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Last active June 12, 2024 09:06
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module Pulse.Lib.DoublyLinkedList
open Pulse.Lib.Pervasives
open Pulse.Lib.Stick.Util
open FStar.List.Tot
module T = FStar.Tactics
module I = Pulse.Lib.Stick.Util
module FA = Pulse.Lib.Forall.Util
type node (t:Type0) = {
value : t;
dllprev : option (node_ptr t);
dllnext : option (node_ptr t);
and node_ptr (t:Type0) = ref (node t)
type dllist (t:Type0) = {
head: option (node_ptr t);
tail: option (node_ptr t);
let rec is_list_suffix
(x:node_ptr t)
([@@@equate_by_smt] l:list t {Cons? l})
([@@@equate_by_smt] prev:option (node_ptr t))
([@@@equate_by_smt] tail:node_ptr t)
: Tot vprop (decreases l)
= match l with
| [] -> emp
| [n] ->
exists* (v:node t).
pts_to x v **
pure (v.value == n /\
v.dllnext == None /\
v.dllprev == prev /\
x == tail)
| n::ns ->
exists* (v:node t) (np:node_ptr t).
pts_to x v **
is_list_suffix np ns (Some x) tail **
pure (v.value == n /\
v.dllprev == prev /\
v.dllnext == (Some np))
let is_list #t
(x:dllist t)
([@@@equate_by_smt] l:list t)
: Tot vprop (decreases l)
= match l with
| [] ->
pure (x == { head = None; tail = None })
| ns ->
exists* (hp tp:node_ptr t).
is_list_suffix hp ns None tp **
pure (x.head == (Some hp) /\ x.tail == (Some tp))
fn mk_empty (#t:Type) (_:unit)
requires emp
returns p : dllist t
ensures is_list p []
let p = { head = None; tail = None } <: dllist t;
fold (is_list p []);
let norm_tac (_:unit) : T.Tac unit =
T.mapply (`vprop_equiv_refl)
fn intro_is_list_singleton
(x : node_ptr t) (n : t)
exists* (v:node t).
pts_to x v **
pure (v.value == n /\
v.dllnext == None /\
v.dllprev == None)
is_list_suffix x [n] None x
// fold (is_list_suffix x [n] None x);
(exists* (v:node t).
pts_to x v **
pure (v.value == n /\
v.dllnext == None /\
v.dllprev == None /\
x == x))
(is_list_suffix x [n] None x)
fn push_empty (#t:Type) (l : dllist t) (x : t)
requires is_list l []
returns l' : dllist t
ensures is_list l' [x]
rewrite (is_list l [])
as (pure (l == ({ head = None; tail = None } <: dllist t)));
let vnode = {
value = x;
dllprev = None;
dllnext = None;
let node = alloc vnode;
assert (
pts_to node vnode **
pure (vnode.value == x /\
vnode.dllnext == None /\
vnode.dllprev == None /\
node == node));
intro_is_list_singleton node x;
let l' = {
head = Some node;
tail = Some node;
fold (is_list l' [x]);
fn is_list_null_head_ptr
(l : dllist t)
(#xs : erased (list t))
is_list l xs **
pure (l.head == None)
is_list l xs **
pure (l.tail == None /\ xs == [])
let xss = reveal xs;
match xss {
Nil -> {
unfold (is_list l []);
fold (is_list l []);
Cons y ys -> {
rewrite (is_list l xs) as (is_list l (y::ys));
rewrite_by (is_list l (y::ys))
(exists* (hp: node_ptr t) (tp: node_ptr t).
is_list_suffix hp (y::ys) None tp **
pure (l.head == Some hp /\ l.tail == Some tp))
assert (pure (Some? l.head));
fn is_list_not_null_head_ptr
(l : dllist t)
(#xs : erased (list t))
is_list l xs **
pure (Some? l.head)
// (exists* (hp: node_ptr t) (tp: node_ptr t).
// is_list_suffix hp xs None tp **
// pure (l.head == Some hp /\ l.tail == Some tp)) **
is_list l xs **
(pure (Cons? xs /\ xs == ((Cons?.hd xs)::(Cons?.tl xs))))
let xss = reveal xs;
match xss {
Nil -> {
unfold (is_list l []);
fold (is_list l []);
Cons y ys -> {
// rewrite (is_list l xs) as (is_list l (y::ys));
// rewrite_by (is_list l (y::ys))
// (exists* (hp: node_ptr t) (tp: node_ptr t).
// is_list_suffix hp (y::ys) None tp **
// pure (l.head == Some hp /\ l.tail == Some tp))
// norm_tac
unfold (is_list l (y::ys));
assert (pure (xs == y::ys));
fold (is_list l (y::ys));
// assert (pure (Some? l.head));
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
let tac () : T.Tac unit =
T.dump "1";
vprop_equiv_norm ();
T.dump "2"
#set-options "--debug SMTFail"
fn push_front (#t:Type) (l : dllist t) (x : t)
(#xs:erased (list t))
requires is_list l xs
returns l' : dllist t
ensures is_list l' (x::xs)
match l.head {
None -> {
is_list_null_head_ptr l;
push_empty l x
Some hp -> {
is_list_not_null_head_ptr l;
let y = (hide (Cons?.hd xs)); // is there syntax to avoid the explicit "hide?"
let ys = (hide (Cons?.tl xs)); // is there syntax to avoid the explicit "hide?"
rewrite (is_list l xs) as (is_list l (Cons (reveal y) (reveal ys)));
unfold (is_list l (Cons (reveal y) (reveal ys)));
with (hpg tp:node_ptr _). _;
assert (is_list_suffix hpg (reveal y :: reveal ys) None tp);
rewrite each hpg as hp;
assume_ (pure (Cons? ys));
(* NOTE: I am assuming we are in the case of length >= 2.
This is just so we can unfold the is_list_suffix, set the back
pointer, and fold back again. This is probably better done
by factoring this logic out into a separate function that goes
roughly from
is_list_suffix x l prev tail
is_list_suffix x l prev' tail
by setting the dllprev pointer. *)
(* Alloc new node, set forward pointer *)
let nhv = { value = x; dllprev = None; dllnext = l.head };
let nh = alloc nhv;
let l' = { head = (Some nh); tail = l.tail };
(* awful *)
(is_list_suffix hp (reveal y :: reveal ys) None tp)
(exists* (v:node t) (np:node_ptr t).
pts_to hp v **
is_list_suffix np (reveal ys) (Some hp) tp **
pure (v.value == reveal y /\
v.dllprev == None /\
v.dllnext == (Some np)))
with v np. _;
(* Add back pointer to old head *)
let vv = !hp;
let vv' = { vv with dllprev = Some nh };
hp := vv';
(* awful again *)
(exists* (v:node t) (np:node_ptr t).
pts_to hp v **
is_list_suffix np (reveal ys) (Some hp) tp **
pure (v.value == reveal y /\
v.dllprev == Some nh /\
v.dllnext == (Some np)))
(is_list_suffix hp (reveal y :: reveal ys) (Some nh) tp)
(* awful again x2 *)
(exists* (v:node t) (np:node_ptr t).
pts_to np v **
is_list_suffix hp (reveal y :: reveal ys) (Some nh) tp **
pure (v.value == x /\
v.dllprev == None /\
v.dllnext == (Some hp)))
(is_list_suffix nh (x :: reveal y :: reveal ys) None tp)
assert (is_list_suffix nh (x :: reveal y :: reveal ys) None tp);
fold (is_list l' (x :: reveal y :: reveal ys));
rewrite (is_list l' (x :: reveal y :: reveal ys))
as (is_list l' (x::xs));
fn push_back (#t:Type) (l : dllist t) (x : t)
(#xs:erased (list t))
requires is_list l xs
returns l' : dllist t
ensures is_list l' (List.Tot.append xs [x])
match l.head {
None -> {
is_list_null_head_ptr l;
let l' = push_empty l x;
rewrite (is_list l' [x]) as (is_list l' (List.Tot.append xs [x]));
Some hp -> {
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