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Created August 22, 2019 01:49
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// Break Point
* How to use
* @include bp(sp) {...}, @include bp(tab) {...}, @include bp(pc) {...},
* @include bp($sp, $md) {...}, @include bp($md, $lg) {...}, @include bp(500px, 768px) {...},
* @include bp(up, $sm) {...}, @include bp(down, $md) {...}, @include bp(up, 768px) {...},
@mixin bp($dir,$val: null) {
@if $dir == sp {
@media (max-width: $md - 1px){
@else if $dir == tab {
@media (min-width: $md) and (max-width: $lg - 1px){
@else if $dir == pc {
@media (min-width: $lg) {
@else if type-of($dir) == string {
@if $dir == up {
@media (min-width: $val) {
@else {
@media (max-width: $val - 1px) {
@else if type-of($dir) == number {
$one: $dir;
$two: $val;
@if $one > $two {
$tmp: $two;
$two: $one;
$one: $two;
@media (max-width: $one -1px) and (min-width: $two) {
// Material Color
$red: #f44336;
$purple: #673ab7;
$indigo: #3f51b5;
$teal: #009688;
$green: #4caf50;
// Break point
$sm: 576px;
$md: 768px;
$lg: 992px;
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