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Last active June 6, 2024 08:11
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Define ignored tables in alembic.ini

Add this in your ini file:

tables = spatial_ref_sys


    import re 
    def exclude_tables_from_config(config_):
        tables_ = config_.get("tables", None)
        if tables_ is not None:
            tables = tables_.split(",")
        return tables
    # Changes from:
    exclude_tables = re.sub(r"\s+", '',  # replace whitespace
                        config.get_main_option('exclude', '')).split(',')

    def include_object(object, name, type_, *args, **kwargs):
        return not (type_ == 'table' and name in exclude_tables)
    def run_migrations_offline():
        """Run migrations in 'offline' mode.
        This configures the context with just a URL
        and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable
        here as well.  By skipping the Engine creation
        we don't even need a DBAPI to be available.
        Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the
        script output.
        # url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url")
        context.configure(url=engine.url, include_object=include_object)
        with context.begin_transaction():
    def run_migrations_online():
        """Run migrations in 'online' mode.
        In this scenario we need to create an Engine
        and associate a connection with the context.
        if isinstance(engine, Engine):
            connection = engine.connect()
            raise Exception('Expected engine instance got %s instead' % type(engine))
            with context.begin_transaction():
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Very Helpful Kudos !! 👍 👍

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utek commented Jun 2, 2020

After 6 years this gist is still being used :) Thank you :)

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juanuys commented Nov 12, 2020

If you want to use it in the main config section, and want to support YAML lists:

exclude_tables =
    eggs, foo,
    ham, bar
def get_list_from_config(config, key):
    arr = config.get_main_option(key, [])
    if arr:
        # split on newlines and commas, then trim (I mean strip)
        arr = [token for a in arr.split('\n') for b in a.split(',') if (token := b.strip())]
    return arr

exclude_tables = get_list_from_config(config, "exclude_tables")

To get

['quux', 'eggs', 'foo', 'ham', 'bar', 'baz']

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wasdee commented Nov 21, 2020

If you want to use it in the main config section, and want to support YAML lists:

exclude_tables =
    eggs, foo,
    ham, bar
def get_list_from_config(config, key):
    arr = config.get_main_option(key, None)
    if arr is not None:
        # split on newlines and commas, then trim (I mean strip)
        arr = [token for a in arr.split('\n') for b in a.split(',') if (token := b.strip())]
    return arr

exclude_tables = get_list_from_config(config, "exclude_tables")

To get

['quux', 'eggs', 'foo', 'ham', 'bar', 'baz']


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Fingel commented Dec 2, 2020

I've found that both alembic.ini and the first few functions and calls in the gist can be greatly simplified:

In alembic ini simply add a value in the main config section (by sqlalchemy.url, for example):

# Exclude the following tables from being detected for migrations
exclude = spatial_ref_sys

And in all you need is:

exclude_tables = config.get_main_option('exclude', '').split(',')

def include_object(object, name, type_, *args, **kwargs):
    if type_ == 'table' and name in exclude_tables:
        return False
        return True

Then just edit run_migrations_offline and run_migrations_online to use the newly defined include_object function just like the original gist.

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Still working perfectly, thanks!

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mskoric commented Aug 9, 2021

works perfectly, for a single exclude!

just a little optimization so this also works:

exclude = spatial_ref_sys, us_lex, us_rules, us_gaz

exclude_tables = re.sub(r"\s+", '',  # replace whitespace
                        config.get_main_option('exclude', '')).split(',')

def include_object(object, name, type_, *args, **kwargs):
    return not (type_ == 'table' and name in exclude_tables)

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ghost commented Nov 7, 2021

Elegant! Thanks @mskoric

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utek commented Nov 14, 2021

@mskoric Thank you. I've update the gist with your changes.

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xoelop commented Jan 26, 2022

I had to make this change for exclude_tables to work:

exclude_tables = re.sub(
    config.get_section_option("alembic:exclude", "tables"),  # replace whitespace

Other than that, worked great. Thanks!

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sitebay commented Feb 22, 2022

@xoelop Thank you, I needed alembic:exclude" and not just "exclude"

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Another approach is given in the docs if instead of explicitly excluding tables, you would for example prefer to include tables only defined in the model (which turned out to my reason ending up here 😀):

target_metadata = MyModel.metadata

def include_name(name, type_, parent_names):
    if type_ == "table":
        return name in target_metadata.tables
        return True

and then passed to context in the run functions as before:

    # ...
    target_metadata = target_metadata,
    include_name = include_name,
    include_schemas = False

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ohing504 commented Oct 25, 2022

@heathhenley Simple! and working perfectly for me. Thanks👍

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hergerr commented Nov 18, 2022

@heathhenley Works like a charm, thanks!

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A-Asror commented May 25, 2023

thanks, everything worked 👍👍

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In addition to @heathhenley comment, you need to configure context in do_run_migrations, which will be executed in run_migrations online.

def do_run_migrations(connection: Connection) -> None:

    with context.begin_transaction():

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