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Created January 24, 2023 01:10
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brainfuck vscript
const src = @"
const MEMSIZE = 0x7FFF; // using n^2-1 to enable wrapping without modulo
const CELLSIZE = 0xFF; // 0xFF 8-bit, 0xFFFF 16-bit, 0xFFFFFFFF 32-bit
const INSTRCOUNT = 2048;
local mem = array(MEMSIZE + 1, 0); // add one to account for zero index
local pc = 0, ptr = 0, instr, bcnt;
function execute(instrcount) {
for (local i = 0; i < instrcount; ++i) {
if (pc >= src.len()) {
instr = src[pc];
if (instr == '>') ptr = (ptr + 1) & MEMSIZE;
if (instr == '<') ptr = (ptr - 1) & MEMSIZE;
if (instr == '+') mem[ptr] = (mem[ptr] + 1) & CELLSIZE;
if (instr == '-') mem[ptr] = (mem[ptr] - 1) & CELLSIZE;
if (instr == '[' && mem[ptr] == 0) {
bcnt = 1
while (bcnt > 0) {
pc += 1
if (src[pc] == '[') bcnt += 1
if (src[pc] == ']') bcnt -= 1
if (instr == ']' && mem[ptr] != 0) {
bcnt = 1
while (bcnt > 0) {
pc -= 1
if (src[pc] == ']') bcnt += 1
if (src[pc] == '[') bcnt -= 1
if (instr == '.') put(mem[ptr]);
if (instr == ',') mem[ptr] = 0; // unimplemented
function bfinit() {
local brainfuck = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_target", {targetname = "brainfuck"})
if (brainfuck.ValidateScriptScope()) {
brainfuck.GetScriptScope()["Think"] <- function() {
return 0.000001;
AddThinkToEnt(brainfuck, "Think");
function put(c) {
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