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Last active October 9, 2016 20:28
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// c++ setWeights(),setWeight()
// usage:command plugin
void n(MString name, MDagPath &dp){
MSelectionList sellist;
MGlobal::getSelectionListByName( name , sellist );
sellist.getDagPath( 0 , dp );
void n(MString name, MObject &mo){
MSelectionList sellist;
MGlobal::getSelectionListByName( name , sellist );
sellist.getDependNode( 0 , mo );
void printTime(MString msg, double time){
MString log("C++ ");
log += msg + " " + time + " s";
MStatus TestGetSetWeights::doIt(const MArgList& args)
const MString SKINCLUSTER = "skinCluster1";
const MString MESHSHAPE = "TestMeshShape";
DWORD start, end, get_s, get_e, set_s, set_e;
start = timeGetTime();
// スキンクラスタ取得
MObject skinNode = MObject::kNullObj;
n( SKINCLUSTER , skinNode );
MFnSkinCluster skinFn( skinNode );
// シェイプの取得
MDagPath meshPath;
n( MESHSHAPE , meshPath );
MObject meshNode( meshPath.node() );
// 取得対象の頂点
// 今回はすべての頂点を取得したいので[0,1,2,,,,,MaxVertex]となっている。
MItMeshVertex meshVerItFn( meshNode );
MIntArray indices( meshVerItFn.count() , 0 );
for (int i = 0, len = indices.length(); i < len; ++i){
indices[i] = i;
// 指定の頂点をコンポーネントとして取得する
MFnSingleIndexedComponent singleIdComp;
MObject vertexComp = singleIdComp.create( MFn::kMeshVertComponent );
singleIdComp.addElements( indices );
// インフルエンスの数のIntArray
MDagPathArray infDags;
skinFn.influenceObjects( infDags );
MIntArray infIndices( infDags.length() , 0 );
for (int i = 0, len = infDags.length(); i < len; ++i){
infIndices[i] = skinFn.indexForInfluenceObject( infDags[i] );
// すべてのウエイトの値を取得
MDoubleArray weights;
uint infCount;
get_s = timeGetTime();
skinFn.getWeights(meshPath, vertexComp, weights, infCount);
get_e = timeGetTime();
printTime("getWeights()", ( get_e - get_s ) * 0.001 );
// 最初に取得したウエイトを再設定
set_s = timeGetTime();
skinFn.setWeights(meshPath, vertexComp, infIndices, weights);
set_e = timeGetTime();
printTime("setWeights()", (set_e - set_s) * 0.001 );
end = timeGetTime();
printTime("total time ", (end - start) * 0.001 );
printTime("etc time ", ((end - start) - (get_e - get_s) - (set_e - set_s )) * 0.001 );
return MS::kSuccess;
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