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Forked from jeremy5189/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Simple RSA Implementation
# Authored by Jeremy <jeremy5189(at)>
# Reference:
from fractions import gcd
import sys
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
def modinv(a, m):
g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
if g != 1:
raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist')
return x % m
# 選擇兩個質數以及欲加密的明文(int only)
p = 61
q = 53
messsage = 2014
# 乘積
n = p * q
# 檢查明文長度
if len(str(n)) < len(str(messsage)):
raise Exception('message(' + str(len(str(messsage))) + \
') 不能比 n(' + str(len(str(n))) + ') 還要長')
# 計算n的歐拉函數 φ(n)
# φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
# 隨機選擇一個整數 e
# 1 < e < φ(n) AND gcd( e, φ(n) ) = 1
e = 0
for i in xrange( 2, phi ):
if gcd( i, phi ) == 1:
e = i
# 計算 e 對於 φ(n) 的模反元素 d
# e * d mod φ(n) = 1
# 相當于二元一次方程式 ( 令 d 為 x, y 為除式之商, e, φ(n) 為常數 )
# e * x + φ(n) * y = 1
# 欲此方程式,需利用「擴展歐幾里得演算法」
# 即:給予二整數 a 、b, 必存在有整數 x 、 y 使得 ax + by = gcd(a,b)
# 今 a = e, b = φ(n) 且 gcd( e, φ(n) ) = 1
# 故符合 e * x + φ(n) * y = 1
d = modinv( e, phi );
# 金鑰產生完成,準備加密資料
# 待加密的資料只能為數字
plain = messsage
# 使用公鑰 (n,e) 加密
# pow( x, y, z ) = x^y % z
# m^e ≡ c (mod n)
cipher = pow( plain, e, n )
# 使用私鑰 (n,d) 解密
# c^d ≡ m (mod n)
decrypted = pow( cipher, d, n)
# 印出整個過程
print "--------- Variables ---------"
print "* p = " + str(p)
print "* q = " + str(q)
print "* n = " + str(n)
print "* phi = " + str(phi)
print "* e = " + str(e)
print "* d = " + str(d)
print "----------- Keys ------------"
print "* Public (n,e) = (" + str(n) + "," + str(e) + ")"
print "* Private (n,d) = (" + str(n) + "," + str(d) + ")"
print "* N Bit = " + str(len(bin(n)))
print "---------- Messages ---------"
print "* Plain: " + str(plain)
print "* Encrypted: " + str(cipher)
if plain == decrypted:
print "* Decrypted: " + str(decrypted) + " (Correct)"
print "* Decrypted: " + str(decrypted) + " (Failed)"
print "----------- End -------------"
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