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Last active July 26, 2021 04:48
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WARNING: there may be outdated information.

This is just an overview.

For more information, read:

Component roles:

  • Emulate keyboard: oslayer
  • Get input from keyboard: machine+oslayer
  • Get input from serial port machines: machine+serial
  • Lookup dictionary: translator
  • Merge strokes together: translator
  • Run macro: translator
  • Interpret glue, stitch: formatter
  • Run meta: formatter
  • Combine components, connect hooks: engine

The unit tests helps a lot, too.



| Translator | ------ (lookup dictionary) ------ StenoDictionary
      +--------------------------> macro.undo.undo()

Translation(KAT, "cat")
Translation(KAT/HROG, "cat", replaced=[Translation(KAT, "cat")])
Translation(AFRLG, "{#a}{}{^}")

| Formatter.format:                              |
|             |                                  |
|             |                                  |
| +-------------------------+                    |
| | _translation_to_actions |                    |
| +-------------------------+                    |
|             |                                  |
|             |                                  |
|             v                                  |
|                                                |
| [Action("catalog")]                            |
| [_Action(combo="a"),                           |
|   _Action(prev_attach=True, next_attach=True)] |
|                                                |
|         |                                      |
|         |                                      |
| +---------------+                              |
| | TextFormatter |                              |
| +---------------+                              |
|         |                                      |


[User type]

[Machine plugin pass to StenoEngine object]

## Module: plover.engine

-> (StenoEngine) self._machine.add_stroke_callback(self._machine_stroke_callback)
-> self._same_thread_hook(self._on_stroked, steno_keys)
-> self._translator.translate(stroke)

## Module: plover.translation

[ Translator have .translate(Stroke(KAT)) called ]
-> translator.translate_stroke(Stroke(KAT))

Case 1. a macro (undo)
-> Call plover.macro.undo:undo(translator, Stroke(KAT), cmdline="")
  -> translator.get_state().translations to get last translation
  -> undo with translator.untranslate_translation(t)
    -> redo t.replaced (if available)
      -> **Which means that if there's any key combo in t.replaced, it will be done again!**
      Be very careful with key combo, it must not be inside any multistroke word.

Case 2. not a macro
-> Find translation object `t`:

* Translation(KAT -> "cat")
* Translation(KAT/HROG -> "catalog", replaced=[Translation(KAT -> cat)])
* Translation(AFRLG -> "{#a}{}{^}")  # <-- .has_undo() = False

-> .translate_translation(t)
  -> ._undo(*t.replaced)
  -> ._do(t)
    -> add t to .get_state().translations
    -> (internal details) add counter translator._to_do

-> flush()
  -> call engine._formatter.format(old: List[Translation], new: List[Translation])

## Module: plover.formatting

Formatter.format(undo, do)

* undo=[Translation(KAT -> cat)]
* do=[Translation(KAT/HROG -> "catalog", replaced=[Translation(KAT -> cat)])]

_translation_to_actions("catalog", ctx) -> [_Action("catalog")]
_translation_to_actions("{#a}{^}", ctx) -> [_Action(combo="a"), _Action(prev_attach=True, next_attach=True)]

-> OutputHelper.render()
  -> self.output.send_key_combination(action.combo) / self.output.send_engine_command(action.command)
  / self.output.send_backspaces(erased) / self.output.send_string(appended)

## Module: plover.engine (again)

-> ._keyboard_emulation.send_backspaces(b)
-> trigger_hook
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