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Created June 7, 2010 12:33
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object Benchmark {
val CAPTION = " user system total real"
def benchmark(block: Job => Unit) : Unit = benchmark(1)(block)
def benchmark(count: Int)(block: Job => Unit) : Unit = {
val job = new Job(count)
def measure(block: => Unit) = {
val start = now
val end = now
new Result(
(end._1 - start._1) / 1000000000,
(end._2 - start._2) / 1000000000,
(end._3 - start._3) / 1000
private def now = {
val mx = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean()
val userTime = mx.getCurrentThreadUserTime()
val systemTime = mx.getCurrentThreadCpuTime() - mx.getCurrentThreadUserTime()
(userTime, systemTime, System.currentTimeMillis())
class Result(val user: Double, val system: Double, val real: Double) {
val total = user + system
def +(result: Result) = new Result(
this.user + result.user,
this.system + result.system,
this.real + result.real
def format(count: Int) = "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f/s (n=%d)".format(
count / total,
override def toString() = format(1)
class Job(count: Int = 1) {
private var results = List[(String, Result)]()
var captionLength: Int = _
def dump() {
println("%s %s".format(" " * captionLength, Benchmark.CAPTION))
results.foreach { case (label, result) =>
println("%s%s %s".format(" " * (captionLength - label.length), label, result.format(count)))
def report(block: => Unit) : Unit = report("")(block)
def report(label: String = "")(block: => Unit) : Unit = {
if (captionLength < label.length) captionLength = label.length
var sum = new Result(0, 0, 0)
(0 until count).foreach {i =>
val result = Benchmark.measure(block)
sum = sum + result
results = results :+ (label, sum)
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