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Created November 1, 2022 21:13
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Graph statistics - Line: 785, Column: 3
Components loaded in: 0:00.014747
Configuration read in: 0:00.001556
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 12 x86 [portable]
Watching: D:\Audio\Musique à trier
Watching: E:\Téléchargements\À trier\Musique\Musique à trier II
Watching: D:\Audio\Musique
Library initialized after 0:00.361410
User's music_graph_descriptors - File loaded: C:\Users\User\Desktop\foobar2000 portable00\profile\js_data\helpers\music_graph_descriptors_xxx_user.js
Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1: profiler (descriptorCRC): 2ms
Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1 (Search by Distance Customizable Button: Search by Distance Customizable Button by xxx): initialized in 1718 ms
Playlist #2 loaded in 0:00.000217
Album List refreshed in: 0:00.094660
User Interface initialized in: 0:02.225057
FFmpeg version: 5.1
Startup time : 0:02.389688
Tags Cache loaded.
Called: Debug and testing\Graph statistics
styleGenres Set {...}
influenceMethod adjacentNodes
properties Object {genreWeight=["sbd0.Genre Weight for final scoring", 15, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 15], styleWeight=["sbd0.Style Weight for final scoring", 15, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 15], dyngenreWeight=["sbd0.Dynamic Genre Weight for final scoring (only with DYNGENRE method)", 40, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 40], dyngenreRange=["sbd0.Dynamic Genre Range (only tracks within range will score)", 1, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 1], moodWeight=["sbd0.Mood Weight for final scoring", 10, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 10], keyWeight=["sbd0.Key Weight for final scoring", 5, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 5], keyRange=["sbd0.Key Range (uses Camelot Wheel '12 hours' scale)", 1, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 1], dateWeight=["sbd0.Date Weight for final scoring", 10, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 10], dateRange=["sbd0.Date Range (only tracks within range will score positively)", 15, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 15], bpmWeight=["sbd0.BPM Weight for final scoring", 5, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 5], bpmRange=["sbd0.BPM Range in % (for considering BPM Weight)", 25, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 25], composerWeight=["sbd0.Composer Weight for final scoring", 0, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 0], customStrWeight=["sbd0.CustomStr Weight for final scoring", 0, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 0], customNumWeight=["sbd0.CustomNum Weight for final scoring", 0, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 0], customNumRange=["sbd0.CustomNum Range for final scoring", 0, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 0], genreTag=["sbd0.Genre tag remap (multiple allowed)", "["GENRE"]", Object {...}, "["GENRE"]"], styleTag=["sbd0.Style tag remap (multiple allowed)", "["STYLE"]", Object {...}, "["STYLE"]"], moodTag=["sbd0.Mood tag remap (multiple allowed)", "["MOOD"]", Object {...}, "["MOOD"]"], dateTag=["sbd0.Date tag remap (single value tag or TF expression)", "["$year(%DATE%)"]", Object {...}, "["$year(%DATE%)"]"], keyTag=["sbd0.Key tag remap (single value)", "["KEY"]", Object {...}, "["KEY"]"], bpmTag=["sbd0.BPM tag remap (single value)", "["BPM"]", Object {...}, "["BPM"]"], composerTag=["sbd0.Composer tag remap (multiple allowed)", "["COMPOSER"]", Object {...}, "["COMPOSER"]"], customStrTag=["sbd0.Custom string tag (multiple allowed)", "[]", Object {...}, "[]"], customNumTag=["sbd0.Custom numeric tag (single value tag or TF expression)", "[]", Object {...}, "[]"], forcedQuery=["sbd0.Forced query to pre-filter database (added to any other internal query)", "NOT (%RATING% EQUAL 2 OR %RATING% EQUAL 1) AND NOT (STYLE IS live AND NOT STYLE IS hi-fi) AND %CHANNELS% LESS 3 AND NOT COMMENT HAS quad", Object {...}, "NOT (%RATING% EQUAL 2 OR %RATING% EQUAL 1) AND NOT (STYLE IS live AND NOT STYLE IS hi-fi) AND %CHANNELS% LESS 3 AND NOT COMMENT HAS quad"], bSameArtistFilter=["sbd0.Exclude tracks by same artist", false, Object {...}, false], bUseAntiInfluencesFilter=["sbd0.Exclude anti-influences by query", false, Object {...}, false], bConditionAntiInfluences=["sbd0.Conditional anti-influences filter", true, Object {...}, false], bUseInfluencesFilter=["sbd0.Allow only influences by query", true, Object {...}, false], bSimilArtistsFilter=["sbd0.Allow only similar artists", false, Object {...}, false], genreStyleFilterTag=["sbd0.Filter these values globally for genre/style", "["Children's Music"]", Object {...}, "["Children's Music"]"], scoreFilter=["sbd0.Exclude any track with similarity lower than (in %)", 75, Object {range=[[0, 100]], ...}, 75], minScoreFilter=["sbd0.Minimum in case there are not enough tracks (in %)", 70, Object {range=[[0, 100]], ...}, 70], sbd_max_graph_distance=["sbd0.Exclude any track with graph distance greater than (only GRAPH method):", "music_graph_descriptors.intra_supergenre", Object {...}, "music_graph_descriptors.intra_supergenre"], method=["sbd0.Method to use ('GRAPH', 'DYNGENRE' or 'WEIGHT')", "WEIGHT", Object {...}, "WEIGHT"], bNegativeWeighting=["sbd0.Assign negative score when tags fall outside their range", true, Object {...}, true], poolFilteringTag=["sbd0.Filter pool by tag", "["ARTIST"]", Object {...}, "["ARTIST"]"], poolFilteringN=["sbd0.Allows only N + 1 tracks on the pool (-1 = disabled)", -1, Object {greaterEq=-1, ...}, -1], bRandomPick=["sbd0.Take randomly from pool? (not sorted by weighting)", true, Object {...}, true], probPick=["sbd0.Probability of tracks being choosen for final mix (makes playlist a bit random!)", 100, Object {range=[[1, 100]], ...}, 100], playlistLength=["sbd0.Max Playlist Mix length", 50, Object {greaterEq=0, ...}, 50], bSortRandom=["sbd0.Sort final playlist randomly", false, Object {...}, false], bProgressiveListOrder=["sbd0.Sort final playlist by score", false, Object {...}, false], bScatterInstrumentals=["sbd0.Intercalate instrumental tracks", false, Object {...}, false], bInKeyMixingPlaylist=["sbd0.DJ-like playlist creation, following harmonic mixing rules", false, Object {...}, false], bHarmonicMixDoublePass=["sbd0.Harmonic mixing double pass to match more tracks", true, Object {...}, true], bProgressiveListCreation=["sbd0.Recursive playlist creation, uses output as new references", false, Object {...}, false], progressiveListCreationN=["sbd0.Steps when using recursive playlist creation (>1 and <100)", 4, Object {range=[[2, 99]], ...}, 4], playlistName=["sbd0.Playlist name (TF allowed)", "Search..."], bAscii=["sbd0.Asciify string values internally?", true, Object {...}, true], bAdvTitle=["sbd0.Duplicates advanced RegExp title matching?", true, Object {...}, true], checkDuplicatesByTag=["sbd0.Remove duplicates by", "["$ascii($lower($trim(%TITLE%)))","ARTIST","$year(%DATE%)"]", Object {...}, "["$ascii($lower($trim(%TITLE%)))","ARTIST","$year(%DATE%)"]"], bSmartShuffle=["sbd0.Smart Shuffle by Artist", true, Object {...}, true], smartShuffleTag=["sbd0.Smart Shuffle tag", "["ARTIST"]", Object {...}, "["ARTIST"]"], customName=["sbd0.Name for the custom UI button", "Search", Object {...}, "Customize!"], theme=["sbd0.Path to theme file (instead of using selection)", "", Object {...}, ""], recipe=["sbd0.Path to recipe file (instead of using properties)", "", Object {...}, ""], data=["sbd0.Internal data", "{"forcedTheme":"","theme":"None","recipe":"None"}", Object {...}, "{"forcedTheme":"","theme":"None","recipe":"None"}"], bTooltipInfo=["sbd0.Show shortcuts on tooltip", true, Object {...}, true]}
Calculating graph links 0%.
Calculating graph links 25%.
Calculating graph links 50%.
Calculating graph links 75%.
Calculating graph links 100%.
distances 363368
binSize 40
bins Infinity
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1 (Search by Distance Customizable Button: Search by Distance Customizable Button by xxx)
histEntries[i] is undefined
File: music_graph_xxx.js
Line: 785, Column: 3
Stack trace:
["Search by Distance Customizable"]<@buttons_search_bydistance_customizable.js:40:27
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