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Last active January 2, 2025 18:31
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# put this in your configuration.yaml to get sensor data from
- authentication: basic
username: !secret ovag-user
password: !secret ovag-pw
scan_interval: 15
- name: "poweropti"
- "Watt"
- "Timestamp"
- "A_Plus"
- "A_Minus"
- "Outdated"
- sensor:
- name: "Strom-OVAG-aktuell"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
device_class: "power"
state_class: "measurement"
unique_id: "strom_aktuell"
state: >
{{ state_attr('sensor.poweropti', 'Watt') }}
- name: "Strom-OVAG-Bezug"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
device_class: "energy"
state_class: "total_increasing"
unique_id: "strom_bezug_kwh
state: >
{{ state_attr('sensor.poweropti', 'A_Plus') }}
- name: "Strom-OVAG-Netz-Lieferung"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
device_class: "energy"
state_class: "total_increasing"
unique_id: "strom_lieferung_kwh"
state: >
{{ state_attr('sensor.poweropti', 'A_Minus') }}
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user-x-adm commented Jun 15, 2022

Powerfox Integration in Home Assistant (HA) --- HASS

  1. put your powerfox (poweropti) credentials in /config/secrets.yaml - like this

ovag-user: your-e-mail
ovag-pw: your-pw

  1. copy & paste this code in your configuration.yaml of Home Assistant, adjust the statements for username, pw ...

Eure Zugangsdaten zu Powerfox packt ihr am besten in die /config/secrets.yaml
Falls iher andere Key-Wörter benutzt müsst ihr das in der configuration.yaml entsprechend anpassen
weitere Infos hier:

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The configuration.yaml only integrates the main counter (as the reference/delivery counter). How do I add the second Poweropti, which sits on the PV production counter, to the configuration.yaml?


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user-x-adm commented Oct 11, 2022

I dont use Poweropti for the PV prod, because I use a solarlog sensor, integrated (solarlog integration) with HomeAssistant, for this.
It might be also an option to use a meter sensor as I mentioned in this blog post.
But if you want to use a second poweropti then you have to use a different URL of the API - pls check the API docu of Powerfox.
The yaml syntax is similar to this example.

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Powerfox Integration in Home Assistant (HA) --- HASS

1. put your powerfox (poweropti) credentials in /config/secrets.yaml - like this

ovag-user: your-e-mail ovag-pw: your-pw

2. copy & paste this code in your configuration.yaml of Home Assistant, adjust the statements for username, pw ...

DE: Eure Zugangsdaten zu Powerfox packt ihr am besten in die /config/secrets.yaml Falls iher andere Key-Wörter benutzt müsst ihr das in der configuration.yaml entsprechend anpassen weitere Infos hier:

Hi, thank you so far. Is this still working after the last update? As i remember they changed something for Azure Cloud...
Do i need to add more Information if i have more than 1 Device? (I have a Poweropti and one more for my Water-Clock)
I added the Script and secrets and don't get any values back.

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Yes, it still works fine on my HA. Yes you need more (different) configuration in case of more than 1 device.
You should have a look at the powerfox api docu in order to configure the configuration.yaml

docu in german:

First: Open a browser and send
You will ask for your credentials....

you will get back a information like:
... in the case of one device. In the case of more devices you should get a list of devices
BTW Division 0 means Power, 1 means water

Example for your power meter: You have to use the following URL

  • replace the XXXX with your device id, which you got with the first call

This should work for the power meter.
You have to add a similar config for your water meter.

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For the water meter you should try:

If you send me the feedback on this request I could try to write the config code.
But first you should try to get the power meter up and running with HA ;-)

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I have added the "unique_id:" Based on this configuration, you can change some settings of this sensor in the GUI/dashboard.

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Nice: chatGPT found the missing " after unique_id: "strom_bezug_kwh for me


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Hello, unfotunately it does not work for me. What do i need to fill in besides my account details? How do i get the unique ID for the sensors?
Leider funktioniert das bei mir nicht. Die Powerfox app läuft normal. Jemand ne Idee?

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