readCookie('')) || 0.0;
var lng = parseFloat(readCookie('ingress.intelmap.lng')) || 0.0;
var z = parseInt(readCookie('ingress.intelmap.zoom')) || 17;
if(lat < -90 || lat > 90) lat = 0.0;
if(lng < -180 || lng > 180) lng = 0.0;
return {center: new L.LatLng(lat, lng), zoom: z > 18 ? 18 : z};
setTimeout("{setView : true, maxZoom: 13});", 50);
return {center: new L.LatLng(0.0, 0.0), zoom: 1};
// MAP DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// these functions handle how and which entities are displayed on the
// map. They also keep them up to date, unless interrupted by user
// action.
// requests map data for current viewport. For details on how this
// works, refer to the description in “MAP DATA REQUEST CALCULATORS”
window.requestData = function() {
console.log('refreshing data');
var magic = convertCenterLat(map.getCenter().lat);
var R = calculateR(magic);
var bounds = map.getBounds();
// convert to point values
topRight = convertLatLngToPoint(bounds.getNorthEast(), magic, R);
bottomLeft = convertLatLngToPoint(bounds.getSouthWest() , magic, R);
// how many quadrants intersect the current view?
quadsX = Math.abs(bottomLeft.x - topRight.x);
quadsY = Math.abs(bottomLeft.y - topRight.y);
// will group requests by second-last quad-key quadrant
tiles = {};
// walk in x-direction, starts right goes left
for(var i = 0; i <= quadsX; i++) {
var x = Math.abs(topRight.x - i);
var qk = pointToQuadKey(x, topRight.y);
var bnds = convertPointToLatLng(x, topRight.y, magic, R);
if(!tiles[qk.slice(0, -1)]) tiles[qk.slice(0, -1)] = [];
tiles[qk.slice(0, -1)].push(generateBoundsParams(qk, bnds));
// walk in y-direction, starts top, goes down
for(var j = 1; j <= quadsY; j++) {
var qk = pointToQuadKey(x, topRight.y + j);
var bnds = convertPointToLatLng(x, topRight.y + j, magic, R);
if(!tiles[qk.slice(0, -1)]) tiles[qk.slice(0, -1)] = [];
tiles[qk.slice(0, -1)].push(generateBoundsParams(qk, bnds));
// finally send ajax requests
$.each(tiles, function(ind, tls) {
data = { minLevelOfDetail: -1 };
data.boundsParamsList = tls;
window.requests.add(window.postAjax('getThinnedEntitiesV2', data, window.handleDataResponse));
// works on map data response and ensures entities are drawn/updated.
window.handleDataResponse = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// remove from active ajax queries list
if(!data || !data.result) {
var portalUpdateAvailable = false;
var portalInUrlAvailable = false;
var m =;
// defer rendering of portals because there is no z-index in SVG.
// this means that what’s rendered last ends up on top. While the
// portals can be brought to front, this costs extra time. They need
// to be in the foreground, or they cannot be clicked. See
var ppp = [];
var p2f = {};
$.each(m, function(qk, val) {
$.each(val.deletedGameEntityGuids, function(ind, guid) {
if(getTypeByGuid(guid) === TYPE_FIELD && window.fields[guid] !== undefined) {
$.each(window.fields[guid].options.vertices, function(ind, vertex) {
if(window.portals[vertex.guid] === undefined) return true;
fieldArray = window.portals[vertex.guid].options.details.portalV2.linkedFields;
fieldArray.splice($.inArray(guid, fieldArray), 1);
$.each(val.gameEntities, function(ind, ent) {
// ent = [GUID, id(?), details]
// format for links: { controllingTeam, creator, edge }
// format for portals: { controllingTeam, turret }
if(ent[2].turret !== undefined) {
if(selectedPortal === ent[0]) portalUpdateAvailable = true;
if(urlPortal && ent[0] == urlPortal) portalInUrlAvailable = true;
var latlng = [ent[2].locationE6.latE6/1E6, ent[2].locationE6.lngE6/1E6];
&& selectedPortal !== ent[0]
&& urlPortal !== ent[0]
) return;
ppp.push(ent); // delay portal render
} else if(ent[2].edge !== undefined) {
} else if(ent[2].capturedRegion !== undefined) {
$.each(ent[2].capturedRegion, function(ind, vertex) {
if(p2f[vertex.guid] === undefined)
p2f[vertex.guid] = new Array();
} else {
throw('Unknown entity: ' + JSON.stringify(ent));
$.each(ppp, function(ind, portal) {
if(portal[2].portalV2['linkedFields'] === undefined) {
portal[2].portalV2['linkedFields'] = [];
if(p2f[portal[0]] !== undefined) {
$.merge(p2f[portal[0]], portal[2].portalV2['linkedFields']);
portal[2].portalV2['linkedFields'] = uniqueArray(p2f[portal[0]]);
// Preserve and restore "selectedPortal" between portal re-render
if(portalUpdateAvailable) var oldSelectedPortal = selectedPortal;
runHooks('portalDataLoaded', {portals : ppp});
$.each(ppp, function(ind, portal) { renderPortal(portal); });
var selectedPortalLayer = portals[oldSelectedPortal];
if(portalUpdateAvailable && selectedPortalLayer) selectedPortal = oldSelectedPortal;
if(selectedPortalLayer) {
try {
} catch(e) { /* portal is now visible, catch Leaflet error */ }
if(portalInUrlAvailable) {
urlPortal = null; // select it only once
if(portalUpdateAvailable) renderPortalDetails(selectedPortal);
// removes entities that are still handled by Leaflet, although they
// do not intersect the current viewport.
window.cleanUp = function() {
var cnt = [0,0,0];
var b = getPaddedBounds();
var minlvl = getMinPortalLevel();
for(var i = 0; i < portalsLayers.length; i++) {
// i is also the portal level
portalsLayers[i].eachLayer(function(item) {
var itemGuid = item.options.guid;
// check if 'item' is a portal
if(getTypeByGuid(itemGuid) != TYPE_PORTAL) return true;
// portal must be in bounds and have a high enough level. Also don’t
// remove if it is selected.
if(itemGuid == window.selectedPortal ||
(b.contains(item.getLatLng()) && i >= minlvl)) return true;
linksLayer.eachLayer(function(link) {
if(b.intersects(link.getBounds())) return;
fieldsLayer.eachLayer(function(field) {
if(b.intersects(field.getBounds())) return;
console.log('removed out-of-bounds: '+cnt[0]+' portals, '+cnt[1]+' links, '+cnt[2]+' fields');
// removes given entity from map
window.removeByGuid = function(guid) {
switch(getTypeByGuid(guid)) {
if(!window.portals[guid]) return;
var p = window.portals[guid];
for(var i = 0; i < portalsLayers.length; i++)
if(!window.links[guid]) return;
if(!window.fields[guid]) return;
if(!window.resonators[guid]) return;
var r = window.resonators[guid];
for(var i = 1; i < portalsLayers.length; i++)
console.warn('unknown GUID type: ' + guid);
// renders a portal on the map from the given entity
window.renderPortal = function(ent) {
if(Object.keys(portals).length >= MAX_DRAWN_PORTALS && ent[0] !== selectedPortal)
return removeByGuid(ent[0]);
// hide low level portals on low zooms
var portalLevel = getPortalLevel(ent[2]);
if(portalLevel < getMinPortalLevel() && ent[0] !== selectedPortal)
return removeByGuid(ent[0]);
var team = getTeam(ent[2]);
// do nothing if portal did not change
var layerGroup = portalsLayers[parseInt(portalLevel)];
var old = findEntityInLeaflet(layerGroup, window.portals, ent[0]);
if(old) {
var oo = old.options;
var u = !== team;
u = u || oo.level !== portalLevel;
// nothing changed that requires re-rendering the portal.
if(!u) {
// let resos handle themselves if they need to be redrawn
renderResonators(ent, old);
// update stored details for portal details in sidebar.
old.options.details = ent[2];
// there were changes, remove old portal. Don’t put this in old, in
// case the portal changed level and findEntityInLeaflet doesn’t find
// it.
var latlng = [ent[2].locationE6.latE6/1E6, ent[2].locationE6.lngE6/1E6];
// pre-loads player names for high zoom levels
var lvWeight = Math.max(2, portalLevel / 1.5);
var lvRadius = Math.max(portalLevel + 3, 5);
var p = L.circleMarker(latlng, {
radius: lvRadius + ( ? PORTAL_RADIUS_ENLARGE_MOBILE : 0),
color: ent[0] === selectedPortal ? COLOR_SELECTED_PORTAL : COLORS[team],
opacity: 1,
weight: lvWeight,
fillColor: COLORS[team],
fillOpacity: 0.5,
clickable: true,
level: portalLevel,
team: team,
details: ent[2],
guid: ent[0]});
p.on('remove', function() {
var portalGuid = this.options.guid
// remove attached resonators, skip if
// all resonators have already removed by zooming
if(isResonatorsShow()) {
for(var i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
removeByGuid(portalResonatorGuid(portalGuid, i));
delete window.portals[portalGuid];
if(window.selectedPortal === portalGuid) {
window.portalAccessIndicator = null;
p.on('add', function() {
// enable for debugging
if(window.portals[this.options.guid]) throw('duplicate portal detected');
window.portals[this.options.guid] = this;
// handles the case where a selected portal gets removed from the
// map by hiding all portals with said level
if(window.selectedPortal !== this.options.guid)
p.on('click', function() { window.renderPortalDetails(ent[0]); });
p.on('dblclick', function() {
window.renderPortalDetails(ent[0]);, 17);
window.renderResonators(ent, null);
window.runHooks('portalAdded', {portal: p});
window.renderResonators = function(ent, portalLayer) {
if(!isResonatorsShow()) return;
var portalLevel = getPortalLevel(ent[2]);
if(portalLevel < getMinPortalLevel() && ent[0] !== selectedPortal) return;
var portalLatLng = [ent[2].locationE6.latE6/1E6, ent[2].locationE6.lngE6/1E6];
var layerGroup = portalsLayers[parseInt(portalLevel)];
var reRendered = false;
$.each(ent[2].resonatorArray.resonators, function(i, rdata) {
// skip if resonator didn't change
if(portalLayer) {
var oldRes = findEntityInLeaflet(layerGroup, window.resonators, portalResonatorGuid(ent[0], i));
if(oldRes && isSameResonator(oldRes.options.details, rdata)) return true;
if(oldRes) {
if(isSameResonator(oldRes.options.details, rdata)) return true;
// skip and remove old resonator if no new resonator
if(rdata === null) {
return true;
// offset in meters
var dn = rdata.distanceToPortal*SLOT_TO_LAT[rdata.slot];
var de = rdata.distanceToPortal*SLOT_TO_LNG[rdata.slot];
// Coordinate offset in radians
var dLat = dn/EARTH_RADIUS;
var dLon = de/(EARTH_RADIUS*Math.cos(Math.PI/180*(ent[2].locationE6.latE6/1E6)));
// OffsetPosition, decimal degrees
var lat0 = ent[2].locationE6.latE6/1E6 + dLat * 180/Math.PI;
var lon0 = ent[2].locationE6.lngE6/1E6 + dLon * 180/Math.PI;
var Rlatlng = [lat0, lon0];
var resoGuid = portalResonatorGuid(ent[0], i);
// the resonator
var resoStyle =
var resoProperty = $.extend({
opacity: 1,
fillColor: COLORS_LVL[rdata.level],
fillOpacity: rdata.energyTotal/RESO_NRG[rdata.level],
clickable: false,
guid: resoGuid
}, resoStyle);
var reso = L.circleMarker(Rlatlng, resoProperty);
// line connecting reso to portal
var connStyle =
var connProperty = $.extend({
color: '#FFA000',
dashArray: '0,10,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4',
fill: false,
clickable: false
}, connStyle);
var conn = L.polyline([portalLatLng, Rlatlng], connProperty);
// put both in one group, so they can be handled by the same logic.
var r = L.layerGroup([reso, conn]);
r.options = {
level: rdata.level,
details: rdata,
pDetails: ent[2],
guid: resoGuid
// However, LayerGroups (and FeatureGroups) don’t fire add/remove
// events, thus this listener will be attached to the resonator. It
// doesn’t matter to which element these are bound since Leaflet
// will add/remove all elements of the LayerGroup at once.
reso.on('remove', function() { delete window.resonators[this.options.guid]; });
reso.on('add', function() {
if(window.resonators[this.options.guid]) {
console.error('dup reso: ' + this.options.guid);
window.resonators[this.options.guid] = r;
reRendered = true;
// if there is any resonator re-rendered, bring portal to front
if(reRendered && portalLayer) portalLayer.bringToFront();
// append portal guid with -resonator-[slot] to get guid for resonators
window.portalResonatorGuid = function(portalGuid, slot) {
return portalGuid + '-resonator-' + slot;
window.isResonatorsShow = function() {
return map.getZoom() >= RESONATOR_DISPLAY_ZOOM_LEVEL;
window.isSameResonator = function(oldRes, newRes) {
if(!oldRes && !newRes) return true;
if(typeof oldRes !== typeof newRes) return false;
if(oldRes.level !== newRes.level) return false;
if(oldRes.energyTotal !== newRes.energyTotal) return false;
if(oldRes.distanceToPortal !== newRes.distanceToPortal) return false;
return true;
window.portalResetColor = function(portal) {
portal.setStyle({color: COLORS[getTeam(portal.options.details)]});
window.resonatorsResetStyle = function(portalGuid) {
window.resonatorsSetSelectStyle = function(portalGuid) {
window.resonatorsSetStyle = function(portalGuid, resoStyle, lineStyle) {
for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
resonatorLayerGroup = resonators[portalResonatorGuid(portalGuid, i)];
if(!resonatorLayerGroup) continue;
// bring resonators and their connection lines to front separately.
// this way the resonators are drawn on top of the lines.
resonatorLayerGroup.eachLayer(function(layer) {
if (!layer.options.guid) // Resonator line
resonatorLayerGroup.eachLayer(function(layer) {
if (layer.options.guid) // Resonator
// renders a link on the map from the given entity
window.renderLink = function(ent) {
if(Object.keys(links).length >= MAX_DRAWN_LINKS)
return removeByGuid(ent[0]);
// assume that links never change. If they do, they will have a
// different ID.
if(findEntityInLeaflet(linksLayer, links, ent[0])) return;
var team = getTeam(ent[2]);
var edge = ent[2].edge;
var latlngs = [
[edge.originPortalLocation.latE6/1E6, edge.originPortalLocation.lngE6/1E6],
[edge.destinationPortalLocation.latE6/1E6, edge.destinationPortalLocation.lngE6/1E6]
var poly = L.polyline(latlngs, {
color: COLORS[team],
opacity: 1,
clickable: false,
guid: ent[0],
smoothFactor: 10
if(!getPaddedBounds().intersects(poly.getBounds())) return;
poly.on('remove', function() { delete window.links[this.options.guid]; });
poly.on('add', function() {
// enable for debugging
if(window.links[this.options.guid]) throw('duplicate link detected');
window.links[this.options.guid] = this;
// renders a field on the map from a given entity
window.renderField = function(ent) {
if(Object.keys(fields).length >= MAX_DRAWN_FIELDS)
return window.removeByGuid(ent[0]);
// assume that fields never change. If they do, they will have a
// different ID.
if(findEntityInLeaflet(fieldsLayer, fields, ent[0])) return;
var team = getTeam(ent[2]);
var reg = ent[2].capturedRegion;
var latlngs = [
[reg.vertexA.location.latE6/1E6, reg.vertexA.location.lngE6/1E6],
[reg.vertexB.location.latE6/1E6, reg.vertexB.location.lngE6/1E6],
[reg.vertexC.location.latE6/1E6, reg.vertexC.location.lngE6/1E6]
var poly = L.polygon(latlngs, {
fillColor: COLORS[team],
fillOpacity: 0.25,
stroke: false,
clickable: false,
smoothFactor: 10,
vertices: ent[2].capturedRegion,
lastUpdate: ent[1],
guid: ent[0]});
if(!getPaddedBounds().intersects(poly.getBounds())) return;
poly.on('remove', function() { delete window.fields[this.options.guid]; });
poly.on('add', function() {
// enable for debugging
if(window.fields[this.options.guid]) console.warn('duplicate field detected');
window.fields[this.options.guid] = this;
// looks for the GUID in either the layerGroup or entityHash, depending
// on which is faster. Will either return the Leaflet entity or null, if
// it does not exist.
// For example, to find a field use the function like this:
// field = findEntityInLeaflet(fieldsLayer, fields, 'asdasdasd');
window.findEntityInLeaflet = function(layerGroup, entityHash, guid) {
// fast way
if(map.hasLayer(layerGroup)) return entityHash[guid] || null;
// slow way in case the layer is currently hidden
var ent = null;
layerGroup.eachLayer(function(entity) {
if(entity.options.guid !== guid) return true;
ent = entity;
return false;
return ent;
// MAP DATA REQUEST CALCULATORS //////////////////////////////////////
// Ingress Intel splits up requests for map data (portals, links,
// fields) into tiles. To get data for the current viewport (i.e. what
// is currently visible) it first calculates which tiles intersect.
// For all those tiles, it then calculates the lat/lng bounds of that
// tile and a quadkey. Both the bounds and the quadkey are “somewhat”
// required to get complete data. No idea how the projection between
// lat/lng and tiles works.
// What follows now are functions that allow conversion between tiles
// and lat/lng as well as calculating the quad key. The variable names
// may be misleading.
// The minified source for this code was in gen_dashboard.js after the
// “// input 89” line (alternatively: the class was called “Xe”).
window.convertCenterLat = function(centerLat) {
return Math.round(256 * 0.9999 * Math.abs(1 / Math.cos(centerLat * DEG2RAD)));
window.calculateR = function(convCenterLat) {
return 1 << - (convCenterLat / 256 - 1);
window.convertLatLngToPoint = function(latlng, magic, R) {
var x = (magic/2 + latlng.lng * magic / 360)*R;
var l = Math.sin( * DEG2RAD);
var y = (magic/2 + 0.5*Math.log((1+l)/(1-l)) * -(magic / (2*Math.PI)))*R;
return {x: Math.floor(x/magic), y: Math.floor(y/magic)};
window.convertPointToLatLng = function(x, y, magic, R) {
var e = {};
e.sw = {
// orig function put together from all over the place
// lat: (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp((((y + 1) * magic / R) - (magic/ 2)) / (-1*(magic / (2 * Math.PI))))) - Math.PI / 2) / (Math.PI / 180),
// shortened version by your favorite algebra program.
lat: (360*Math.atan(Math.exp(Math.PI - 2*Math.PI*(y+1)/R)))/Math.PI - 90,
lng: 360*x/R-180
}; = {
//lat: (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(((y * magic / R) - (magic/ 2)) / (-1*(magic / (2 * Math.PI))))) - Math.PI / 2) / (Math.PI / 180),
lat: (360*Math.atan(Math.exp(Math.PI - 2*Math.PI*y/R)))/Math.PI - 90,
lng: 360*(x+1)/R-180
return e;
// calculates the quad key for a given point. The point is not(!) in
// lat/lng format.
window.pointToQuadKey = function(x, y) {
var quadkey = [];
for(var c =; c > 0; c--) {
// +-------+ quadrants are probably ordered like this
// | 0 | 1 |
// |---|---|
// | 2 | 3 |
// |---|---|
var quadrant = 0;
var e = 1 << c - 1;
(x & e) != 0 && quadrant++; // push right
(y & e) != 0 && (quadrant++, quadrant++); // push down
return quadkey.join("");
// given quadkey and bounds, returns the format as required by the
// Ingress API to request map data.
window.generateBoundsParams = function(quadkey, bounds) {
return {
id: quadkey,
qk: quadkey,
minLatE6: Math.round( * 1E6),
minLngE6: Math.round(bounds.sw.lng * 1E6),
maxLatE6: Math.round( * 1E6),
maxLngE6: Math.round( * 1E6)
// PLAYER NAMES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Player names are cached in local storage forever. There is no GUI
// element from within the total conversion to clean them, but you
// can run localStorage.clean() to reset it.
// retrieves player name by GUID. If the name is not yet available, it
// will be added to a global list of GUIDs that need to be resolved.
// The resolve method is not called automatically.
window.getPlayerName = function(guid) {
if(localStorage[guid]) return localStorage[guid];
// only add to queue if it isn’t already
if(playersToResolve.indexOf(guid) === -1 && playersInResolving.indexOf(guid) === -1) {
console.log('resolving player guid=' + guid);
return '{'+guid.slice(0, 12)+'}';
// resolves all player GUIDs that have been added to the list. Reruns
// renderPortalDetails when finished, so that then-unresolved names
// get replaced by their correct versions.
window.resolvePlayerNames = function() {
if(window.playersToResolve.length === 0) return;
var p = window.playersToResolve;
var d = {guids: p};
playersInResolving = window.playersInResolving.concat(p);
playersToResolve = [];
postAjax('getPlayersByGuids', d, function(dat) {
$.each(dat.result, function(ind, player) {
window.setPlayerName(player.guid, player.nickname);
// remove from array
window.playersInResolving.splice(window.playersInResolving.indexOf(player.guid), 1);
function() {
// append failed resolves to the list again
console.warn('resolving player guids failed: ' + p.join(', '));
window.setPlayerName = function(guid, nick) {
if($.trim(('' + nick)).slice(0, 5) === '{"L":' && !window.alertFor37WasShown) {
window.alertFor37WasShown = true;
alert('You have run into bug #37. Please help me solve it!\nCopy and paste this text and post it here:\n\nIf copy & pasting doesn’t work, make a screenshot instead.\n\n\n' + window.debug.printStackTrace() + '\n\n\n' + JSON.stringify(nick));
localStorage[guid] = nick;
window.loadPlayerNamesForPortal = function(portal_details) {
if(map.getZoom() < PRECACHE_PLAYER_NAMES_ZOOM) return;
var e = portal_details;
if(e.captured && e.captured.capturingPlayerId)
if(!e.resonatorArray || !e.resonatorArray.resonators) return;
$.each(e.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if(reso) getPlayerName(reso.ownerGuid);
// PORTAL DETAILS MAIN ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// main code block that renders the portal details in the sidebar and
// methods that highlight the portal in the map view.
window.renderPortalDetails = function(guid) {
if(!window.portals[guid]) {
urlPortal = guid;
var d = window.portals[guid].options.details;
// collect some random data that’s not worth to put in an own method
var links = {incoming: 0, outgoing: 0};
if(d.portalV2.linkedEdges) $.each(d.portalV2.linkedEdges, function(ind, link) {
links[link.isOrigin ? 'outgoing' : 'incoming']++;
function linkExpl(t) { return '<tt title="↳ incoming links\n↴ outgoing links\n• is meant to be the portal.">'+t+'</tt>'; }
var linksText = [linkExpl('links'), linkExpl(' ↳ ' + links.incoming+'&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;&nbsp;'+links.outgoing+' ↴')];
var player = d.captured && d.captured.capturingPlayerId
? getPlayerName(d.captured.capturingPlayerId)
: null;
var playerText = player ? ['owner', player] : null;
var time = d.captured ? unixTimeToString(d.captured.capturedTime) : null;
var sinceText = time ? ['since', time] : null;
var linkedFields = ['fields', d.portalV2.linkedFields.length];
// collect and html-ify random data
var randDetails = [
playerText, sinceText, getRangeText(d), getEnergyText(d),
linksText, getAvgResoDistText(d), linkedFields, getAttackApGainText(d)
randDetails = '<table id="randdetails">' + genFourColumnTable(randDetails) + '</table>';
var resoDetails = '<table id="resodetails">' + getResonatorDetails(d) + '</table>';
var img = d.imageByUrl && d.imageByUrl.imageUrl ? d.imageByUrl.imageUrl : DEFAULT_PORTAL_IMG;
var lat = d.locationE6.latE6;
var lng = d.locationE6.lngE6;
var perma = ''+lat+'&lngE6='+lng+'&z=17&pguid='+guid;
var imgTitle = 'title="'+getPortalDescriptionFromDetails(d)+'\n\nClick to show full image."';
.attr('class', TEAM_TO_CSS[getTeam(d)])
+ '<h3>'+d.portalV2.descriptiveText.TITLE+'</h3>'
// help cursor via “.imgpreview img”
+ '<div class="imgpreview" '+imgTitle+' style="background-image: url('+img+')">'
+ '<img class="hide" src="'+img+'"/>'
+ '<span id="level">'+Math.floor(getPortalLevel(d))+'</span>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="mods">'+getModDetails(d)+'</div>'
+ randDetails
+ resoDetails
+ '<div class="linkdetails">'
+ '<aside><a href="'+perma+'">portal link</a></aside>'
+ '<aside><a onclick="window.reportPortalIssue()">report issue</a></aside>'
+ '</div>'
// try to resolve names that were required for above functions, but
// weren’t available yet.
runHooks('portalDetailsUpdated', {portalDetails: d});
// draws link-range and hack-range circles around the portal with the
// given details.
window.setPortalIndicators = function(d) {
if(portalRangeIndicator) map.removeLayer(portalRangeIndicator);
var range = getPortalRange(d);
var coord = [d.locationE6.latE6/1E6, d.locationE6.lngE6/1E6];
portalRangeIndicator = (range > 0
?, range, { fill: false, color: RANGE_INDICATOR_COLOR, weight: 3, clickable: false })
:, range, { fill: false, stroke: false, clickable: false })
portalAccessIndicator =, HACK_RANGE,
{ fill: false, color: ACCESS_INDICATOR_COLOR, weight: 2, clickable: false }
// highlights portal with given GUID. Automatically clears highlights
// on old selection. Returns false if the selected portal changed.
// Returns true if it’s still the same portal that just needs an
// update.
window.selectPortal = function(guid) {
var update = selectedPortal === guid;
var oldPortal = portals[selectedPortal];
if(!update && oldPortal) portalResetColor(oldPortal);
selectedPortal = guid;
if(portals[guid]) {
portals[guid].bringToFront().setStyle({color: COLOR_SELECTED_PORTAL});
return update;
window.unselectOldPortal = function() {
var oldPortal = portals[selectedPortal];
if(oldPortal) portalResetColor(oldPortal);
selectedPortal = null;
// PORTAL DETAILS DISPLAY ////////////////////////////////////////////
// hand any of these functions the details-hash of a portal, and they
// will return pretty, displayable HTML or parts thereof.
// returns displayable text+link about portal range
window.getRangeText = function(d) {
var range = getPortalRange(d);
return ['range',
'<a onclick="window.rangeLinkClick()">'
+ (range > 1000
? Math.round(range/1000) + ' km'
: Math.round(range) + ' m')
+ '</a>'];
// generates description text from details for portal
window.getPortalDescriptionFromDetails = function(details) {
var descObj = details.portalV2.descriptiveText;
// FIXME: also get real description?
var desc = descObj.TITLE + '\n' + descObj.ADDRESS;
desc += '\nby '+descObj.ATTRIBUTION+' ('+descObj.ATTRIBUTION_LINK+')';
return desc;
// given portal details, returns html code to display mod details.
window.getModDetails = function(d) {
var mods = [];
var modsTitle = [];
var modsColor = [];
$.each(d.portalV2.linkedModArray, function(ind, mod) {
if(!mod) {
} else if(mod.type === 'RES_SHIELD') {
var title = mod.rarity.capitalize() + ' ' + mod.displayName + '\n';
title += 'Installed by: '+ getPlayerName(mod.installingUser);
title += '\nStats:';
for (var key in mod.stats) {
if (!mod.stats.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
title += '\n+' + mod.stats[key] + ' ' + key.capitalize();
mods.push(mod.rarity.capitalize().replace('_', ' ') + ' ' + mod.displayName);
} else {
modsTitle.push('Unknown mod. No further details available.');
var t = '<span'+(modsTitle[0].length ? ' title="'+modsTitle[0]+'"' : '')+' style="color:'+modsColor[0]+'">'+mods[0]+'</span>'
+ '<span'+(modsTitle[1].length ? ' title="'+modsTitle[1]+'"' : '')+' style="color:'+modsColor[1]+'">'+mods[1]+'</span>'
+ '<span'+(modsTitle[2].length ? ' title="'+modsTitle[2]+'"' : '')+' style="color:'+modsColor[2]+'">'+mods[2]+'</span>'
+ '<span'+(modsTitle[3].length ? ' title="'+modsTitle[3]+'"' : '')+' style="color:'+modsColor[3]+'">'+mods[3]+'</span>'
return t;
window.getEnergyText = function(d) {
var currentNrg = getCurrentPortalEnergy(d);
var totalNrg = getTotalPortalEnergy(d);
var inf = currentNrg + ' / ' + totalNrg;
var fill = prettyEnergy(currentNrg) + ' / ' + prettyEnergy(totalNrg)
return ['energy', '<tt title="'+inf+'">' + fill + '</tt>'];
window.getAvgResoDistText = function(d) {
var avgDist = Math.round(10*getAvgResoDist(d))/10;
return ['reso dist', avgDist + ' m'];
window.getResonatorDetails = function(d) {
var resoDetails = [];
// octant=slot: 0=E, 1=NE, 2=N, 3=NW, 4=W, 5=SW, 6=S, SE=7
// resos in the display should be ordered like this:
// N NE Since the view is displayed in columns, they
// NW E need to be ordered like this: N, NW, W, SW, NE,
// W SE E, SE, S, i.e. 2 3 4 5 1 0 7 6
// SW S
$.each([2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 7, 5, 6], function(ind, slot) {
var reso = d.resonatorArray.resonators[slot];
if(!reso) {
resoDetails.push(renderResonatorDetails(slot, 0, 0, null, null));
return true;
var l = parseInt(reso.level);
var v = parseInt(reso.energyTotal);
var nick = window.getPlayerName(reso.ownerGuid);
var dist = reso.distanceToPortal;
// if array order and slot order drift apart, at least the octant
// naming will still be correct.
slot = parseInt(reso.slot);
resoDetails.push(renderResonatorDetails(slot, l, v, dist, nick));
return genFourColumnTable(resoDetails);
// helper function that renders the HTML for a given resonator. Does
// not work with raw details-hash. Needs digested infos instead:
// slot: which slot this resonator occupies. Starts with 0 (east) and
// rotates clockwise. So, last one is 7 (southeast).
window.renderResonatorDetails = function(slot, level, nrg, dist, nick) {
if(level === 0) {
var meter = '<span class="meter" title="octant:\t' + OCTANTS[slot] + '"></span>';
} else {
var max = RESO_NRG[level];
var fillGrade = nrg/max*100;
var inf = 'energy:\t' + nrg + ' / ' + max + ' (' + Math.round(fillGrade) + '%)\n'
+ 'level:\t' + level + '\n'
+ 'distance:\t' + dist + 'm\n'
+ 'owner:\t' + nick + '\n'
+ 'octant:\t' + OCTANTS[slot];
var style = 'width:'+fillGrade+'%; background:'+COLORS_LVL[level]+';';
var color = (level < 3 ? "#9900FF" : "#FFFFFF");
var lbar = '<span class="meter-level" style="color: ' + color + ';"> ' + level + ' </span>';
var fill = '<span style="'+style+'"></span>';
var meter = '<span class="meter" title="'+inf+'">' + fill + lbar + '</span>';
return [meter, nick || ''];
// calculate AP gain from destroying portal and then capturing it by deploying resonators
window.getAttackApGainText = function(d) {
var breakdown = getAttackApGain(d);
function tt(text) {
var t = 'Destroy &amp; Capture:\n';
t += breakdown.resoCount + '×\tResonators\t= ' + digits(breakdown.resoAp) + '\n';
t += breakdown.linkCount + '×\tLinks\t= ' + digits(breakdown.linkAp) + '\n';
t += breakdown.fieldCount + '×\tFields\t= ' + digits(breakdown.fieldAp) + '\n';
t += '1×\tCapture\t= ' + CAPTURE_PORTAL + '\n';
t += '8×\tDeploy\t= ' + (8 * DEPLOY_RESONATOR) + '\n';
t += '1×\tBonus\t= ' + COMPLETION_BONUS + '\n';
t += 'Sum: ' + digits(breakdown.totalAp) + ' AP';
return '<tt title="' + t + '">' + digits(text) + '</tt>';
return [tt('AP Gain'), tt(breakdown.totalAp)];
// PORTAL DETAILS TOOLS //////////////////////////////////////////////
// hand any of these functions the details-hash of a portal, and they
// will return useful, but raw data.
// returns a float. Displayed portal level is always rounded down from
// that value.
window.getPortalLevel = function(d) {
var lvl = 0;
var hasReso = false;
$.each(d.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if(!reso) return true;
lvl += parseInt(reso.level);
hasReso = true;
return hasReso ? Math.max(1, lvl/8) : 0;
window.getTotalPortalEnergy = function(d) {
var nrg = 0;
$.each(d.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if(!reso) return true;
var level = parseInt(reso.level);
var max = RESO_NRG[level];
nrg += max;
return nrg;
// For backwards compatibility
window.getPortalEnergy = window.getTotalPortalEnergy;
window.getCurrentPortalEnergy = function(d) {
var nrg = 0;
$.each(d.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if(!reso) return true;
nrg += parseInt(reso.energyTotal);
return nrg;
window.getPortalRange = function(d) {
// formula by the great gals and guys at
var lvl = 0;
var resoMissing = false;
$.each(d.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if(!reso) {
resoMissing = true;
return false;
lvl += parseInt(reso.level);
if(resoMissing) return 0;
return 160*Math.pow(getPortalLevel(d), 4);
window.getAvgResoDist = function(d) {
var sum = 0, resos = 0;
$.each(d.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if(!reso) return true;
sum += parseInt(reso.distanceToPortal);
return sum/resos;
window.getAttackApGain = function(d) {
var resoCount = 0;
$.each(d.resonatorArray.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
if (!reso)
return true;
resoCount += 1;
var linkCount = d.portalV2.linkedEdges ? d.portalV2.linkedEdges.length : 0;
var fieldCount = d.portalV2.linkedFields ? d.portalV2.linkedFields.length : 0;
var resoAp = resoCount * DESTROY_RESONATOR;
var linkAp = linkCount * DESTROY_LINK;
var fieldAp = fieldCount * DESTROY_FIELD;
var destroyAp = resoAp + linkAp + fieldAp;
var totalAp = destroyAp + captureAp;
return {
totalAp: totalAp,
destroyAp: destroyAp,
captureAp: captureAp,
resoCount: resoCount,
resoAp: resoAp,
linkCount: linkCount,
linkAp: linkAp,
fieldCount: fieldCount,
fieldAp: fieldAp
// REDEEMING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.handleRedeemResponse = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data.error) {
var error = '';
if (data.error === 'ALREADY_REDEEMED') {
error = 'The passcode has already been redeemed.';
} else if (data.error === 'ALREADY_REDEEMED_BY_PLAYER') {
error = 'You have already redeemed this passcode.';
} else if (data.error === 'INVALID_PASSCODE') {
error = 'This passcode is invalid.';
} else {
error = 'The passcode cannot be redeemed.';
alert("Error: " + data.error + "\n" + error);
} else if (data.result) {
var res_level = 0, res_count = 0;
var xmp_level = 0, xmp_count = 0;
var shield_rarity = '', shield_count = 0;
// This assumes that each passcode gives only one type of resonator/XMP/shield.
// This may break at some point, depending on changes to passcode functionality.
for (var i in data.result.inventoryAward) {
var acquired = data.result.inventoryAward[i][2];
if (acquired.modResource) {
if (acquired.modResource.resourceType === 'RES_SHIELD') {
shield_rarity = acquired.modResource.rarity.split('_').map(function (i) {return i[0]}).join('');
} else if (acquired.resourceWithLevels) {
if (acquired.resourceWithLevels.resourceType === 'EMITTER_A') {
res_level = acquired.resourceWithLevels.level;
} else if (acquired.resourceWithLevels.resourceType === 'EMP_BURSTER') {
xmp_level = acquired.resourceWithLevels.level;
alert("Passcode redeemed!\n" + [data.result.apAward + 'AP', data.result.xmAward + 'XM', res_count + 'xL' + res_level + ' RES', xmp_count + 'xL' + xmp_level + ' XMP', shield_count + 'x' + shield_rarity + ' SHIELD'].join('/'));
window.setupRedeem = function() {
$("#redeem").keypress(function(e) {
if((e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) != 13) return;
var data = {passcode: $(this).val()};
window.postAjax('redeemReward', data, window.handleRedeemResponse,
function() { alert('HTTP request failed. Try again?'); });
// REQUEST HANDLING //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// note: only meant for portal/links/fields request, everything else
// does not count towards “loading”
window.activeRequests = [];
window.failedRequestCount = 0;
window.requests = function() {}
window.requests.add = function(ajax) {
window.requests.remove = function(ajax) {
window.activeRequests.splice(window.activeRequests.indexOf(ajax), 1);
window.requests.abort = function() {
$.each(window.activeRequests, function(ind, actReq) {
if(actReq) actReq.abort();
window.activeRequests = [];
window.failedRequestCount = 0; = false; = false;
// gives user feedback about pending operations. Draws current status
// to website. Updates info in layer chooser.
window.renderUpdateStatus = function() {
var t = '<b>map status:</b> ';
t += 'paused during interaction';
else if(isIdle())
t += '<span style="color:red">Idle, not updating.</span>';
else if(window.activeRequests.length > 0)
t += window.activeRequests.length + ' requests running.';
t += 'Up to date.';
t += ' <span style="color:red" class="help" title="Can only render so much before it gets unbearably slow. Not all entities are shown. Zoom in or increase the limit (search for MAX_DRAWN_*).">RENDER LIMIT</span> '
if(window.failedRequestCount > 0)
t += ' <span style="color:red">' + window.failedRequestCount + ' failed</span>.'
t += '<br/>(';
var minlvl = getMinPortalLevel();
if(minlvl === 0)
t += 'loading all portals';
t+= 'only loading portals with level '+minlvl+' and up';
t += ')';
var portalSelection = $('.leaflet-control-layers-overlays label');
portalSelection.slice(0, minlvl+1).addClass('disabled').attr('title', 'Zoom in to show those.');
portalSelection.slice(minlvl, 8).removeClass('disabled').attr('title', '');
// sets the timer for the next auto refresh. Ensures only one timeout
// is queued. May be given 'override' in milliseconds if time should
// not be guessed automatically. Especially useful if a little delay
// is required, for example when zooming.
window.startRefreshTimeout = function(override) {
// may be required to remove 'paused during interaction' message in
// status bar
if(refreshTimeout) clearTimeout(refreshTimeout);
var t = 0;
if(override) {
t = override;
} else {
t = REFRESH*1000;
var adj = ZOOM_LEVEL_ADJ * (18 -;
if(adj > 0) t += adj*1000;
var next = new Date(new Date().getTime() + t).toLocaleTimeString();
console.log('planned refresh: ' + next);
refreshTimeout = setTimeout(window.requests._callOnRefreshFunctions, t);
window.requests._onRefreshFunctions = [];
window.requests._callOnRefreshFunctions = function() {
if(isIdle()) {
console.log('user has been idle for ' + idleTime + ' minutes. Skipping refresh.');
$.each(window.requests._onRefreshFunctions, function(ind, f) {
// add method here to be notified of auto-refreshes
window.requests.addRefreshFunction = function(f) {
window.isSmartphone = function() {
// this check is also used in main.js. Note it should not detect
// tablets because their display is large enough to use the desktop
// version.
return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*Mobile/);
window.smartphone = function() {};
window.runOnSmartphonesBeforeBoot = function() {
if(!isSmartphone()) return;
console.warn('running smartphone pre boot stuff');
// disable zoom buttons to see if they are really needed
window.localStorage['iitc.zoom.buttons'] = 'false';
// don’t need many of those
window.setupStyles = function() {
$('head').append('<style>' +
[ '#largepreview.enl img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_ENL]+'; } ',
'#largepreview.res img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_RES]+'; } ',
'#largepreview.none img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_NONE]+'; } '].join("\n")
+ '</style>');
// this also matches the expand button, but it is hidden via CSS
$('#chatcontrols a').click(function() {
$('#scrollwrapper, #updatestatus').hide();
// not displaying the map causes bugs in Leaflet
$('#map').css('visibility', 'hidden');
$('#chat, #chatinput').show();
window.smartphone.mapButton = $('<a>map</a>').click(function() {
$('#chat, #chatinput, #scrollwrapper').hide();
$('#map').css('visibility', 'visible');
window.smartphone.sideButton = $('<a>info</a>').click(function() {
$('#chat, #chatinput, #updatestatus').hide();
$('#map').css('visibility', 'hidden');
// add event to portals that allows long press to switch to sidebar
window.addHook('portalAdded', function(data) {
data.portal.on('dblclick', function() {
window.lastClickedPortal = this.options.guid;
window.addHook('portalDetailsUpdated', function(data) {
var x = $('.imgpreview img').removeClass('hide');
if(!x.length) {
if($('.fullimg').length) {
} else {
window.runOnSmartphonesAfterBoot = function() {
if(!isSmartphone()) return;
console.warn('running smartphone post boot stuff');
// disable img full view
$('#portaldetails').off('click', '**');
// UTILS + MISC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// retrieves parameter from the URL?query=string.
window.getURLParam = function(param) {
var v = document.URL;
var i = v.indexOf(param);
if(i <= -1) return '';
v = v.substr(i);
i = v.indexOf("&");
if(i >= 0) v = v.substr(0, i);
return v.replace(param+"=","");
// read cookie by name.
// by cwolves
var cookies;
window.readCookie = function(name,c,C,i){
if(cookies) return cookies[name];
c = document.cookie.split('; ');
cookies = {};
for(i=c.length-1; i>=0; i--){
C = c[i].split('=');
cookies[C[0]] = unescape(C[1]);
return cookies[name];
window.writeCookie = function(name, val) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + val + '; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2020 23:59:59 GMT; path=/';
// add thousand separators to given number.
// by Doug Neiner.
window.digits = function(d) {
return (d+"").replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1 ");
// posts AJAX request to Ingress API.
// action: last part of the actual URL, the rpc/dashboard. is
// added automatically
// data: JSON data to post. method will be derived automatically from
// action, but may be overridden. Expects to be given Hash.
// Strings are not supported.
// success: method to call on success. See jQuery API docs for avail-
// able arguments:
// error: see above. Additionally it is logged if the request failed.
window.postAjax = function(action, data, success, error) {
data = JSON.stringify($.extend({method: 'dashboard.'+action}, data));
var remove = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { window.requests.remove(jqXHR); };
var errCnt = function(jqXHR) { window.failedRequestCount++; window.requests.remove(jqXHR); };
return $.ajax({
// use full URL to avoid issues depending on how people set their
// slash. See:
url: ''+action,
type: 'POST',
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
success: [remove, success],
error: error ? [errCnt, error] : errCnt,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
beforeSend: function(req) {
req.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', readCookie('csrftoken'));
// converts unix timestamps to HH:mm:ss format if it was today;
// otherwise it returns YYYY-MM-DD
window.unixTimeToString = function(time, full) {
if(!time) return null;
var d = new Date(typeof time === 'string' ? parseInt(time) : time);
var time = d.toLocaleTimeString();
var date = d.getFullYear()+'-'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'-'+d.getDate();
if(typeof full !== 'undefined' && full) return date + ' ' + time;
if(d.toDateString() == new Date().toDateString())
return time;
return date;
window.unixTimeToHHmm = function(time) {
if(!time) return null;
var d = new Date(typeof time === 'string' ? parseInt(time) : time);
var h = '' + d.getHours(); h = h.length === 1 ? '0' + h : h;
var s = '' + d.getMinutes(); s = s.length === 1 ? '0' + s : s;
return h + ':' + s;
window.rangeLinkClick = function() {
window.reportPortalIssue = function(info) {
var t = 'Redirecting you to a Google Help Page. Once there, click on “Contact Us” in the upper right corner.\n\nThe text box contains all necessary information. Press CTRL+C to copy it.';
var d = window.portals[window.selectedPortal].options.details;
var info = 'Your Nick: ' + PLAYER.nickname + ' '
+ 'Portal: ' + d.portalV2.descriptiveText.TITLE + ' '
+ 'Location: ' + d.portalV2.descriptiveText.ADDRESS
+' (lat ' + (d.locationE6.latE6/1E6) + '; lng ' + (d.locationE6.lngE6/1E6) + ')';
//codename, approx addr, portalname
if(prompt(t, info) !== null)
location.href = '';
window._storedPaddedBounds = undefined;
window.getPaddedBounds = function() {
if(_storedPaddedBounds === undefined) {
map.on('zoomstart zoomend movestart moveend', function() {
window._storedPaddedBounds = null;
if(window._storedPaddedBounds) return window._storedPaddedBounds;
var p =;
window._storedPaddedBounds = p;
return p;
window.renderLimitReached = function() {
if(Object.keys(portals).length >= MAX_DRAWN_PORTALS) return true;
if(Object.keys(links).length >= MAX_DRAWN_LINKS) return true;
if(Object.keys(fields).length >= MAX_DRAWN_FIELDS) return true;
return false;
window.getMinPortalLevel = function() {
var z = map.getZoom();
if(z >= 16) return 0;
var conv = ['impossible', 8,7,7,6,6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1];
return conv[z];
// returns number of pixels left to scroll down before reaching the
// bottom. Works similar to the native scrollTop function.
window.scrollBottom = function(elm) {
if(typeof elm === 'string') elm = $(elm);
return elm.get(0).scrollHeight - elm.innerHeight() - elm.scrollTop();
window.zoomToAndShowPortal = function(guid, latlng) {
map.setView(latlng, 17);
// if the data is available, render it immediately. Otherwise defer
// until it becomes available.
urlPortal = guid;
// translates guids to entity types
window.getTypeByGuid = function(guid) {
// portals end in “.11” or “.12“, links in “.9", fields in “.b”
// .11 == portals
// .12 == portals
// .9 == links
// .b == fields
// .c == player/creator
// .d == chat messages
// others, not used in web:
// .5 == resources (burster/resonator)
// .6 == XM
// .4 == media items, maybe all droppped resources (?)
// resonator guid is [portal guid]-resonator-[slot]
switch(guid.slice(33)) {
case '11':
case '12':
case '9':
return TYPE_LINK;
case 'b':
return TYPE_FIELD;
case 'c':
case 'd':
return TYPE_CHAT;
if(guid.slice(-11,-2) == 'resonator') return TYPE_RESONATOR;
String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase();
// by Bergi and CMS
if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith !== 'function') {
String.prototype.startsWith = function (str){
return this.slice(0, str.length) === str;
window.prettyEnergy = function(nrg) {
return nrg> 1000 ? Math.round(nrg/1000) + ' k': nrg;
window.setPermaLink = function(elm) {
var c = map.getCenter();
var lat = Math.round(*1E6);
var lng = Math.round(c.lng*1E6);
var qry = 'latE6='+lat+'&lngE6='+lng+'&z=' + (map.getZoom()-1);
$(elm).attr('href', '' + qry);
window.uniqueArray = function(arr) {
return $.grep(arr, function(v, i) {
return $.inArray(v, arr) === i;
window.genFourColumnTable = function(blocks) {
var t = $.map(blocks, function(detail, index) {
if(!detail) return '';
if(index % 2 === 0)
return '<tr><td>'+detail[1]+'</td><th>'+detail[0]+'</th>';
return ' <th>'+detail[0]+'</th><td>'+detail[1]+'</td></tr>';
if(t.length % 2 === 1) t + '<td></td><td></td></tr>';
return t;
} // end of wrapper
// inject code into site context
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')();'));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
// ==UserScript==
// @id iitc-plugin-sum-portals@stelb
// @name iitc: Sum Portals for each faction
// @version 1.1
// @namespace
// @author Stefan Le Breton, Martin Schuhfuss
// @description
// @include*
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==
function wrapper() {
// ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded
if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {};
// PLUGIN START ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// use own namespace for plugin
var _plugin = window.plugin.compPortalStats = function() {};
_plugin.setupCallback = function() {
var $portalStats = $('<div id="portalstats"><span class="res"></span><span class="enl"></span></div>'),
$enlContainer = _plugin.$enlContainer = $portalStats.find('.enl'),
$resContainer = _plugin.$resContainer = $portalStats.find('.res');
float: 'left',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
padding: '0 5px',
width: '50%'
background: '#017f01',
textAlign: 'left'
background: '#005684',
textAlign: 'right'
addHook('portalDataLoaded', function(res) {
_plugin.updateView = function() {
var stats = _plugin.compPortalStats(),
resPct = 100 * stats.res /,
enlPct = 100 * stats.enl /,
$res = _plugin.$resContainer,
$enl = _plugin.$enlContainer;
$res.text(stats.res + (resPct>23? ' Portals':''))
.css({ width: resPct.toFixed(2) + '%' });
$enl.text(stats.enl + (enlPct>23? ' Portals':''))
.css({ width: enlPct.toFixed(2) + '%' });
_plugin.compPortalStats = function() {
var stats = {
res: 0, enl: 0, total: 0
// Grab every portal in the viewable area and sum up
$.each(window.portals, function(ind, portal) {
var team = getTeam(portal.options.details);;
if (team === 1) { stats.res++; }
else if (team === 2) { stats.enl++; }
return stats;
var setup = function() { _plugin.setupCallback(); };
// PLUGIN END //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') {
} else {
window.bootPlugins = [setup];
} // wrapper end
// inject code into site context
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')();'));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
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