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Basic guide to tactics

This guide might be of use when you are in a situation where you know exactly what you want to do "in real life" in your proof, but don't know how to do it in Lean. For example, you might be faced with a hypothesis of the form p ∧ q and you need a proof of p, or you might be faced with a goal of the form p ∨ q which you want to deduce from a proof of p.

How to use the guide

Let's say that you know your next step involves p ∧ q in some way. Which tactic you use depends on whether p ∧ q is a hypothesis (i.e. you have the assumption H : p ∧ q in your local context) or the goal (i.e. what you are trying to prove). If it is a hypothesis then you need to eliminate it, whereas if it is the goal then you need to introduce it

Once you have established whether you want to introduce or eliminate it, find the function in the list below and you will see the tactic you need. Click on the link to see an example of usage.

Type of term To introduce To eliminate
P → Q intro function application
P ∧ Q split cases
P ∨ Q left, right cases
∃ a : X, H existsi cases
∀ a : X, H intro function application
P ← Q split cases
¬P intro function application

Note for functions: There are two ways that one might want to use a hypothesis H : P → Q (or a or ¬ which Lean stores internally as a function). If you also have a term of type P, then you can apply the function with have HQ : Q := H HP if Q : Prop (or let HQ : Q := H HP if Q : Type) . If however your goal is Q, the target of the function, and you want to change the goal to P, you can use the apply tactic directly. In the case of hypotheses of the form ¬P, apply is a very cute tactic to use; see the example above.

The eliminators follow a pattern - the inductive types are all eliminated with the cases tactic, and the function types (Pi types) are all eliminated via function application. Similarly the function types are all introduced with the intro tactic, however there is more of an art to introducing inductive types.

Basic tactic cheat sheet

This is posted by Kevin Buzzard here

Term you want to use If a hypothesis h If the goal
P → Q apply h intro hP
P ∧ Q cases h split
P ∨ Q cases h left or right
P = P (useless) refl
P = Q rw h
P ↔ Q rw h or cases h split
false cases h
∃ x, P x cases h with x hx use a


have h : (some true/false statement) : use if you want to create a new hypothesis h and you know the proof. Lean will create a new goal.

by_cases h : P does a case split on whether P is true or false. If Lean complains that it doesn't know that your proposition is decidable, try the classical tactic before running by_cases, or write open_locale classical before you start your proof.

If you think that a goal should be provable by pure logic, given what you have, try cc, tauto!, finish or simp. These tactics all do subtly different things, but it's worth trying them all if you're stuck.

exfalso changes the goal to false. Can be useful if your hypotheses are enough to prove a contradiction, and one of them is h : ¬ P (which is notation for h : P → false). After exfalso you can apply P and reduce your goal to P.

The ten (or so) basic tactics

Same as


  1. refl (close X = X goals)
  2. rw h (use a proof h : X = Y to change Xs to Ys)
  3. induction (induction for natural numbers)
  4. exact h (close a goal ⊢ P if h : P)
  5. intro h (turns ⊢ P → Q into h : P, ⊢ Q)
  6. apply h (turns h : P → Q, ⊢ Q into ⊢ P)
  7. cases h (breaks down h : P ∧ Q or h : P ∨ Q)
  8. left and right (turns ⊢ P ∨ Q into ⊢ P or ⊢ Q)
  9. split (turns ⊢ P ∧ Q into ⊢ P and ⊢ Q; turns ⊢ P ↔ Q into ⊢ P → Q and ⊢ Q → P.
  10. use n (turns n : X, ∃ (x : X), P x into P n)
  11. have h : P (makes a new goal ⊢ P and adds h : P to first goal. Popular amongst mathematicians, who are used to arguing forwards in proofs.)


1) refl


refl proves goals of the form X = X, and more generally goals of the form X ~ X where ~ is any reflexive binary relation (for example X ≤ X).


The refl tactic will close any goal of the form A = B where A and B are exactly the same thing (or, more precisely, definitionally equal)


If your goal is this:

a b c d : ℕ
⊢ (a + b) * (c + d) = (a + b) * (c + d)



will close the goal and solve the level.

2) rw


If h is a proof of X = Y (i.e. h : X = Y), then rw h will change all Xs in the goal to Ys. Variants: rw ←h (changes Y to X) and rw h at h2 (changes X to Y in hypothesis h2 instead of the goal).


The rw tactic is a way to do "substituting in". There are two distinct situations where use this tactics.

  1. If h : A = B is a hypothesis (i.e., a proof of A = B) in your local context (the box in the top right) and if your goal contains one or more As, then rw h will change them all to B's.

  2. The rw tactic will also work with proofs of theorems which are equalities. For example add_zero x : x + 0 = x, and rw add_zero will change x + 0 into x in your goal (or fail with an error if Lean cannot find x + 0 in the goal).

Important note: if h is not a proof of the form A = B or A ↔ B (for example if h is a function, an implication, or perhaps even a proposition itself rather than its proof), then rw is not the tactic you want to use. For example, rw (P = Q) is never correct: P = Q is the true-false statement itself, not the proof. If h : P = Q is its proof, then rw h will work.

Pro tip 1: If h : A = B and you want to change Bs to As instead, try rw ←h (get the arrow with \l and note that this is a small letter L, not a number 1).


If the local context looks like this:

x y : ℕ
h : x = y + y
⊢ succ (x + 0) = succ (y + y)


rw add_zero,

will change the goal into ⊢ succ x = succ (y + y), and then

rw h,

will change the goal into ⊢ succ (y + y) = succ (y + y), which can be solved with refl,.


You can use rw to change a hypothesis as well. For example, if your local context looks like this:

x y : mynat
h1 : x = y + 3
h2 : 2 * y = x
⊢ y = 3

then rw h1 at h2 will turn h2 into h2 : 2 * y = y + 3.

3) induction


if n : ℕ is in our assumptions, then induction n with d hd attempts to prove the goal by induction on n, with the inductive assumption in the succ case being hd.


If you have a natural number n : ℕ in your context (above the ) then induction n with d hd turns your goal into two goals, a base case with n = 0 and an inductive step where hd is a proof of the n = d case and your goal is the n = succ(d) case.


If this is our local context:

n : ℕ 
⊢ 2 * n = n + n


induction n with d hd

will give us two goals:

⊢ 2 * 0 = 0 + 0


d : mynat,
hd : 2 * d = d + d
⊢ 2 * succ d = succ d + succ d

4) exact


If the goal is ⊢ X then exact h will close the goal if and only if h is a term of type X, i.e. h : X


Say P, Q and R are types (i.e., what a mathematician might think of as either sets or propositions), and the local context looks like this:

p : P,
h : P → Q,
j : Q → R
⊢ R

If you can spot how to make a term of type R, then you can just make it and say you're done using the exact tactic together with the formula you have spotted. For example the above goal could be solved with

exact j(h(p)),

because j(h(p)) is easily checked to be a term of type R (i.e., an element of the set R, or a proof of the proposition R).

5) intro


intro p will turn a goal ⊢ P → Q into a hypothesis p : P and goal ⊢ Q. If P and Q are sets intro p means "let p be an arbitrary element of P". If P and Q are propositions then intro p says "assume P is true" (i.e. "let p be a proof of P).


If your goal is a function or an implication ⊢ P → Q then intro will always make progress. intro p turns

⊢ P → Q


p : P
⊢ Q

The opposite tactic to intro is revert; given the situation just above, revert p turns the goal back into ⊢ P → Q.

There are two points of view with intro -- the function point of view (Function World) and the proposition point of view (Proposition World).

Example (functions)

What does it mean to define a function? Given an arbitrary term of type P (or an element of the set P if you think set-theoretically) you need to come up with a term of type Q, so your first step is to choose p, an arbitary element of P.

intro p, is Lean's way of saying "let p be any element of P" (or more precisely "let p be a term of type P). The tactic intro p changes

⊢ P → Q


p : P
⊢ Q

So p is an arbitrary element of P about which nothing is known, and our task is to come up with an element of Q (which can of course depend on p).

Example (propositions)

If your goal is an implication P implies Q then Lean writes this as ⊢ P → Q, and intro p, can be thought of as meaning "let p be a proof of P", or more informally "let's assume that P is true". The goal changes to ⊢ Q and the hypothesis p : P appears in the local context.

6) apply


If h : P → Q is a hypothesis, and the goal is ⊢ Q then apply h changes the goal to ⊢ P.


If you have a function h : P → Q and your goal is ⊢ Q then apply h changes the goal to ⊢ P. The logic is simple: if you are trying to create a term of type Q, but h is a function which turns terms of type P into terms of type Q, then it will suffice to construct a term of type P. A mathematician might say: "we need to construct an element of Q, but we have a function h:P → Q so it suffices to construct an element of P". Or alternatively "we need to prove Q, but we have a proof h that P → Q so it suffices to prove P".

7) cases


cases is a tactic which works on hypotheses. If h : P ∧ Q or h : P ↔ Q is a hypothesis then cases h with h1 h2 will remove h from the list of hypotheses and replace it with the "ingredients" of h, i.e. h1 : P and h2 : Q, or h1 : P → Q and h2 : Q → P. Also works with h : P ∨ Q and n : ℕ.


How does one prove P ∧ Q? The way to do it is to prove P and to prove Q. There are hence two ingredients which go into a proof of P ∧ Q, and the cases tactic extracts them.

More precisely, if the local context contains

h : P ∧ Q`

then after the tactic cases h with p q, the local context will change to

p : P,
q : Q

and h will disappear.

Similarly h : P ↔ Q is proved by proving P → Q and Q → P, and cases h with hpq hqp will delete our assumption h and replace it with

hpq : P → Q,
hqp : Q → P

Be warned though -- rw h works with h : P ↔ Q (rw works with = and ), whereas you cannot rewrite with an implication.

cases also works with hypotheses of the form P ∨ Q and even with n : mynat. Here the situation is different however. To prove P ∨ Q you need to give either a proof of P or a proof of Q, so if h : P ∨ Q then cases h with p q will change one goal into two, one with p : P and the other with q : Q. Similarly, each natural is either 0 or succ(d) for d another natural, so if n : mynat then cases n with d also turns one goal into two, one with n = 0 and the other with d : mynat and n = succ(d).

8) left and right


left and right work on the goal, and they change ⊢ P ∨ Q to ⊢ P and ⊢ Q respectively.


The tactics left and right work on a goal which is a type with two constructors, the classic example being P ∨ Q. To prove P ∨ Q it suffices to either prove P or prove Q, and once you know which one you are going for you can change the goal with left or right to the appropriate choice.

9) split


If the goal is P ∧ Q or P ↔ Q then split will break it into two goals.


If P Q : Prop and the goal is ⊢ P ∧ Q, then split will change it into two goals, namely ⊢ P and ⊢ Q.

If P Q : Prop and the goal is ⊢ P ↔ Q, then split will change it into two goals, namely ⊢ P → Q and ⊢ Q → P.


If your local context (the top right window) looks like this

a b : mynat,
⊢ a = b ↔ a + 3 = b + 3

then after


it will look like this:

2 goals
a b : mynat
⊢ a = b → a + 3 = b + 3

a b : mynat
⊢ a + 3 = b + 3 → a = b

10) use


use works on the goal. If your goal is ⊢ ∃ c : mynat, 1 + x = x + c then use 1 will turn the goal into ⊢ 1 + x = x + 1, and the rather more unwise use 0 will turn it into the impossible-to-prove ⊢ 1 + x = x + 0.


use is a tactic which works on goals of the form ⊢ ∃ c, P(c) where P(c) is some proposition which depends on c. With a goal of this form, use 0 will turn the goal into ⊢ P(0), use x + y (assuming x and y are natural numbers in your local context) will turn the goal into P(x + y) and so on.

11) (bonus tactic) have


have h : P, will create a new goal of creating a term of type P, and will add h : P to the hypotheses for the goal you were working on.


If you want to name a term of some type (because you want it in your local context for some reason), and if you have the formula for the term, you can use have to give the term a name.

Example (have q := ... or have q : Q := ...)

If the local context contains

f : P → Q
p : P

then the tactic have q := f(p), will add q to our local context, leaving it like this:

f : P → Q
p : P
q : Q

If you think about it, you don't ever really need q, because whenever you think you need it you coudl just use f(p) instead. But it's good that we can introduce convenient notation like this.

Example (have q : Q,)

A variant of this tactic can be used where you just declare the type of the term you want to have, finish the tactic statement with a comma and no :=, and then Lean just adds it as a new goal. The number of goals goes up by one if you use have like this.

For example if the local context is

P Q R : Prop/Type,
f : P → Q,
g : Q → R,
p : P
⊢ R

then after have q : Q,, there will be the new goal

f : P → Q,
g : Q → R,
p : P,
⊢ Q

and your original goal will have q : Q added to the list of hypotheses.

Lean Tactic Checklist

This is tranlated from Patrick Massot's with minor modifications.

In the following table:

  • name always indicates a name already known to Lean
  • n, n₁, n₂ etc. indicates a new name provided by the user
  • expr indicates an expression, e.g.
    • the name of an object in the context
    • an arithmetic expression function of objects in the context
    • a hypothesis in the context
    • a lemma applied to an object in the context
Logical Symbol To Prove To Use
∀ (for all) intro n apply expr or specialize name expr
∃ (il existe) use expr cases expr with n₁ n₂
→ (implies) intro n apply expr or specialize name expr
↔ (equivalent) split rw expr or rw ← expr
∧ (and) split cases expr with n₁ n₂
∨ (or) left or right cases expr with n₁ n₂
¬ (not) intro n apply expr or specialize name expr

Remark: traditional practice in literature uses for implication, uses for equivalence, and do not use notation for "and", "or" and "no".

In the left column of the following table, the parts in parentheses are optional. The effect of these parts is also in parentheses in the right column.

A manipulation acts on the goal by default, unless the use of hyp indicates that it acts on a certain hypothesis called hyp.

Tactic Effect
exact expr asserts that the goal is exactly expr
have n : fact introduces a statement named n asserting fact to be proved
unfold name (at hyp) unfolds the definition of name in the goal (or in the hypothesis hyp)
change expr (at hyp) transforms the goal (or hypothesis hyp) into the expression expr which is definitionally equal to the goal (or hyp)
rw (←) expr (at hyp) in the goal (or in the hypothesis hyp), replaces the object on the left (or right if ← is present) hand side of equality or equivalence expr by the object on the opposite side. The expression to replace must appear explicitly, sometimes you have to use unfold or change to ensure it
linarith deduce the goal by linear combination of the hypotheses
choose n₁ n₂ using expr uses the axiom of choice to produce from expr: ∀𝑥, ∃𝑦, 𝑃 (𝑥, 𝑦) a function 𝑥 ↦ 𝑦 (𝑥) verifying ∀𝑥, 𝑃 (𝑥, 𝑦 (𝑥))
exfalso apply the rule ex falso quod libet (from falsehood, anything follows)
by_contradiction n initiates a proof by contradiction, adding the negation of the goal to the hypotheses with the name n
by_cases n : expr split the proof into two cases depending on whether expr is true or false, this hypothesis is called n in either case
contrapose transforms the goal into its contrapositive, i.e. turns P → Q into ¬ Q → ¬ P
push_neg (at hyp) pushes negations in the goal (or hypothesis hyp), i.e. turns ¬ ∀ x, ∃ y, x ≤ y into ∃ x, ∀ y, y < x
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