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Created August 5, 2016 14:20
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module Int where
import Nat using (_+_; _≤_; ≤-antisym)
open import Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Bool using (𝔹; ⊤; ⊥; ¬_; _⇒_; _⊕_; if_then_else)
open import Relation using (_≡_; refl; Unit; U; cong₂; 𝔹-contra; antisym)
ℤ-s : ℕ → Set
ℤ-s zero = Unit
ℤ-s (suc n) = 𝔹
data ℤ : Set where
_±_ : (n : ℕ) → ℤ-s n → ℤ
infixl 10 _±_
diff : ℕ → ℕ → ℤ
diff zero zero = zero ± U
diff zero (suc b) = suc b ± ⊥
diff (suc a) zero = suc a ± ⊤
diff (suc a) (suc b) = diff a b
_+_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
(zero ± U) + b = b
a + (zero ± U) = a
(suc a ± s) + (suc b ± s') with s ⊕ s'
(suc a ± s) + (suc b ± s') | ⊤ = if s then diff (suc a) (suc b) else (diff (suc b) (suc a))
(suc a ± s) + (suc b ± s') | ⊥ = ((suc a) Nat.+ (suc b)) ± s
_≤_ : ℤ → ℤ → 𝔹
(zero ± U) ≤ (zero ± U) = ⊤
(zero ± U) ≤ (suc n ± s') = ⊤
(suc a ± s) ≤ (zero ± U) = ¬ s
(suc a ± s) ≤ (suc b ± s') with s ⊕ s'
(suc a ± s) ≤ (suc b ± s') | ⊤ = s' ⇒ s
(suc a ± s) ≤ (suc b ± s') | ⊥ = if s then (a Nat.≤ b) else (b Nat.≤ a)
≤-antisym : antisym _≤_
≤-antisym {zero ± U} {zero ± U} p₁ p₂ = refl
≤-antisym {zero ± U} {suc b ± s'} p₁ ()
≤-antisym {suc a ± s} {zero ± U} ()
≤-antisym {suc a ± s} {suc b ± s'} p₁ p₂ with s | s'
≤-antisym {suc a ± s} {suc b ± s'} p₁ p₂ | ⊤ | ⊤ = {!cong₂ _±_ (Nat.≤-antisym p₁ p₂) refl!}
≤-antisym {suc a ± s} {suc b ± s'} p₁ p₂ | ⊤ | ⊥ = 𝔹-contra p₂
≤-antisym {suc a ± s} {suc b ± s'} p₁ p₂ | ⊥ | ⊤ = 𝔹-contra p₁
≤-antisym {suc a ± s} {suc b ± s'} p₁ p₂ | ⊥ | ⊥ = {!!}
--Cannot instantiate the metavariable _26 to solution (ℤ-s n) since
--it contains the variable n which is not in scope of the
--metavariable or irrelevant in the metavariable but relevant in the
--when checking that the expression _±_ has type
--ℕ → _B_26 s b s' a p₁ p₂ → ℤ
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