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Created February 24, 2016 05:24
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Google Cloud Vision OCR test
"id": "b9814cc7.854288",
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"z": "cec74554.ecbe",
"name": "JSON template",
"field": "payloadrule",
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"format": "json",
"syntax": "plain",
"template": "{\n \"requests\":[\n {\n \"image\":{\n \"content\":\"base64-encoded-file-data\"\n },\n \"features\":[\n {\n \"type\":\"TEXT_DETECTION\",\n \"maxResults\":1\n }\n ],\n \"imageContext\": {\n \"languageHints\": [\n \"en\"\n ]\n }\n }\n ]\n}",
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"url": "/gcvuploaderpost",
"method": "post",
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"name": "multipart splitter (file in first part only)",
"func": "var mpart=new Buffer(msg.payload.length);\nvar bpart=new Buffer(msg.payload.length);\n\n// skip header to bpart (after \\r\\n\\r\\n)\nvar spos=0;\nfor(var i=0; i<msg.payload.length; i++) {\n mpart[i]=msg.payload.readInt8(i);\n if(mpart[i]==10 && mpart[i-1]==13 && mpart[i-2]==10 && mpart[i-3]==13) {\n spos=i+1;\n }\n}\nmpart.copy(bpart,0,spos);\n\n// drop fooder to msg.payload (before \\r\\n--)\nvar epos=0;\nfor(var i=0; i<bpart.length; i++) {\n mpart[i]=bpart.readInt8(i);\n if(mpart[i]==45 && mpart[i-1]==45 && mpart[i-2]==10 && mpart[i-3]==13) {\n epos=i-3;\n break;\n }\n}\nmsg.payload=new Buffer(epos);\nmpart.copy(msg.payload,0,0,epos);\n\nreturn msg;",
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"fromt": "str",
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"tot": "msg"
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"to": "\\?key=YOUR_GOOGLE_APIKey",
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"z": "cec74554.ecbe",
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"z": "cec74554.ecbe",
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"z": "cec74554.ecbe",
"name": "check your languageHints ->",
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"z": "cec74554.ecbe",
"name": "check your APIkey in msg.url ->",
"info": "",
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"y": 473,
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