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Created December 24, 2016 01:43
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Estimating coin bias from noisy observations
# Estimate coin bias given multiple observations from adversarial experts.
import sys
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as tt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fmin_powell
from scipy.stats.distributions import bernoulli
p_true = 0.1 # true coin bias (probability of heads)
a_true = np.array( [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ] ) # noise (flipping probability)
N = 1000 # number of coin observations
K = 3 # number of experts
# generate reference data
X = bernoulli.rvs( size=N, p=p_true )
# corrupt data with noise
Y = np.zeros( (K,N) )
for k in range( K ):
Y[k,:] = X
flip_or_not = bernoulli.rvs( size=N, p=a_true[k] )
for i in range( N ):
if flip_or_not[i] == 1:
if Y[k,i] == 1:
Y[k,i] = 0
Y[k,i] = 1
model = pm.Model()
with model:
alpha0 = pm.HalfCauchy( 'alpha0', beta=1 )
beta0 = pm.HalfCauchy( 'beta0', beta=1 )
p = pm.Beta( 'p', alpha=alpha0, beta=beta0 )
a = pm.Uniform( 'a', lower=0, upper=0.5, shape=K )
q = a + p - 2 * a * p
y_hidden = pm.Bernoulli('y_hidden_' + str(k), p=p, shape=N)
for k in range( K ):
y_obs = pm.Bernoulli( 'y_obs_' + str(k), p=q[k], observed=Y[k,:] )
pot = pm.Potential( 'pot_' + str(k), -1000000 * ( tt.sum( (y_hidden - y_obs)**2 ) ) )
#for i in range( N ):
# potential = pm.Potential( 'potential_' + str(i), -1000*(y_hidden[i] - y_obs[i]) ** 2 )
start = pm.find_MAP()
step = pm.NUTS( scaling=start )
trace = pm.sample( 1000, start=start, step=step )
varnames = [ 'a', 'p' ]
pm.traceplot( trace, varnames=varnames )
#pm.autocorrplot( trace )
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