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Created August 3, 2016 20:08
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Python NN with numpy only (MNIST dataset)
# This code trains a model that predicts which number from 0 to 9 is drawn on the
# MNIST pictures of 20x20 pixels. There are 60000 training examples and 10000
# testing examples.
# The methods used: Mini-batching, Weight Decay, Momentum, Dropout,
# Xavier's Initialization
# Number of hidden layers: 3 ( Adjustable )
# Sizes of mini-batches and hidden layer are easily adjustable
# Non-Linear functions: Sigmoid, Funny Tanh
# Linear: ReLU
# NOTE: The dataset was already unpacked, ordered and packed in the pickle file
# which is used in here
import numpy as np
import pickle
import math
import random
from random import gauss
################### Shuffles to increase the speed of learning #########################
def shuffle_set(images, labels):
shuffled_array = np.arange(len(images))
images = images[[shuffled_array]]
labels = labels[[shuffled_array]]
return images, labels
data_images, data_labels = pickle.load(open("MNIST.p", "rb"))
data_images, data_labels = shuffle_set(data_images, data_labels)
train_images = data_images[:60000]
train_labels = data_labels[:60000]
test_images = data_images[60000:]
test_labels = data_labels[60000:]
############################### Non-Linear Functions #################################
def sigmoid(elem):
return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-elem))
def softmax(x):
nominator = np.exp(x)
return (nominator.T / (np.sum(nominator, axis=1) + epsilon)).T
############################### Cross-Entropy Error ##################################
def CEE(output, teacher):
return -np.sum(np.log(np.sum(np.multiply(output, teacher), axis=1)))
###### Xavier Initialization of arrays
# m - bottom layer
# n - top layer
# y - indicator that initializing weights, not bias
def Xavier_generator(m, n, y):
if y != 0:
return np.array([[gauss(0, math.sqrt(1.0 / (m + n))) for dummy1 in range(n)] for dummy2 in range(m)])
return np.array([gauss(0, math.sqrt(1.0 / (m + n))) for dummy1 in range(n)])
# Initialize weights and momentum arrays using Xavier initialization
def initialize_weights_bias_moment(array_hidden):
weights_sets = len(array_hidden) + 1
bias = []
moment_b = []
weights = [0] * weights_sets
moment = [0] * weights_sets
init_bias = 0
init_weights = 1
prev_layer = number_pixels
for i in range(len(array_hidden)):
bias.append(Xavier_generator(prev_layer, array_hidden[i], init_bias))
moment_b.append(Xavier_generator(prev_layer, array_hidden[i], init_bias))
weights[i] = Xavier_generator(prev_layer, array_hidden[i], init_weights)
moment[i] = Xavier_generator(prev_layer, array_hidden[i], init_weights)
prev_layer = array_hidden[i]
bias.append(Xavier_generator(prev_layer, classes, init_bias))
moment_b.append(Xavier_generator(prev_layer, classes, init_bias))
weights[weights_sets - 1] = Xavier_generator(prev_layer, classes, init_weights)
moment[weights_sets - 1] = Xavier_generator(prev_layer, classes, init_weights)
return np.array(weights), np.array(bias), np.array(moment), np.array(moment_b)
##################### initialize constants and parameters of DNN #########################
number_pixels = 784 # CONSTANT
classes = 10 # CONSTANT
epsilon = 10 ** (-5) # CONSTANT
array_hidden = [100, 150]
num_layers = len(array_hidden) + 2
grad_w = [0] * (num_layers - 1)
grad_b = [0] * (num_layers - 1)
hidden_layers = []
activated_hidden_layers = []
dropout_matrix = []
delta_previous = []
minibatch_size = 120
epoch = 10
alpha = 0.001
act_func_type = 1
momentum = 0.9
decay = 0.1
dropout = 0
for i in array_hidden:
hidden_layers.append(np.array([0] * i))
activated_hidden_layers.append(np.array([0] * i))
if dropout == 1:
for i in array_hidden:
dropout_matrix.append(np.array([int(random.getrandbits(1)) for j in range(i)]))
w, b, moment, moment_b = initialize_weights_bias_moment(array_hidden)
################## Make sure that values do not blow up or shrink ##################
def z_score(some_matrix):
mean = np.mean(some_matrix)
std_dev = np.std(some_matrix)
mean_matrix = np.full(some_matrix.shape, mean)
some_matrix = some_matrix - mean_matrix
some_matrix = some_matrix / (std_dev + epsilon)
return some_matrix
################## Divide the data into mini-batches ###############################
def minibatch_producer(images, labels, minibatch_size):
global number_pixels, classes
images, labels = shuffle_set(images, labels)
remainder = len(images) % minibatch_size
number_of_minibatches = len(images) // minibatch_size
minibatch_images = np.array_split(images[:len(images) - remainder], minibatch_size)
minibatch_labels = np.array_split(labels[:len(labels) - remainder], minibatch_size)
return np.array(minibatch_images).reshape(number_of_minibatches, minibatch_size, number_pixels),\
np.array(minibatch_labels).reshape(number_of_minibatches, minibatch_size, classes)
######################### Forward Propogation #############################
def forward_prop(mb_image):
global activated_hidden_layers
global hidden_layers
global w
global b
prev_layer = z_score(mb_image)
for i in range(len(array_hidden)):
hidden_layers[i] =, w[i]) + b[i]
if dropout == 1:
hidden_layers[i] = hidden_layers[i] * dropout_matrix[i]
hidden_layers[i] = z_score(hidden_layers[i])
activated_hidden_layers[i] = activation_function(hidden_layers[i], act_func_type)
prev_layer = activated_hidden_layers[i]
return np.add(, w[len(array_hidden)]), b[len(array_hidden)])
################## Return the direvative of the activated layer ################
def derivative_activation_function(act_hidden, func):
if func == 0:
return np.exp(-act_hidden) / (act_hidden ** 2)
elif func == 1:
return 1 - act_hidden ** 2
elif func == 2:
act_hidden[act_hidden > 0] = 1
return act_hidden
#################### Return the activated layers ##############################
def activation_function(hidden, func):
if func == 0:
for i in range(len(hidden)):
for j in range(len(hidden[i])):
hidden[i][j] = sigmoid(hidden[i][j])
elif func == 1:
z = hidden * 0.6666667
return 1.7159 * ((np.exp(z) - np.exp(-z)) / (np.exp(z) + np.exp(-z)))
elif func == 2:
return np.maximum(np.zeros(hidden.shape), hidden)
####################### Back Propogation ###########################################
def back_prop(delta_output, mb_image):
global alpha
global delta_previous
global activated_hidden_layers
global grad_w
global grad_b
delta_previous = delta_output
if len(array_hidden) > 0:
for i in reversed(range(1, len(w))):
grad_w[i] =[i - 1].T, delta_previous)
grad_b[i] = np.sum(delta_previous, axis=0)
delta_previous = np.multiply(, w[i].T),
derivative_activation_function(activated_hidden_layers[i - 1], act_func_type))
# only the lowest gradient is left to calculate, so calculate it below
grad_w[0] =, delta_previous)
grad_b[0] = np.sum(delta_previous, axis=0)
return np.multiply(grad_w, alpha), np.multiply(grad_b, alpha)
########################## Return the gradient of one mini-batch #########################
def calc_grad(mb_image, mb_label):
output = forward_prop(mb_image)
probability = softmax(output) # probability is my y for 200 images, so it is a 200x10 matrix
delta_output = np.subtract(probability, mb_label)
return back_prop(delta_output, mb_image)
################## Make prediction of the number based on probability ###################
def prediction_function(probability):
prediction = np.argmax(probability, axis=1)
return prediction
def test_NN(images, labels):
correct_answers = 0
sumCEE = 0
minibatch_images, minibatch_labels = minibatch_producer(images, labels, minibatch_size)
for mb_image, mb_label in zip(minibatch_images, minibatch_labels):
output = forward_prop(mb_image)
probability = softmax(output)
sumCEE += CEE(probability, mb_label)
prediction = prediction_function(probability)
for i in range(minibatch_size):
if mb_label[i][prediction[i]] == 1:
correct_answers += 1
print("Cross-Entropy = ", sumCEE)
accuracy = correct_answers * 100.0 / len(labels)
print("Prediction Accuracy ", accuracy)
def test(train_im, train_la, test_im, test_la):
print("Train set")
test_NN(train_im, train_la)
print("Test Set")
test_NN(test_im, test_la)
# Split the data to minibatches and calculate gradient in calc_grad
# Update the weights every minibatch iteration
# Use weight decay and momentum principles
def train_NN():
global w
global b
global moment
global moment_b
global train_images
global train_labels
global alpha
global minibatch_size
global momentum
for ep in range(epoch):
if ep % 11:
alpha = alpha / 10
minibatch_images, minibatch_labels = minibatch_producer(train_images, train_labels, minibatch_size)
for mb_image, mb_label in zip(minibatch_images, minibatch_labels):
w_prev = np.array(np.copy(w))
b_prev = np.array(np.copy(b))
w = w_prev + moment
b = b_prev + moment_b
grad_w, grad_b = calc_grad(mb_image, mb_label)
weight_decay = w * (decay * alpha)
weight_decay_b = b * (decay * alpha)
for i in reversed(range(len(w))):
w[i] = w[i] - grad_w[i]
b[i] = b[i] - grad_b[i]
w[i] = w[i] - weight_decay[i]
b[i] = b[i] - weight_decay_b[i]
moment = momentum * (w - w_prev)
moment_b = momentum * (b - b_prev)
# Test every 5 epochs
if ep % 2 == 0:
test(train_images, train_labels, test_images, test_labels)
train_images, train_labels = shuffle_set(train_images, train_labels)
print("Epoch # ", ep)
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