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Created February 29, 2012 22:46
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m68k asm parser w/ scala parser combinators
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
object InputParser extends RegexParsers {
override val skipWhitespace = false
val WS = """[ ]+"""r
val CONST = """#([0-9]+|[A-Z]+)"""r
val const = CONST
val DATA_REG = """D[0-9]+"""r
val ADDR_REG = """A[0-9]+"""r
val register = DATA_REG | ADDR_REG
val indir = """\(""".r ~ register ~ """\)""".r
val indir_incr = indir ~ """\+""".r
val indir_decr = """-""".r ~ indir
val DISPL = """[0-9]+"""r
val index_displ = DISPL ~ indir
val SIZE = """\.[WL]"""r
var sized_register = register ~ SIZE
val index_base_displ = DISPL ~ """\(""".r ~ register ~ """,""".r ~ WS ~ sized_register ~ """\)""".r
val ADDRESS = """[0-9]+"""r
val absolute = ADDRESS ~ SIZE
val operand = const | register | indir | indir_incr | indir_decr | index_displ | index_base_displ | absolute
val DATA_OPCODE = """[A-Z]+"""r
val data_op_1 = DATA_OPCODE ~ opt(SIZE) ~ WS ~ operand
val data_op_2 = DATA_OPCODE ~ opt(SIZE) ~ WS ~ operand ~ """,""".r ~ WS ~ operand
val line = data_op_2 | data_op_1
def parse(in: String) = parseAll(line, in) match {
case Success(res, _) => res
case f:Failure => throw new Exception(f.toString)
/*val lines = io.Source.stdin.getLines*/
val lines = List(
"ADD #3"
, "ADD.W D3"
, "MUL D3, D2"
, "MUL -(D3)"
, "MUL 2(A3, D2.W), 33.W"
for (l <- lines) println(InputParser.parse(l));
def tp(parser: InputParser.Parser[_], s: String) =
println(InputParser.parseAll(parser, s))
tp(InputParser.operand, "D3")
tp(InputParser.line, "MUL D3, D2")
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