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Last active November 23, 2023 18:00
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  • Save userlandkernel/87968fe9040f91e3a90a57acc830b0e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save userlandkernel/87968fe9040f91e3a90a57acc830b0e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finds all symbol offsets in a decompressed XNU kernelcache
RADARE="$(which rabin2)" #We need rabin2
KERNELCACHE_FILE="$1" #This will be the path to a decompressed kernelcace, e.g: /tmp/kernel
OFFSETS_FILE="$2" #This is the path and name of the file where the offsets should be stored in, don't add .c or .h the script will do!
H_FILE="$OFFSETS_FILE.h" # your_chosen_name.h
C_FILE="$OFFSETS_FILE.c" # your_chosen_name.c
USAGE="Usage: $0 [decompressed_kernelcache] [offsets_outputfile] [structure name]" # Usage: ./ (...)
# If we did not receive any arguments, display the usage and exit
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo $USAGE
echo ""
# If we did get insufficient arguments also display the usage and exit
if [ $# -eq 2 ]
echo $USAGE
echo ""
# We must have an actual kernelcache to work with
if [ ! -f $KERNELCACHE_FILE ]; then
echo "The specified kernelcache does not seem to exist"
# We substract the XNU version number and its release
XNU_VERSION=$(strings $KERNELCACHE_FILE | grep "Darwin Kernel Version" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $11}' | sed "s/root://g" | tr -d "~" | sed "s/-/_/g" | sed "s/\./_/g" | sed "s/\//_/g" | awk '{print toupper($0);}')
# Clears the files in case they already exist
echo "" > $C_FILE
echo "" > $H_FILE
# It's nice to have some information about who generated what and when for which version
echo "/* Generated on $(date) by $USER for $XNU_VERSION */" >> $H_FILE
echo "/* Generated on $(date) by $USER for $XNU_VERSION */" >> $C_FILE
# We start off by writing the structure to the c file based off the retrieved xnu version
echo "#include \"$H_FILE\"" >> $C_FILE # Include the header file
echo "${XNU_VERSION}_offs_t $STRUCTNAME = {" >> $C_FILE
echo " " >> $C_FILE
# We now will use rabin2 to read and export the symbols of the kernelcache
# We will remove the name and addr atttibutes and simply link its values to conform to the structure format
# In the end we also remove the count rabin2 gives in the last line and we sort the lines eventually adding the comma to conform to the structure format
OFFDATA=$($RADARE -s $KERNELCACHE_FILE | awk '{print $8 " " $1}' | sed "s/name=/./" | sed "s/vaddr=/= /g" | sed '$ d' | sed '$ d' | sort -u | sed -e 's/$/,/' | awk '{print "\t" toupper($0)}' | sed 's/\:/_/g' | tr -d '[]' | sed '/^\t\.FUNC/ d'| tr -d '~')
OFFDATA_TMP=$(echo "${OFFDATA}" | awk 'cnt[$1]++{$1=$1""cnt[$1]-1}1')
echo "${OFFDATA_TMP}" | awk '{print "\t "$1" "$2" "$3}' | sed '/ SYMBOLS,/ d' >> $C_FILE # Export all offsets in structure format to the c file
echo "};" >> $C_FILE # End the structure
# We can now continue generating the header file
# We define a structure named accordingly to the XNU version retrieved earlier
echo "typedef struct $XNU_VERSION {" >> $H_FILE # Write the structure definition to the header file
# Kernel offsets are sixtyfour bit unsigned integers we must remove the trailing period to conform to ANSI C structure definition
OFFDATA_TMP=$(echo "${OFFDATA}" | tr -d '.,' | awk 'cnt[$1]++{$1=$1""cnt[$1]-1}1')
echo "${OFFDATA_TMP}" | awk '{print "\tuint64_t " $1 ";"}' | sed '/\tuint64_t SYMBOLS;/ d'>> $H_FILE # Write the body of the structure to the header file
# Finally end the structure
echo "} ${XNU_VERSION}_offs_t;" >> $H_FILE # Write the end of the structure to the header file
# Show some information about the number of exported symbols and the kernel version, substract three from the linecount as we added three lines of structure declaration
echo "Exported $(($(cat $C_FILE | wc -l)-3)) offsets to $C_FILE and generated the structure in $H_FILE for $XNU_VERSION"
# Big thanks to radare2 developers for making this possible, its so easy, fast and useful!
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